Catching a four-meter-long tuna alive?


Everyone thought Ye Sihai was crazy.

but! !

If you really do it...!

Are all the fishermen in the world going crazy?

This will definitely be a legendary history.

I'm so excited just thinking about it, right?

The captain was more excited than anyone else:

"Mr. Ye, you must not do this. If the fish escapes, it will really be... oops!"


Lin Qi also advised:

"Yes, brother-in-law, you will regret it to death if you run away from the fish."

Ye Sihai shook his head and said lightly:

"Isn't it just a tuna? If it runs away... let Master Hui catch another one."

Lin Qi...!


Rich second generation...!

How to answer this?

For God's sake, kill this kid with a lightning strike.

Ye Sihai looked at the captain with a smile:

"Captain, I have observed this ship. There is a six-meter living water tank at the bottom of the ship, right?"

The captain swallowed hard, nodded subconsciously, but then shook his head:

"But there's nothing the tuna can do...!"

Ye Sihai shrugged and smiled easily:

"The living water tank is below the waterline. Just open both ends. There is a steel fence. The boat keeps moving. It will not die."

The tuna's gills have degenerated and it is unable to breathe. It can only get oxygen from the sea water by swimming.

So tuna must keep swimming throughout its life.

This is also the fundamental reason why fish is delicious.

The captain admired Ye Sihai so much:

"Mr. Ye, you are amazing."

Ye Sihai spread his hands:

"Isn't that great? This problem has been solved perfectly. Now we only need to consider how to send this big guy into the living water tank."

The captain reached out and touched his forehead.


This excited him.

Just listen to Mr. Ye, what he says makes sense.

I can't imagine what kind of sensation such a huge fish would cause when it was delivered to the dock of Japan.

Ye Sihai clapped his hands several times and shouted loudly:

"Move, move. Brother Qi, Brother Gang, come and help me. Brother Xiaoyu, take out your mobile phone and record the whole process. Everyone else please leave the deck."

"Captain, swing the crane over and use the widest strap."

"New recruits, old rules!"

Liu Hanhan let out a loud voice.

Ye Sihai took the fishing rod from Liu Hanhan and was almost dragged into the sea.

Lin Qi and Liu Gang quickly took action.

The three of them worked together to hold on to the fishing rod.

Do not let the fishing line rub against the side of the boat, unless it is a steel wire fishing line as thick as a chopstick, otherwise it will be broken in three or five strokes.

The crane came over, and Liu Hanhan took off his clothes. Wearing only a pair of tight pants, he grabbed the drawstring and jumped into the sea.

His bull-like body was completely incomparable to the bluefin tuna that was over four meters long.

Approaching quietly from the tail of the big tuna.

Wrap the fish tie around the tail.

After making sure the binding was secure, Liu Hanhan made a thumbs-up gesture.

The captain immediately started the crane slowly.

As the steel cable was slowly raised, the big tuna's tail swung a few times resignedly, and was then lifted out of the water.

Liu Xiaoyu was so excited that he was incoherent:

"Oh my God!"

"I am going crazy. I have never seen such a big bluefin tuna in my life, and I will never see it in the next life."

A few wealthy second-generation people hiding aside poked their heads in and sighed:

"That's awesome."

Another said:

"Why are you still hesitating? Do you have a sister?"

The other person held up his mobile phone and said:

"Don't think about it. Lin Laoqi is such a cunning person. He can think so highly of Ye Sihai. Do you really think he is stupid? This is about investment. Do you understand? He and Liu Gang have set up a new company, and the name is Sihai."

The person next to him glanced at him:

"Then why did you secretly take pictures of your sister Ye Sihai just now?"


The other party scratched his head:

"You know nothing. Before you get married, everything is possible. This boy is so amazing. A good brother-in-law is like a peerless beauty, something you can only meet but cannot ask for. People who don't have a sister are not worthy of understanding this."

"Get out!"

A group of older brothers are really worried about their younger sisters at home.

The four-meter-long bluefin tuna has been completely hoisted.

The crane has a weighing function.

The captain almost fainted after seeing the data.

"Eight hundred and thirty-eight kilograms, my God! Mazu bless you!"

Everyone was stunned.

There was a carnival on the deck:



“The world’s record for bluefin tuna fishing has been broken!”

"Ye Sihai, awesome!"

Lin Qi gritted her teeth, but did not dare to get too excited.

He was afraid that his heart wouldn't be able to bear it.

Liu Gang looked at Ye Sihai with a exhausted expression on the side, as if he had seen a ghost, and then he burst into a silly smile.

In the sea, Liu Hanhan quickly removed the hook from the mouth of the big tuna.

The captain immediately put the fish into the sea again.

You must put the fish into the live water tank as quickly as possible and then set off.

Otherwise, the fish will die within a few minutes.

This thing is too expensive.

After a lot of hard work, it took three minutes to successfully enter the cage.

The captain set sail immediately.

What a crapshoot.

No one is interested in fishing anymore.

Everyone gathered in the bottom cabin, taking photos of the big tuna.

The design of the live water tank just met Ye Sihai's needs.

The live water tank is two meters wide and six meters long, which can just hold the fish and prevent it from regaining strength and struggling.

This live water tank is actually a cage.

Many fishing boats have this kind of live water tank, in order to keep the seafood fresh to the greatest extent.

Ye Sihai has regained his composure.

It looks like a sharp contrast with a group of rich second-generations.

It's as if they caught this fish and it has nothing to do with Ye Sihai.

In fact, he was already very happy.

A four-meter-long southern bluefin tuna.

What kind of concept is this?


Ye Sihai remembered a sentence said by Lei Bus in his previous life.


What is the record for bluefin tuna caught in this world?

Three meters and fifty-eight.

The weight is six hundred kilograms, right?

This is a record from twenty years ago.

The World Fishing Organization has set up a special bonus pool. As the years go by, the bonus in the bonus pool is getting higher and higher.

The purpose is to stimulate everyone to break records.

Ye Sihai, this big fish, broke all the records of bluefin tuna.

It was still alive.

This is probably unprecedented, and it was broken by Ye Sihai himself.

Lin Qi stood beside Ye Sihai and said with some horror:

"Sihai, I don't dare to call you brother-in-law!"

Ye Sihai smiled and said:

"Can you still marry Qiaohua sister to someone else?"

Lin Qi twisted his mouth.

"Call Uncle Xiao, let him contact someone, and we will go directly to Japan."

Lin Qi was shocked:

"How do we go? Smuggle?"

Ye Sihai looked at him unhappily:

"Are you stupid? This boat has procedures. We only dock but don't get off the boat. If Uncle Xiao can contact a buyer with sufficient strength, he can guarantee that we can temporarily get off the boat."

Formal fishing boats all have docking agreements.

It is completely legal to dock at other countries' ports.

Because it needs to replenish supplies and materials.

Ye Sihai is very curious about how much this fish can be auctioned for.

It will definitely be a sky-high price.

But how high?

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