It was dark.

But everyone was in high spirits.

They didn't feel tired or anything.

They were all old fishermen, and it was common for them to go out to sea for a week.

Qin Yuan and Chen Youtian were even more like sea thieves.

Ye Sihai was a hacker, and at first glance, the night was as bright as day, which was really a feeling of looking at the sky.

This time, he didn't ask Gray's whale group to help.

After all, they came to steal Gray's secret warehouse.

The lights of the fishing boats lit up, and Ye Sihai decided to act overnight.

Not asking for more, but for quality.

He wanted to try to rely entirely on himself and use the effect of the Heart of the Ocean to catch fish.

"Uncles, get moving."

The old fisherman immediately took action and started to hang the net.

"Sihai, there are three sizes of nets, which one do you choose?"

Ye Sihai hesitated:

"Fifty-meter seven-finger net."

When they heard about the seven-finger net, the old fishermen were immediately excited.

The seven-finger net can only catch big fish.

At least five pounds or more.

There are many types of salmon.

As for the salmon, it must be the special Atlantic salmon.

So there is a reason why it is expensive.

Because this thing is not only extremely nutritious, but also an endangered species.

Ye Sihai has two goals.

Salmon and king salmon.

The big boss who discovered this cold water group at the beginning really worked hard.

There are at least seven or eight kinds of salmon in this cold water group.

They are all very fat.

Different kinds of salmon have their own circles.

This thing is very united, forming a super school of fish with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

Only when you are in the scene can you feel the shock.

However, salmon are very united, and they are a bit like killer whales fighting as a team.

Generally, sharks or tuna will not easily provoke them.

"Lower the net!"

The old fisherman roared.

Uncle Liang began to release the net.

As the fishing net slowly sank, everyone was waiting for Ye Sihai's instructions.

Ye Sihai stood at the bow like a commander.

The Heart of the Ocean has already explored this submarine canyon.

Liu Hanhan stood beside him, not moving an inch.

"Uncle Liang, turn left ten knots, increase the speed by two knots."

"Keep releasing, release three hundred meters."

The old fishermen looked at each other in bewilderment.

Three hundred meters?

What is Sihai going to do?

How can you release a trawl like this?

But they dare not disobey Ye Sihai's words.

The target of Ye Sihai's first net is the king salmon, which is about 230 meters in the third layer of the cold water mass.

Each of these king salmon is about two meters long.

They are fat and juicy. They are fatter than ordinary salmon. They sit here and wait for death. There are no natural enemies and plenty of food, so they are even fatter and rounder.

With the blessing of the Heart of the Ocean, his perception has completely covered the school of king salmon.

There are at least tens of thousands of tons of king salmon alone.

How much money does this cost?

No, I can't let Mr. Hui ho ho.

I'd better take over slowly.

I'll build a floating platform here in the future.

Find a group of the most reliable fishermen to take turns.

Gray will be my guard.

No other boats can get close.

As for whether we will encounter danger?

Warships and submarines will never come here.

It is not near the coast, so there are no patrol boats.

As for pirates or other fishing boats?


Killer whales will teach them a lesson in a minute.

This group of king salmon quickly adapted to the perception of the Heart of the Ocean.

Ye Sihai slowly mobilized his mind.

The mind carefully contacted the consciousness of the king salmon, quietly, silently testing and contacting.

This group of king salmon was only a little alert at the beginning.

But they soon accepted his mind.

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be overjoyed.


This is my fish.

A 50-meter fishing net is enough to catch one net.

Other kinds of salmon come in one or half nets.

The main goal is a steady stream.

On the dark sea, the fishing boat is moving at a constant speed.

The old fishermen could never imagine that, two hundred meters below their boat, a terrifying thing was happening.

The fishing net slowly approached the school of king salmon, and the school of fish automatically separated.

Then, king salmon with a body length of more than two meters began to swim towards the fishing net.

At first, there were one, two.

Then there were ten, twenty.

Among the school of fish, the largest king salmon seemed to be possessed and drilled towards the fishing net.

The ones that entered in front touched the fishing net, and then they became alert and wanted to escape in panic.

But the large group behind them had been blocked.

So they had to accept their fate and became fish in the net one by one.

Uncle Liang's hand at the helm slowly felt the weight.

He immediately shouted with joy:

"Got it!"

The old fishermen who were looking forward to it suddenly became energetic.

Qin Yuan and Chen Youtian immediately clapped their hands vigorously.

They had the urge to shout.

Compared with the old fishermen on the boat, they knew the boss's magic.

Ye Sihai passed the order from the bow.

Collect the net.

Everyone immediately got busy.

As the fishing net was slowly collected, everyone stood in position as usual, ready to start loading.

On the side of the boat, two people held long poles and hooks, leaning over to look at the sea, and adjusting their positions at any time.

Slowly, the trawl began to emerge.

"It's on!"

"Everyone get ready!"

"I think this is... what kind of fish is this?"

The old fisherman was also a little confused.

This thing is not a species found in the Fujian Sea at all.

There should not be too many types of fish in the ocean, and no one can recognize them all.

Qin Yuan punched hard:

"You have to look at the mouth. This is a king salmon! King salmon, from all over the world, boss! Boss!!"

Qin Yuan was extremely excited:

"How can there be cold water fish here?"

Ye Sihai chuckled and said nothing.

The old fisherman was also shocked.

They don't know this fish, but they know the king salmon.

This kind of fish is said to cost three to five hundred yuan per catty, and the most expensive one can buy is eight hundred and one catty.

Look at this head, each fish is two meters tall and weighs at least fifty kilograms.

Mother Mazu.

One fish costs...50,000 yuan?

How many are there in this network?

This, this, this...!

The old fisherman had heard of the magical legend of Ye Sihai, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes.


All crazy.

"Sihai, how can you save this?"

The old fishermen were all at a loss.

All experience is empty talk and useless.

There are several refrigeration warehouses on the ship with different temperature zones.

"Below zero degrees, just refrigerate it."

Ye Sihai waved his hand:

"Uncles, be careful when you work."

Several old fishermen quickly assured:

"Don't worry, we have everything you need."

"Yes, we are good at this."

Ye Sihai laughed and said:

"I'm saying you should be careful and don't get hurt."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Sihai Little Boss is pretty good.

"Good harvest!"

"Have a good year."

"Respect Mazu!"

This net caught a total of 120 king salmon with an average body length of more than two meters.

"Be good."

"That's more than half a million."

"Old Huya, do you know how to settle accounts?"

"How much is that?"

"Four to five million!"


Did the total number of fish they caught in their lifetime amount to five million?

Yes, there are, but they don't belong to them.

After jumping across the sea, he indeed became the son-in-law of the Sea Dragon King.

If I go back another day, should I let my grandson dance?

Very confused.

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