Qiaohuamei pulled Aunt Mei into Lin Qi's Mercedes-Benz.

Ah Mo insisted on carrying Ye Sihai on his back.

Liu Hanhan was so big that he was stuffed into Lin Qi's co-pilot.

The distance from Ye's house to Lin's house is only two kilometers.

When we arrived at Lin's house, there were already cars parked at the door.

They are all high-end luxury cars.

Lin Changqing and his wife actually greeted them at the door in person.

Liu Hanhan jumped out of the car first.

Although they met at the pier, Lin Changqing and his wife were still shocked.

How could someone be so big at fifteen?

Qiaohuamei held Aunt Mei on her arm and said with a smile on her face:

"Auntie, my parents are here to greet you."

Aunt May was nervous.

She had been worried about the Lin family's attitude towards Sihai.

Because everyone would be curious, why Qiaohua girl likes Sihai Lin family so much and doesn't object.

Ye Sihai was too poor.

Who wants their daughter to suffer?

Later, Aunt Mei gradually understood.

Sihai is so excellent, who wouldn't like it?

Sometimes Aunt Mei also thinks that if the second daughter hadn't gotten married so early, maybe...!

Of course, if Sihai is so good, his second daughter may not be worthy of him.

"A girl from the Mei family."

Huang Yijun greeted him enthusiastically, stretched out his hand and held Aunt Mei's hand:

"Qiaohua has caused you trouble."

Aunt Mei hurriedly said in a panic:

"No, no, it's not too late for me to like her."

As the head of the family, Lin Changqing did not rush to greet them, but stood there and greeted them with a smile.

"Mei sister, welcome to my humble home. We will have to move around a lot in the future."

Aunt Mei became more and more nervous:

"Boss Lin, excuse me."

Lin Changqing's face was stern:

"It's wrong to say that, sister of the Mei family, we will be a family from now on. Qiaohua has to ask you to take good care of her. This child has been spoiled by us, no matter how big or small, so you have to be more tolerant."

Qiaohua girl immediately protested dissatisfied:

"Who said I'm neither old nor young? Auntie, am I neither old nor young?"

Everyone laughed immediately.

Ye Sihai took the box from Liu Hanhan and walked to Lin Changqing:

"Uncle Lin, small gifts are not disrespectful."

Lin Changqing looked at him with a half-smile, and pointed at the box:

"Boy, you don't want to trick my Qiaohua away with a broken stone, do you?"

Huang Yijun also looked at Ye Sihai with a smile.

Ye Sihai acted calmly and generously, as if he were having a conversation between equals:

"Uncle, you are thinking too much. This is just a little filial piety from the younger generation to the elders. I made a promise to Qiaohua sister that I will definitely marry her under the colorful clouds."

Qiaohua girl blushed with embarrassment, covered her face with an ouch and ran away.

Everyone laughed again.

Lin Changqing took the gift and handed it to Lin Qi beside him. Then he reached out and patted Ye Sihai heavily on the shoulder:

"I hope you will keep your promise. I will not marry a girl unless I can see the colorful clouds."

Many guests of the Lin family were shocked when they saw this scene.

None of them knew that the daughter of the Lin family actually had a boyfriend.

Moreover, the Lin family's attitude toward the boy was so affectionate.

It looks like this marriage is a done deal.

Many people are watching the daughter of the Lin family.

The girl from the Lin family seems to have a prosperous destiny. Who wouldn't want to marry her and become the wife of the family?

Now it seems that it is a bit late.

The Lin family's banquet was held on the rooftop of the top floor, with ten tables set up. The banquet guests were all recent best friends, family friends, and partners.

Huang Yijun held Aunt Mei's arm like a sister, and Ye Sihai followed behind Aunt Mei. Wherever he went, guests came up to say hello.

Although Aunt Mei was panicked, she was not rude.

It's just that compared with a group of rich ladies who are luxuriously dressed and pampered, they seem a bit out of place.

Fortunately, Qiaohua girl hugged Aunt Mei's arm in front of everyone and was very affectionate.

"Mei sister, please sit down, and this...your name is Liu Xinbing, right? Please sit down too."

