Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 22 The Sea Hunting Team is Established

Ye Sihai fried three steaks in total.

Aunt Mei has already laid out the dishes for the freshman table.

Ye Sihai took Liu Hanhan back to the backyard to take a shower. When he came back, Aunt Mei handed him the phone with a smile.

Turning around, Qiaohua girl's voice came:

"Ye Sihai, you are so cowardly that you dare not answer my call."

"I'm taking a shower."

"Oh, I'm starting from home now. Pick me up at the door."



He smiled playfully on the phone:

"What did the younger brother you brought back call me?"

Ye Sihai couldn't help himself and blurted out:


Qiaohua girl giggled.

Amo's cold voice came from the other end:

"Lin Qiaohua, please save your face. The old Lin family has been disgraced... Oops! You dare to hit me?"

Qiaohuamei snorted and hung up the phone without saying anything.

Ye Sihai hung up the phone and poked his head into the kitchen:

"Recruit, follow me."

Liu Hanhan let out a cry, and Hanhan followed Ye Sihai stupidly, going out to greet the guests.

The sky was completely dark. Under the streetlight at the door, Ye Sihai put his slippers on his buttocks and leaned comfortably on Liu Hanhan's back, looking up at the sky:

"Recruit, it's great to meet you."

Liu Hanhan carefully bowed his waist and said angrily:

"Me too, boss."

"Do you think about what happened in your previous life?"

"No, boss."

"Then do you still want to go back?"

"Don't go back, boss."

Ye Sihai is small and Liu Hanhan is big. The two of them are leaning against each other. The scene is quite funny.

"I don't want to either. In this life, I want to live a very easy life. I want to take you around the world, and then I will marry you a wife and give birth to a little Hanhan."

Liu Hanhan hesitated for a moment:

"My wife doesn't want it, boss."


Liu Hanhan clapped his fingers:

"Take my food, no."

Ye Sihai almost laughed.

The roar of motorcycles was heard in the distance.


Ye Sihai jumped up, put on his slippers, and made a longing expression.

Amo rode Augusta in a dashing way, dragging his sister with him. Behind him, Liu Xiaoer, Wang He and several other teenagers came roaring in on three battery cars.

When they saw Liu Xinbing, Amo and the other teenagers were silent.

Only Lin Qiaohua cheered, jumped over like a deer, and waved to Liu Hanhan:

"Recruit, do you know who I am?"

Liu Hanhan touched his head and grinned:

"The boss said it. You are the breadwinner!"

Amo and the other teenagers laughed together.

Qiaohuamei's face fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. She reached out and twisted Ye Sihai's ears hatefully, stamped her feet and roared:

"Ye Sihai!!"

Ye Sihai is so depressed.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Qiaohua girl stopped what she was doing and asked with a tigerish face:

"Tell me, why am I the breadwinner? Am I good at eating?"

Ye Sihai explained with a wry smile:

"The meaning of the rice bowl is that you will be the one who gives him food in the future."

Qiaohua girl suddenly realized this, and immediately turned from anger to joy. She let go of Ye Sihai's ears and said to Liu Hanhan with a smile:

"That's right, I will be your job from now on, so you have to listen to me in everything, do you understand?"

Liu Hanhan suddenly raised his fingers in pain:

"The boss said that I have to listen to my job and my mother."

After waiting for a long time, he said to Lin Qiaohua seriously:

"The boss asked me to listen to you, so I will listen to you."

Lin Qiaohua curled her lips.

Ah Mo was extremely envious. Although Liu Hanhan looks a bit silly, this big guy is simply too impressive.

Look at him, and then look at the younger brothers around him.

Comparing people with others will lead to death, and comparing goods with goods will lead to throwing away.


Where did Ye Sihai deceive this little brother from?

I also want to cheat someone.

Can’t survive?

Leave it to Lin Qiaohua to raise.

Introduce Liu Hanhan to a few teenagers and let them have a good relationship in the future.

It can be regarded as finding some friends for Liu Hanhan who has just moved.

These young men were all carefully selected by Ye Sihai. They were of good character, so even if there were some conflicts, they would not go too far.

"Let's go and eat. After eating, I have something to announce."

A group of teenagers jumped for joy.

Amo found out a little sadly that he seemed to have lost his previous status as the boss.

Qiaohua girl behaved very well after entering the house. She almost treated herself as the hostess throughout the whole process. When she smiled, she only showed eight teeth, most of which were missing.

That smile has a name, Wen Wan.

Aunt Mei completely stepped aside.

At a round table, everyone gathered around and began to eat wildly while having fun.

Tonight was the busiest night since Ye Sihai was reborn.

There are ten people in total, and they are perfect and perfect.

And when Ye Sihai brought out Hanhan's special bowl for eating.

Amo: "...!"

Wang He, Liu Xiaoer and Cheng Jiashu: "...!"

Ah Mo was about to shout, but was directly suppressed by the elder sister's look.

"Recruits, eat quickly, eat more, and grow up quickly."

Qiaohua girl directly picked up a goose leg and delivered it to Liu Xinbing's rice bowl.

Liu Xinbing grinned shyly, showing everyone his bloody mouth.

Chi Liuer.

The whole goose leg was swallowed into his mouth.

"Crunch! Crunch!"


"Oh my god, Liu Xinbing, how big is your appetite?"

Liu Xiaoer couldn't help it anymore and exclaimed.

However, Qiaohua girl stood up, reached out and touched Liu Hanhan's big head, and said sadly:

"What a cute and well-behaved child. Eat hard, recruit, sister-in-law...sister will definitely raise you to be fat in the future. Sister has a lot of pocket money, and she will spend it all on you."

Ah Mo almost smashed the roasted goose out of his hand.

I can’t have this sister anymore.

Ah Mo was really filled with tears.

Among other people’s sisters, who doesn’t care most about their little brother?

But his sister always extorted his pocket money.

She saved millions, but was reluctant to give herself 30,000 yuan to buy a game console.

Now he is willing to use his pocket money to buy food for this big fool.

This idiot is almost four years old, so why does he need to grow up so quickly?

I just need to grow up quickly.

With Liu Hanhan, the family no longer has to worry about leftovers.

The several teenagers were so full that their bellies were chubby, and in the end they all stared blankly at Liu Hanhan cleaning the battlefield.

He poured all the leftovers on the plate into his rice bowl and mixed them with two bowls of rice.

The wind is rolling and the clouds are lingering, and we are living together.

The expressions on Aunt Mei and Lin Qiaohua's faces were surprisingly the same.

Force a smile.


Ye Sihai would really be defeated.

Ye Sihai looked at Liu Hanhan with a smile:

"Are you full? Do you want to fry two more steaks?"

Liu Hanhan smacked his lips twice, his eyes filled with unprecedented satisfaction:

"I'm so full. Let's eat again tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, several young men opened their mouths at the same time.

Ye Sihai laughed heartlessly, then slapped his hand on the table:

"Okay, let's have a meeting now."

"I announce that the Four Seas Rushing Team has been officially established."

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