For many days to come.

Ye Sihai had a very relaxed life.

During the day, I slept until I woke up naturally, and wandered around when I had nothing to do. At five o'clock in the evening, I took a group of teenagers to catch the sea.

There are enviable gains every time.

There seems to be endless butter crabs, with thirty to fifty kilograms caught every day.

It was as if the butter crab crawled to Ye Sihai's feet right on time and let him catch it.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

The other people who rushed to the sea were already numb.

Ye Sihai's other seafood products were also very fruitful.

The most irritating thing is that Ye Sihai catches all the big stuff.

Not heavy enough.

Don't want if the size is too small.

Don't want it if it's not in good condition.

Just tell me whether you are angry or not.

Armor bought his new motorcycle, a red Ducati street car, which cost him more than 300,000 yuan.

My brother-in-law rides his little red motorcycle every day, following behind Ye Sihai proudly.

During this period, Professor Chen sent Ye Sihai several design drawings, and Ye Sihai was very satisfied.

Professor Chen also did something that made Ye Sihai dumbfounded.

He published the modern poem facing the sea with spring flowers blooming in the name of Haizi.

By the way, he also helped Ye Sihai get a royalties of 3,000 yuan.

Once this modern poem was published, it immediately caused a moderate sensation.

Many people asked who this Haizi was.

Professor Chen did a good job of keeping secret and did not expose Ye Sihai.

Ye Sihai couldn't blame Professor Chen, he had to say thank you to him.

He also secretly took Liu Hanhan to the pier every day at the hottest time of three or four in the afternoon to summon baby killer whales to continue the breeding plan.

This matter is very confidential, and only Liu Hanhan knows about it.

So it's the first day of the month.

Today is the day when the Lin family holds a college entrance banquet for Qiaohua girl.

The Lin family attaches great importance to this banquet, and the invited guests are also important.

Aunt Mei also received a very formal invitation.

Qiaohuamei goes to Mei's house almost every day, but the invitations are delivered by Lin Qi personally as a sign of respect.

After Aunt Mei received the invitation, she was nervous for several days.

Because the names of Mei Ziqiang and Mei Ting were also written on the invitation.

But the Lin family's etiquette was in place, and it was impossible for Aunt Mei to really call back her son and daughter to take them with her.

After all, the reason why the Lin family is so formal is not because of the Mei family.

Aunt Mei was secretly worried about Ye Sihai.

The gap between Sihai and the Lin family is too big.

She was afraid that Sihai would be harassed and embarrassed at the banquet.

As a village woman, she had no knowledge and could not speak, so she could not help at all.

"Sihai, I'd better... not go."

Aunt Mei looked at Ye Sihai with some embarrassment:

"You go with the new soldiers. If the guests of the Lin family make things difficult for you, you... must endure it."

Ye Sihai couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh, my mother, go and change your clothes. Qiaohua girl has specially ordered a cheongsam for you. Come on, go on, there's no time to rush."

At this moment, there was a roar of motorcycles outside the door.

Ye Sihai knew without looking that it was his slutty brother-in-law who was here.

Ever since this kid got his little red motorcycle, his tail has almost reached the sky these days.

As for the game console that he had been thinking about for a year, he forgot about it as soon as he bought it.

When I have no money, the game console worth 30,000 yuan is Bai Yueguang.

Now I have money.


A game console worth 30,000 yuan?

Who plays that crap?

This boy Amo's scumbag potential was exposed a little too early.

"Boss, beautiful."

Liu Hanhan raised his hand and pointed at the girl who walked in from the door.

Qiaohua girl is so dressed up today that itโ€™s hard to take your eyes off her.

She was wearing a pair of red leather shoes and a light pink dress.

The figure is tall and well proportioned.

Her hair, which was usually piled up in balls, turned into a waterfall and hung down on her shoulders.

Qiaohuamei put on makeup carefully and looked like a fairy girl in a painting.

Beautiful, youthful and energetic.

She seemed to be walking against the wind, her steps swaying gently, gracefully and naturally, as if the world was at her feet.

Ye Sihai couldn't move his eyes away at all.

This is my girl!

He suddenly had the urge to rush forward and hug her.

Qiaohua girl's face turned red, she turned around to Ye Sihai with some excitement, and asked:

"is it beautiful?"

"Not pretty."

Ye Sihai touched her head:

"You are the most beautiful, classmate Lin Qiaohua, you are the most beautiful in the world."


Qiaohua girl shyly turned to Aunt Mei and said:

"Auntie, did you give Ye Sihai some honey this morning?"

Aunt Mei held her hand lovingly:

"Our Qiaohua girl has followed my family all over the world. You are really wronged."

Ye Sihai immediately protested:

"Auntie, who is your child?"

"It's all, it's all."

Aunt Mei smiled so hard that she couldn't even close her mouth.

"Oh, go and change your clothes quickly. We'll leave right away. My seventh brother is still waiting outside."

Qiaohuamei dragged Aunt Mei out of the room.

Ah Mo also wore new clothes today, and one look at them showed that they were high-end goods that this kid bought a few days ago.

"Brother-in-law, be careful today. My eldest brother told you to give you a good look."

Ye Sihai is not false at all:

"Isn't it just drinking? Who's afraid of who, new soldier? When I get drunk, remember to carry me back."

"Okay, boss."

Liu Hanhan agreed obediently.

Then he looked at A'mo with a puzzled look, because today's A'mo seemed different from usual.

"You, there's dust on your face."

A'mo was stunned and panicked:

"Bullshit, you have dust."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Ye Sihai looked at Liu Hanhan in confusion.

Liu Hanhan wiped his face with a palm-leaf fan:

"There's dust, white."

Ye Sihai almost spit it out.

No wonder A'mo looks a lot whiter today.

He also put on makeup.


I laughed to death.

How could a boy at the seaside, who is exposed to strong ultraviolet rays every day, be a white-faced scholar?

If there's no color on your face, you'd be embarrassed to play with others.

A'mo is much better than Liu Xiaoer and others. He is definitely the whitest among them, but he also has a wheat-colored skin.

I must have been forced by Qiaohua to put on makeup today.

"New soldier, you have such good eyesight?"

Liu Hanhan laughed:


Ye Sihai also looked brand new today, but not as showy as Ah Mo.

Just simple sneakers, jeans, and a light red T-shirt.

With his healthy complexion and slender and upright body, he looked calm and restrained.

More than ten minutes later, Qiaohua ran out:

"Please welcome our dear Aunt Mei."

Aunt Mei came out a little shyly.

She was wearing a cheongsam that was cut very well.

The style was simple, and the material was not luxurious silk, but it gave people a feeling of carrying the years.

Aunt Mei's face was slightly red, and the wrinkles were the traces left by the years.

She looked so plain and unpretentious, but also tough and simple.

The elegance of the cheongsam and this atmosphere blended together to form a unique style.

On her wrist, the bright red giant clam bracelet is just the right embellishment, giving people a simple and moving beauty.

Aunt Mei embodies the hard work and beauty of life.

"Aunt, you are so beautiful today."

Ye Sihai walked up and hugged her gently.

Although I couldn't shout it out.

But this is my mother!


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