Lin Changqing personally settled Aunt Mei, and then left with his wife to greet other guests.

"Auntie, don't be nervous, we won't deal with them anyway."

Qiaohuamei stayed with Aunt Mei, whispered into Aunt Mei's ear:

"Actually, I don't like them. They are too utilitarian."

Aunt Mei smiled and patted her hand:

"Don't say that, those are your parents' friends."


Qiaohua girl curled her lips.

Aunt Mei glanced around and found that Ye Sihai was no longer there. She suddenly asked nervously:

"What about Sihai? Your brother and the others won't make things difficult for him, right?"

Qiaohua girl giggled:

"It must be difficult to be embarrassed. Otherwise, wouldn't it seem that they don't love me?"

Aunt Mei was suddenly speechless.

That's right.

If it were your daughter who brought back a little yellow hair, could you not take stock of it?

Ye Sihai was called away by Lin Qi.

Lin Qi walked in the front and Amo walked in the back, just like escorting Ye Sihai to the execution ground.

Lin Qihai thought Ye Sihai would be nervous.

But he looked back and was disappointed.

Not only was Ye Sihai not nervous, he was also interested in looking at the decoration of his home.

Seeing the relaxed look on his face, Lin Qi suddenly felt a little unhappy.

This kid is a little too calm.

I'll have something nice for you soon.

Ye Sihai knew it well.

The test of the Lin family will not come from the parents, but from Qiaohuamei's brothers.

So he did enough work in advance.

Lin Changqing and his wife got married very early.

When Lin Da was born, Qiaohuamei's mother was only 19 years old.

After that, she had a child almost every two years, as prolific as that.

Pregnant for a year, taking care of the body for a year, and then coming again.

Until A-Mo was born, Huang Yijun was almost 45 years old, so she stopped having children.

If it were in other places, it would be unimaginable to have children like this.

But this is the tradition in the Minhai area.

The richer you are, the more you can give birth and raise children, which is also a sign of the prosperity of the family.

If the family has no money, who dares to give birth?

Just like Ye Sihai, his parents only dare to have one child.

Lin Da's son is 18 years old this year, the same age as Ye Sihai.

Lin Qi brought Ye Sihai to a mahogany door.

Push the door open.


Ye Sihai was slightly surprised.

What a big scene.

Lin Qi stood by the door, looking at Ye Sihai with a smug look on his face.

This is a large room of 200 square meters, obviously a conference room.

It was just rearranged.

Facing the door is a row of large mahogany chairs.

The large mahogany chairs are arranged in pairs, facing the door.

Starting from the left, the Lins sat with their five children behind them.

Then came Lin Er, Lin San, and all the way to Lin Qi, all couples.

Lin Qi is also married, but has no children yet.

Only Lin Ba is alone, he is only 21 this year, studying in Beijing, and will graduate in a year.

Everyone looked at Ye Sihai.

The brothers had murderous eyes.

The sisters-in-law looked like they were watching a play.

The more than 20 nephews and nieces behind them looked at Ye Sihai with much more vivid eyes.

Curious, surprised, admired, envied, and disgusted.

Lin Da, who is forty-two-three years old, looked at Ye Sihai with squinted eyes:

"Boy, the toad wants to eat swan meat, why do you marry my sister?"

Ye Sihai clenched his fists with a smile:

"Based on this."

It was as if a cold wind was blowing.

The whole house was quiet.

Lin Da jumped up and rushed towards Ye Sihai with a roar:

"Beibei, I'll beat you to death!"

Lin Qi's soul was shattered.

Why is it like this?

"Big brother, big brother, big brother, don't do this, don't do this."

Lin Qi hugged her elder brother and kept blinking at Ye Sihai.

Ye Sihai opened his palms with an aggrieved look.

In the palm of his hand was a shining ruby ​​polished by a blood clam.

This time it was Lin Qi's turn to be furious.

He let go of his elder brother:

"beat him!"

Ye Sihai is so depressed.

Eight Hearts and Eight Arrows, the top craftsmanship of diamond cutting.

Can’t you still represent my heart?

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