Ye Sihai looked in the direction of the little gray head.

Although the seabed in this area is flat, there are many reefs of various types.

Above the floating seaweed, there are fish schools constantly eating.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimps, and shrimps eat seaweed.


Different water layers are equivalent to a strictly hierarchical society.

When big fish catch other small fish, they have to be wary of being eaten by bigger fish.

Ye Sihai looked for a long time and finally determined the target.

A thousand meters away, a water layer with a depth of 300 meters.

Three tunas with a length of more than three meters lined up together, ready to hunt.

Ye Sihai was overjoyed.

These three big tunas have entered his perception range.

The body length of the three tunas is more than three meters, and the largest one even reaches 3.78 meters.

Ye Sihai felt a surge of blood rushing to his forehead.

In his previous life, he had never encountered such a super bluefin tuna.

As expected, he needed a helper.

Mr. Hui is reliable.

Did I charge too much for this tuition?

Don't get excited.

Don't get excited.

It's not certain whether you can catch fish.

Ye Sihai forced himself to calm down.

These are three top-level southern bluefin tuna, nicknamed the Rolls-Royce of tuna.

Ordinary tuna is not expensive. You can buy a 200-300 kilogram tuna for tens of thousands of yuan.

But tuna is divided into meat quality, type, and grade.

There is no doubt that any of these three southern bluefin tuna is absolutely a sky-high price among sky-high prices.

They must have been chased too hard by the killer whales, and these three fish were starving, so they were ready to eat.

For all the fish in this sea area, these three tuna over three meters long are equivalent to top killers.

The fish school has already noticed their arrival.

The fish schools that were close began to flee in panic, and the fish schools that were far away also felt the danger and were leaving quickly.

Looking at these three big guys, Ye Sihai had an urge to hug Xiao Hui and give him a big kiss.

The rest was much easier to deal with.

The three big guys had already entered his perception range.

Although he couldn't control them, he could use perception to influence other fish schools.

Slowly lure them through the fish school to his bait.


Pour all the nesting materials on the boat.

The rest was left to fate.

The three big tunas that escaped from the mouths of the killer whales began to swing their tails excitedly.

This was a sign that they were going to speed up their sprint.

Ye Sihai hurriedly concentrated on mobilizing his perception.

He slowly controlled the fish school with the signals sent by his perception.

The fish schools that the three big tuna wanted to prey on fled in advance.

The route left for them was the trap that Ye Sihai deliberately set up.

The three fish were tired and hungry, and completely ignored the possible danger.

The three big tuna were furious when they saw the fish fleeing.

Ye Sihai quickly asked Xiao Hui to leave.

I was kidding.

No matter how small Xiao Hui was, he was still a killer whale.

The three big tuna sensed Xiao Hui's signal and would probably flee immediately.


I don't ask for three, just one will do.

The perception had clearly fed back the precise information of the three big tunas.

All three fish had lived for more than 20 years.

The largest one weighed a terrifying 850 kilograms.

A real behemoth!

Ye Sihai himself was confused.

What was the world sea fishing record for bluefin tuna in the previous life?

690 kilograms.

This world also has a world sea fishing organization, and breaking the record also has a generous bonus.

It seems to be...!

Three million US dollars?

Ye Sihai tried hard to suppress the excitement of his nosebleed.

Killing two birds with one stone.

One money from selling fish, one money from bonus.


This is definitely a king fish.

A king fish that shocked the world and broke the world record!

This shock is too great.

No sea angler can resist this kind of temptation and excitement.

It can't be said to be a dream come true, it's simply... something you can't even dream of.

Ye Sihai is already imagining the expressions on Lin Qi and others' faces.

It's estimated that they may not be able to go out to sea for sea fishing in the second half of their lives.

Am I too much?

How can I say it's too much?

I'm helping those guys save money.

Look at their equipment, which costs hundreds of thousands of yuan. What can't they do with this money?

Donate it to the orphanage welfare home.

That's right!

I'm doing good things.

Ye Sihai carefully set up all the traps with his perception.

He quickly got up and ran towards the deck fishing platform at the stern.

"New recruits!"

Liu Hanhan's reaction was amazing when he heard his shout.

As strong as a tank, as agile as a leopard.

"Boss, here."

Ye Sihai quickly collected the fishing rod and gave instructions in an orderly manner.

"Prepare the bait, all of it."

Liu Hanhan often followed Ye Sihai to go fishing in the sea in his previous life, and he was already familiar with the process.

He roared and immediately got busy.

Buckets of fish pieces, octopus, fish oil, fish liver, and shrimp were all poured into two large barrels.

The group of people on the deck were stunned.

"What is this kid doing?"

"Damn it, he's not just showing off, is he?"

"It's possible that young people are saving face and are afraid that we will laugh at them."

"Sihai, stop being busy. If you can't catch it, my brothers won't laugh at you."

"It's just that you are still young. You will know after you go to sea a few more times."

"Yes, the Air Force is not shameful. What is shameful is the Air Force."


Ye Sihai had no time to deal with these bastards.

The Air Force, right?

Not shameful, right?

Just wait for me.

He quickly loaded the bait and then swung his rod to release the line:

"Recruits, all fall down!"

Liu Hanhan raised a 70 to 80 kilogram white plastic bucket with one hand, roared, and poured the two buckets into the sea at the same time.

This hand shocked Lin Qi and others into jaws.

"Am I dazzled?"

"This big guy...!"

"Hiss! Damn it!"

"Can he tear up the Japanese with his own hands?"

"I don't know about that. I should have no problem tearing you apart."

Everyone stopped fishing and gathered on the deck, drinking beer and making sarcastic remarks.

A few minutes passed.

The heavy trolling rod in Ye Sihai's hand suddenly bent sharply.

Fortunately, he had already made preparations and fixed the fishing rod on the turret.

Hit the fish!

Hit a big fish!

Ye Sihai knew by the feel of it that it must be one of the three golden spears.

As for whether it is the 3.78 meter fish king, it really depends on God's will.

"Recruit, come on!!"

Ye Sihai roared angrily.

There was no way, his strength was completely gone, and the fishing rod couldn't stay stuck on the turret.

That will inevitably lead to decoupling.

Liu Hanhan had been waiting aside for a long time.

He often did this kind of thing in his previous life.


Lin Qi jumped up in surprise:

"Did you really catch a fish?"

Liu Gang, Liu Xiaoyu and others looked at each other.

There is no doubt that I hit the target.

It's a heavy trolling rod. It's not a super big fish. How can it be pulled into that arc?

Besides bluefin tuna, what else?

Because in this sea area, the bluefin tuna is the largest.

A group of rich second-generation people ran over in a mess.

When Ye Sihai saw this scene, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile, and said lightly:

"Look at you, what do you look like? Have you never seen the world?"

Lin Qi...!

Liu Gang...!

Liu Xiaoyu...!

Rich second generation...!

Damn it! !

We want to hit him so bad!

The next moment, Ye Sihai suddenly looked up to the sky and roared:

"I've posted it! Hahaha, I've posted it!!"

Everyone looked at each other again.

Is this kid going crazy?

Why did you post it?

Haven't caught it yet?

Lin Qi was so excited that her whole body shook.

My brother-in-law is calm.

Twenty million people didn’t see him excited.

He said it happened...!

That must be...!


Sihai Company’s first order!


What did you catch?

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