Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 23 Who doesn’t want to have a good brother-in-law?

"Our Sihai team will have a charter and work as a team in the future."

"Every afternoon at five o'clock, we must gather at my house on time."

Liu Xiaoer and others nodded in a hurry.

"Amo, you will be the deputy captain of the Sihai team."

Ye Sihai was the first to name his brother-in-law.

The boy had a lot of resentment on his face, and he was obviously jealous of Liu Hanhan.

Amo's eyes lit up when he heard that he was the deputy captain.

Ye Sihai continued:

"Aunt Mei, starting tomorrow, you can no longer do odd jobs, you will be responsible for our logistics."

Aunt Mei shook her head, but was interrupted by Ye Sihai in a domineering manner:

"Please listen to me."

Aunt Mei glanced at him, said nothing, and waited for his next words.

Ye Sihai continued:

"Every night, I will prepare a meal for everyone, with roast goose and roast suckling pig, and I will keep some seafood for myself."

Looking at the excited expressions on everyone's faces, Ye Sihai was quite satisfied:

"So Aunt Mei, you have to take care of purchasing and cooking, and now there are new soldiers, you have seen how much he eats, you have to buy a big rice cooker."

Aunt Mei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she had to nod.

Ye Sihai glanced at the little guys again and understood what they meant.

"Amo, my cooperation with you is still valid, you get one and I get nine."

Amo was so happy that his eyebrows flew, but he quickly said:

"Then you have to promise that your wife won't steal my pocket money."

The teenagers burst into laughter.

Aunt Mei also smiled.

Qiaohua's face turned red, but she rarely said anything, just glared at her brother.

Ye Sihai laughed and scolded, saying:

"Don't worry, if you are afraid that she will steal yours, you can keep it with me."

Amo waved his hands in fear:

"No, no, no, I want to save it myself."

Ye Sihai ignored him and continued:

"Liu Xiaoer, are you five going to calculate it based on 1,000 yuan each time, or based on the proportion of daily shipments?"

Cheng Jiashu was the smartest among the teenagers, and asked timidly:

"Brother Sihai, how do we calculate the proportion?"

Ye Sihai had already figured it out in his mind, and said directly:

"Amo is the deputy captain, so he accounts for ten percent First, you are just minions, you can only take 1%! "

Cheng Jiashu blinked for a long time, then gritted his teeth:

"Brother Sihai, then we will calculate it according to the proportion, it will be 1%."

Ye Sihai asked with a smile:

"You have to think about it, not every night, you can find the nest of butter crabs like that night, maybe you can earn more with a fixed salary."

Liu Xiaoer said firmly:

"Brother Sihai, we don't want a fixed salary, we share the risk, the more we catch, the more we share, if we catch less, we will share less."

The other three teenagers also expressed their opinions.

Ye Sihai smiled and nodded, got up and went outside, and when he came back, there was an extra contract in his hand.

He handed it to Aunt Mei first:

"There is no rule without rules, of course I will not take advantage of you, just signing a contract can avoid a lot of trouble."

These teenagers must have followed Ye Sihai and it is impossible for them to suffer losses.

But people's hearts are not the same as before.

Ye Sihai knows his ability, and these teenagers will definitely become the envy of others in the future.

But many things will slowly change.

Are there not enough people who are worried about the lack of food and the inequality of food?

We must ensure that the teenagers will not have any resentment.

There will definitely be all kinds of voices in their families.

Even if there are any problems at that time, it is better to get together and part ways amicably.

Aunt Mei didn't expect Ye Sihai to be so well prepared.

She read it with some amusement and then handed it to Qiaohuamei.

After everyone finished reading it, they pressed their fingerprints on the contract.

At Ye Sihai's strong request, Aunt Mei also pressed it.

Ye Sihai handed the contract to Aunt Mei for safekeeping, and the Sihai Sea Hunting Team was officially established.

Sea hunting does not delay other things at all. Even if these teenagers go to school, the school will be over at four o'clock, and everyone will gather at five o'clock, which is more than enough time.

As for whether their families will object, this is obviously not the case.

Ye Sihai is now famous, and many families want to send their children to join him.

Ye Sihai is so generous.

A 15-year-old kid gets a thousand yuan for carrying a few buckets, and gets a share of big blue crabs.

Where can you find such a good boss?

"Am I dreaming?"

The youngest boy, Shui Yi, waved his arms and shouted excitedly.

He hasn't been so happy for a long time.

Shui Yi's family is not well off, and he was bullied by others when he went to the sea. It was Ah Mo who took care of him all the time.

The money he earned these two times was more than what he earned in half a month.

So he was particularly happy.

Ye Sihai reached out and punched Shui Yi's head lightly, saying:

"Shui Yi, do you still have the fishing net your mother wove?"

Shui Yi was stunned, and said in great surprise:

"Brother Si Hai, there are still some, how many meters do you want?"

Ye Sihai shook his head with a smile:

"I want a 50-meter net with a mesh size of seven fingers."

The mesh size of the fishing net is represented by fingers.

The fish caught by the seven-finger fishing net is at least five to twenty kilograms.

Casting a net in the ocean is different from casting a net in a river. The ocean water flows according to the tides, while the river water is constrained by the river channel and has a fixed direction.

So to cast a net in the ocean, you just need to cast the net in front of the fish school.

A 50-meter fishing net costs only 1,000 yuan.

Now many people no longer use handmade fishing nets, they buy them online.

Shuiyi's mother is in poor health and can only weave nets at home to supplement the family income. His father has to unload goods at the dock during the day and go to the sea at night, and their life is quite tight.

Ye Sihai took out his mobile phone and scanned 1,500 yuan for Shuiyi directly, and said with a smile:

"Give me 500 more, and ask your mother to help me make the fishing net more secure."

Shuiyi nodded repeatedly, very happy.

The boy was a little inferior, which made Ye Sihai see his former self.

But the smile on his face was very satisfied.

Aunt Mei was a little surprised.

"Sihai, are you going to go out to sea?"

Ye Sihai nodded:

"After all, the harvest from going to the sea is still too small. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, you all come to my house to gather, and I will take you out to sea."

Aunt Mei was a little worried about safety issues.

Ye Sihai patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, except for Ah Mo, these guys can swim back if they fall into the sea. Besides, I am here, nothing will happen."

Ah Mo was immediately anxious and said with a red face:

"I can swim back too, who are you looking down on?"

Lin Qiaohua laughed on the side:

"Ye Sihai, then push him into the sea tomorrow and let him swim back with the boat."

The boys laughed happily, and Aunt Mei couldn't help but reach out and tap Qiaohua's forehead:

"You little mischievous ghost, aren't you afraid that Ah Mo won't open the door for Ye Sihai when you get married in the future?"

Qiaohua's face turned red:

"He dares!"

Ah Mo seemed particularly happy to hear this:

"Yes, Lin Qiaohua, just wait, I will weld the door shut for you in the future, so that you will never get married."

Liu Xiaoer shouted excitedly beside him:

"Brother Sihai, you can marry my sister, and then...!"

"Shut up!"

Qiaohua and Ah Mo were of the same mind for the first time, speaking in unison.

Liu Xiaoer shrank his neck in fear, curled his lips and muttered:

"What did I say wrong? Who doesn't want to have a good brother-in-law?"

Auntie Mei asked the biggest question:

"What about the boat?"

Ye Sihai smiled and said:

"There are so many boat rentals at the dock, just rent one."

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