the next day.

Aunt Mei got up early in the morning.

First, at dawn, I rode a battery car to the pier.

After doing some shopping, I returned home and started busy in the kitchen.

If you go out fishing early and come back late, you must prepare lunch.

If only Ye Sihai was prepared, Aunt Mei would be very relaxed.

But now there is a super foodie Liu Hanhan in the family. The amount of food he had last night was really scary.

Even the pigs can't be eaten by him.

And meals for several teenagers also need to be prepared.

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Ye Sihai and Liu Xinbing got out of bed.

Before going to bed, Ye Sihai told Liu Hanhan to wake him up on time at seven in the morning.

After taking Liu Hanhan to take a shower in the backyard, Amo came with five teenagers just after breakfast.

Shui Yi's father rode a tricycle and brought the fishing nets over.

"Bring these braised vegetables with you, as well as these salted fish. If you're hungry, you can have some extra food."

Aunt Mei was busy and filled two heavy bags with things.

Liu Hanhan held it lightly in his hand, as if it weighed nothing at all.

"Brother Sihai, these are the eggs my sister boiled for you."

Liu Xiaoer quietly stuffed two eggs into Ye Sihai's hand.

Ye Sihai couldn't even laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to put it away behind Ah Mo's back:

"Thank you sister for me."

Liu Xiaoer's sister is also Ye Sihai's classmate, not in the same class. After graduating from high school, she was admitted to a second-tier university and will go to school next month.

After a lot of work, Ye Sihai pulled Amo, Liu Hanhan rode a car by himself, the other four teenagers rode two battery cars, and Shui Yi took his father's tricycle and went straight to the dock.

Fishing boats usually leave at five or six in the morning and return late at night.

A guy like Ye Sihai who goes out to sea at no time probably won't be able to catch anything.

But he had an aura around him, and I heard that he was going to go to sea with a group of teenagers, so many people came to join in the fun.

"so many people?"

Amo was a little nervous.

Xiao Jianguo received news from Ye Sihai last night and rented the boat overnight.

A 15-meter-long diesel fishing boat rents for 3,000 yuan a day, and you pay for the fuel yourself.

The cost of such a fishing boat is about 300,000 yuan, and the income of three people going out to sea for a day is about 20,000 yuan.

There is also a ten-meter boat that rents for 1,000 yuan and can earn 10,000 yuan a day.

Ye Sihai had a lot of people going out to sea today, so a ten-meter boat wouldn't work.

"Sihai, the boat is ready for you. Lao Liang will sail the boat for you. He will obey your command."

Xiao Jianguo said and handed a black package to Ye Sihai:

"This is the diving tool you bought yesterday. I got it."

Ye Sihai took it with a smile and handed it to Liu Xinbing who was behind him.

Liu Hanhan's size has already aroused waves of exclamation.

I heard that this was an orphan adopted by Ye Sihai. When everyone looked at Ye Sihai, there was a kind of admiration in their eyes.

He directed Liu Xiaoer and the others to move the fishing nets onto the boat, and then inspected them carefully on the boat.

Ye Sihai then gave an order:

"Come aboard!"

Amo and five teenagers jumped onto the rickety fishing boat.

The onlookers nodded.

Ye Sihai behaved like a seasoned captain.

After the captain boards the ship, whether the fishing boat is ready or not, he must inspect the entire ship.

This is taking responsibility for life.

"Uncle Xiao, wait for my good news."

Ye Sihai smiled and waved to Xiao Jianguo, and jumped on the boat with Liu Hanhan.

"Old Uncle Liang, let's go."

The man who drives the boat, Lao Liang, is in his forties. He is all dark and shows his white teeth when he smiles:


With the roar of a tractor, the fishing boat slowly left the dock.

The dock in Jinfeng Town is a natural harbor, surrounded by mountains on three sides. It takes almost a kilometer to enter the sea.

Several teenagers stood on the bow of the boat, shouting excitedly at the blue sea and sky.

They have been going to sea with their father and brother since they were seven or eight years old, and they have long been familiar with everything about the sea.

But today’s configuration is the first time.

So happy.

Ye Sihai came to Old Uncle Liang and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Old Uncle Liang, drive straight ahead and stop in half an hour."

Old Uncle Liang was very familiar with this sea area. Hearing what Ye Sihai said, he was a little curious but did not refute.

If Ye Sihai's instructions were followed, I might not even be able to get back the money for renting the boat today.

When fishing boats enter the sea, they don't just have to run rampant.

This requires prior knowledge of tides, weather, and sea areas.

Of course, the most important thing is luck.

But getting lucky is basically nonsense.

The most legendary story in Jinfeng Town is that a 30-meter fishing boat went out to sea for five days and five nights five years ago.

After returning, he brought back two tons of large yellow croaker, which caused a sensation in the Fujian Sea and even made the news.

That night at Jinfeng Pier, the two tons of large yellow croaker were sold for a sky-high price of 10 million.

When reporters interviewed him afterwards, the captain told the story completely as a legend.

It's actually luck.

Half an hour later.

Old Uncle Liang stopped the fishing boat according to Ye Sihai's instructions.

He did not participate in the discussion among the teenagers. He turned off the engine and smoked a cigarette at the stern of the boat.

Ah Mo's face was full of excitement and he rubbed his hands in excitement.

Unlike Liu Xiaoer and others, he is the young master of the Lin family. He often goes to sea, but rarely goes to sea.

He used to go out fishing on a yacht with a few brothers for several days and nights, but he had no sense of participation at all.

How majestic now.

He is the vice-captain and has five younger brothers.

Seeing Ye Sihai take out the diving goggles, flippers and respirator from a package, Amo quickly asked:

"Ye Sihai, what are you doing?"

Ye Sihai glared at him:

"What did you call me?"

Amo quickly shrank his head:


The sea was calm at the moment, with not even a bit of sea breeze.

"Brother Sihai, do you want to go into the water?"

"Be careful, don't encounter a shark."

Ye Sihai didn't need a few conspicuous boys to remind him. Ye Sihai also knew to be careful.

But he has it in hand and is not afraid of sharks at all.

Unless he was unlucky enough to encounter a swarm of sharks, or a big shark that he couldn't control with his mind.



Changing the equipment quickly, Ye Sihai stood on the bow of the boat, biting his respirator, and jumped directly into the sea.

thump! !

After entering the water, Heart of the Ocean activates.

At a glance, wherever you look, it is exactly the same as the ground.

The depth of this sea area is about 300 meters, and the seabed is full of coral reefs.

Some scattered schools of small fish are wandering around the coral reef.

Horse-faced fish, big white pomfret, sand pointed fish, and chicken cage pomfret.

Further into the deep sea, there are some hairtail fish more than one meter long, and moray eels are looking for food.

He dived to about ten meters and felt a little pressure.

He dived another ten meters and then stopped.

Deep in the sea, there is a kind of quiet warmth in the mother's womb.

Perception is slowly released.

Wherever he went, the fish in the ocean were startled at first, and then calmed down.

His gaze was like a radar, scanning around and finding nothing.

Change place.

Just when Ye Sihai was about to ascend.

About five hundred meters ahead, a small black dot rushed towards him quickly.

The little black dot was extremely fast and rushed into his range of perception in the blink of an eye.

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It was a baby killer whale that was only two meters long.

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