It doesn’t matter whether it is posted or not.

What matters is that Ye Sihai has never caught such a big tuna in his past and present lives.

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If you are not a fisherman, you can’t experience that kind of happiness.

It really makes people feel excited at the soul level.

The highest emotional value.

As for worrying that the big fish will get off the hook?

There is no need to worry about it.

Ye Sihai has rich experience in sea fishing, and Liu Hanhan is as strong as three cows. In the previous life, the two of them worked together perfectly, one with hands and the other with mouth.

In addition, tuna has a characteristic that it bites the hook very firmly, unless the fishing line is broken by brute force or the fish mouth is torn open.

A group of people surrounded the side of the boat, stretched their necks and watched Liu Hanhan fight with the fish.

Lin Qi was more nervous than anyone else, and kept muttering:

"God bless, God bless, God bless, bless my dear brother-in-law to catch a super big fish, Goddess Mazu bless, bless, this is the first order of Sihai Company, it must be a hit, bless, bless, I will make a golden statue for you when I go back."

The captain also ran over at this time. He was an old man who often went out to sea. He said calmly:

"It's a big guy. Look at this fishing line. I bet it's a big fish of at least 300 kilograms, or even 500 kilograms. I've seen it. A boss once caught a 700-kilogram marlin and it took eight hours to pull it."

The captain made the final decision:

"This is a protracted battle!"

A group of rich second-generations were all nervous and excited.

A 300-500-kilogram tuna?

It could also be a bluefin tuna?

When everyone looked at Ye Sihai again, their eyes changed.

Is the slap in the face so fast?

Everyone was concentrating on the sea, discussing in amazement.


One person screamed:


Everyone looked in the direction he pointed.

In fact, nothing can be seen on the dark sea.

But there are searchlights on the sea fishing boat, and the hull lights will be turned on at night.

Where the light shines, a column of snow-white water sprays into the sky.

Killer whale!!

Then one after another, water columns continued to spray around the sea fishing boat, completely surrounding the entire boat.

The captain's feet softened, and he looked at all this in horror, and then his eyes fell on Ye Sihai.

The captain was like looking at a god.

"What does this mean?"

"Is the killer whale here to grab food?"

"Are you stupid? This is clearly the killer whale helping to drive the fish."

Before the voice fell.


A huge sound of breaking water sounded in front of everyone.

A huge black figure jumped out of the water in public, flew over a distance of more than ten meters, and then slammed hard on the sea.

Everyone saw it clearly.

That was a...!

Three-meter-long bluefin tuna!

Its plump body shone with a black luster.

Ye Sihai was overjoyed.

This was not the king fish.

Then, the big tuna king fish was likely to have taken the bait.

Was it that Gray Master led the group of killer whales to help him hunt, so he scared the other two out of the water?

When everyone was still in shock.

Another three-meter-long bluefin tuna jumped out of the water.

Ye Sihai was completely relieved.

That's right.

The king fish was taken.

"Oh my God, oh my God!"

"What did I see?"

"Have we encountered a school of tuna?"

"What are you waiting for? Let's get started."

The captain stopped everyone without Ye Sihai saying anything.

"It's useless. There are no more fish."

Liu Gang and others looked at the captain anxiously.

The captain's face was a kind of palpitation left by extreme shock.

He looked at Ye Sihai, trying to suppress his excitement and explained:

"There are only three in total, they belong to... Mr. Ye, and the killer whales were driven by Mr. Ye to deliver the fish specifically for him."

Except for Lin Qi, the rest of the rich second generation all looked crazy.

Liu Xiaoyu stuttered and asked:

"Captain, why... why do you say that?"

The captain glanced at him and continued:

"What did you catch in two days? Mr. Ye caught a super big fish as soon as he made a move. You just saw that the killer whales clearly formed a circle and drove the fish to the surface of the water."

The captain sighed:

"I am even sure that the killer whale group we encountered before was summoned by Mr. Ye. He gave the order, and the killer whale group drove these three fish over."

The captain looked at Ye Sihai in awe:

"Mr. Ye, if I am not wrong, you must have gone to see the whale king just now, right?"

Ye Sihai smiled.

Some things are most afraid of someone over-interpreting them.

You can't explain it yet.

"Hehe, actually, I went to see Xiao Hui, the baby whale."

Feeling the green eyes of the hungry wolves around him, Ye Sihai couldn't help swallowing his saliva:

"The killer whale mother insisted that I be Xiao Hui's teacher. If I say that it was Master Hui who paid my tuition, would you... beat me?"

Lin Qi hugged Ye Sihai, his face flushed with excitement:

"Tuition, tuition, tuition, my dear brother-in-law, can you tell me how you did it?"

Ye Sihai looked innocent:

"It was when we went out to sea last time that we accidentally saved Xiao Hui's mother. Ah Mo knows about it. You can go back and ask him."

"Grass, grass, grass, grass!!!"

Lin Qi couldn't help but yell:

"Don't fool us, I don't believe it!"

Ye Sihai pushed him away:

"Believe it or not."

At this time, Liu Hanhan had already pulled the line down to only 30 meters.

On the sea, a circle of water columns kept spraying, and the water surface began to slowly surge.

It was obvious that Mr. Gray led the group of killer whales to complete the hunt.

The other two tunas are probably food in their mouths.

What a pity.

Ye Sihai felt a little heartbroken.

In the words of my sister Qiaohua, a lot of small money was gone.

Looking at the thick steel fishing line constantly drawing circles on the water, Ye Sihai knew that the fish king had no strength.

First driven away by the whale group, hungry, and then frightened by Mr. Gray with dozens of street urchins, let alone the fish king, the dragon king would be in trouble.

Liu Hanhan stared at the water with his green eyes.

He kept adjusting his hands, revealing rock-like muscles on his arms, full of explosiveness.

Everyone was watching Liu Hanhan's performance.

It was unimaginable that a person could easily pull up a big fish weighing hundreds of kilograms.

Although there were helpers, it was definitely not something that ordinary people could do.

"It's almost out of the water."

Ye Sihai immediately said to the captain:

"Captain, please prepare the crane."

The captain immediately agreed and quickly took his place.

In addition, he loudly ordered a crew member:

"Get a bleeding knife."

A crew member immediately ran back to the cabin to get the knife.

If you catch the top-notch bluefin tuna, you need to strictly follow two processes.


Acid removal.

If any process is not done well, it will affect the meat quality rating.

The price will be even more different.

That's the difference between one thousand dollars and thirty thousand dollars per kilogram.

The big tuna is still going through the final crazy struggle.

Liu Hanhan kept relaxing and reeling in the fishing line.

He was also soaked in sweat.


A super bluefin tuna surfaced.

It was not the 3.78 meters long that Ye Sihai estimated, but a fish body of more than 4 meters.

Lin Qi was so excited that he danced with joy:

"It's a fortune, what a beautiful big fish."

Liu Hanhan also laughed:

"Boss, kill it!"

Several guys hurriedly tried to get the harpoon.

Ye Sihai shouted loudly:


Everyone was stunned.

Ye Sihai suddenly smiled strangely:

"A living super big fish king is more valuable than a dead one, right?"

Lin Qi and others took a breath of cold air.

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