Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 46 The most handsome guy in the night market

A few dollars is not important.

What matters is the fun of bargaining.

The old lady is obviously very good at providing emotional value. She is a qualified supporting role and fully satisfies Ye Sihai's little interests.

He stopped and looked along the way and bought a lot of small things.

Ye Sihai saw Liu Hanhan carrying a large bag of ice cream again.

This time he was not as generous as before.

He looked around furtively and made sure that there were no children following him before running back to Ye Sihai.

Aunt Mei next to him smiled so much that her face had many more wrinkles.

Where is Qiaohua?

Ye Sihai was about to ask when Qiaohua appeared from behind him.

Seeing what she had in her hand, Ye Sihai was surprised:

"Where did you buy the grilled squid?"

Qiaohua first handed a string to Aunt Mei, and then gave a few strings to Liu Hanhan, and then he started to eat it himself.

"Where's mine?"

Qiaohua glared at Ye Sihai unhappily:

"Don't worry, we'll have half each."

Ye Sihai's old face turned slightly red...!

This girl doesn't know how to hide her emotions at all.

Auntie Mei showed a mischievous smile on her face.

After eating the half string of squid left by Qiaohua, Ye Sihai felt a little hungry.

He pointed to a snack stand not far away and asked:

"What do you want to eat?"

Although Qiaohua didn't answer him, Ye Sihai still knew what she meant.

If she didn't answer, it means she wanted to eat everything.

I'll make you fat!

"What are you thinking about?"

Qiaohua looked at Ye Sihai with burning eyes.

"Nothing, I..."


Qiaohua sister yelled at Liu Hanhan:

"New soldier, your boss thinks I'm fat."

Liu Hanhan was completely bought by Qiaohua's job today. He immediately turned around and looked at Ye Sihai seriously and said:

"Boss, I'm not fat."

Qiaohua sister pretended to be pitiful and said:

"New soldier, what if I get fat and your boss doesn't want me anymore?"

Liu Hanhan immediately patted his chest:

"I want it!"

Qiaohua sister was immediately embarrassed and kicked him:

"You pig head, who wants to follow you!"

Liu Hanhan slapped the back of his head and grinned happily.

Auntie Mei watched the three children playing on the side, and she felt an unprecedented warmth in her heart.

She was tired for half her life, and even when she raised her own children, she didn't feel as relaxed as she did now.

When her husband comes back from the sea, she is not going to let him go to sea again.

There is Sihai at home.

Although I didn't think of asking him to repay me, I shouldn't let him down.

The four of them walked and stopped, and came to the snack night market.

Although the night market is not big, there are a lot of people.

These traders are not from this town.

There are all kinds of food, and the aromas mixed together are unique.

Liu Hanhan suddenly became hungry.

He ate an ice cream and a skewer of grilled squid, and his stomach was still rumbling.

Ye Sihai almost kicked this fool to death.

It is estimated that this night market will cause a sensation tonight.

But the night market owner must be very happy.

Such a rice bucket is the favorite of all night market owners.

After finding a seat and sitting down, Ye Sihai said directly:

"New soldier, what do you want to eat? Choose it yourself, whatever you want."

"Well, can you eat everything?"

It is true.

Qiaohuamei smiled happily, pointing to a chicken rack shop next to her and said:

"Go buy ten chicken racks first."

Liu Hanhan walked over obediently.

The young couple selling chicken racks were shocked to hear that he wanted ten, and then they started working immediately.

Big business is coming.

"Auntie, what do you want to eat?"

Auntie Mei smiled and said:

"I'll just have a fried rice."

Ye Sihai stood up and said:

"I'll go buy it, you sit and wait for me."

Qiaohuamei stood up and took Ye Sihai's arm:

"Let's go together, I want to eat some mutton skewers."

"Okay, but don't eat too much, it's really easy to gain weight."

Qiaohuamei snorted and secretly pinched Ye Sihai's arm.

Ye Sihai bought her mutton skewers, fried rice for Auntie Mei, and some oden.

He also bought himself a spicy hot pot.

When he returned to his seat, Liu Hanhan was already in a mess.

Ten roasted chicken racks were enough for ten people, but they were only for Liu Hanhan.

The crispy roasted chicken racks went into his mouth, and he didn't even spit out the bones.


The guests around were stunned.

Where did this beast come from?

Aunt Mei handed him a napkin:

"Eat slowly, don't rush."

But Liu Hanhan didn't care as long as he had food.

He was probably hungry.

Let alone other things, just the way Liu Hanhan ate made Ye Sihai feel hungry.

"Boss, you eat too!"

Liu Hanhan even knew to share with the boss.

Qiaohua sister cheered Liu Hanhan on the side.

Ye Sihai suddenly felt a faint sense of shame.

Don't bring the glutton at home out to embarrass yourself in the future.

He handed the fried rice to Aunt Mei, opened the oden, and lowered his head to eat his spicy hot pot.

But after taking a bite, he thought that Liu Hanhan's chicken rack was delicious, right?

After tasting it, it tasted really good.

So one, two, three.

Liu Hanhan was a little anxious.

He stared at Ye Sihai with a pair of mung bean eyes, blinking and blinking, but he was too embarrassed to go back on what he just said.

Such a small appearance...!

Ye Sihai was so happy.

He reached out and punched him hard on the head, and said angrily:

"Go buy it after you finish eating!"

Liu Hanhan nodded with satisfaction.

Qiaohuamei sat next to Ye Sihai, suddenly leaned into his ear and whispered with a smile:

"Let's be careful."

Ye Sihai suddenly looked around with some vigilance.

He thought it was Zhao Kai who was looking for trouble again.

Unexpectedly, Qiaohua girl asked in surprise:

"What's wrong with you? What are you looking for?"

Ye Sihai said strangely:

"Didn't you tell me to be careful?"

Qiaohuamei glared at him:

"I mean, we have to be careful not to be discovered by my workers. They will go back and complain."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile:

"What are you afraid of?"

Qiaohuamei took a bite of mutton skewers, then sighed and said to Ye Sihai:

"You don't know, I'm very stressed."


Ye Sihai curled his lips.

"Really, look, I am so beautiful, so rich, and have a good personality. I have many brothers at home, including my parents. They are very curious, why do I like you?"

Ye Sihai...!

Aunt Mei couldn't help but laugh:

"That's right, our Qiaohua girl is so good, Sihai, you have to be content."

Ye Sihai looked at Lin Qiaohua and said seriously:

"Thank you, classmate Lin Qiaohua, thank you for liking me."

Qiaohuamei reached out and touched his head:

"be good."

Do you touch the cat?

Seeing her smile, Ye Sihai also laughed.

Who told me to meet such a cute little girlfriend?

What else can be done?

Pamper her and love her.

This meal took almost two hours to eat.

Liu Hanhan has indeed become the most handsome boy in the night market.

While others are eating, he is shopping.

The night market owner probably closed the stall early for the first time, or there were no ingredients left.

Ye Sihai, Qiao Hua Mei, and Aunt Mei all ate a hundred yuan together.

Liu Hanhan made eight hundred by himself.

Roast chicken rack three hundred.

One hundred mutton skewers.

One hundred for five servings of fried rice.

Malatang served directly to the pot, one hundred.

There are also two hundred full of various snacks.

What a night full of food.

If there were no cheats to meet Liu Hanhan and let him eat like this every day, Ye Sihai would probably jump into the sea again.

Can't survive.

It's impossible to live on.

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