Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 202: Get the Yangtze River Knife

The night passed like this.

When the first red light appeared in the sky, the third net on Ye Sihai's fishing boat just finished work.

The second net is salmon, both about 1.5 meters.

The third network, Ye Sihai, made a network of real sea bream.

Sea bream is also a migratory fish, but it lives more than thirty meters underwater and outside the cold water mass.

There is a desert island more than 300 kilometers away nearby, and there must be a freshwater river.

Otherwise, this group of real sea breams would not live here.

Compared to salmon and king salmon, snapper is less valuable.


But the fishermen are happy.

The red sea bream is all red and looks festive.

But this thing is a ferocious fish.

The teeth are similar to those of a piranha.

And it's also very powerful.

This thing was only used by nobles in the ancient Japanese country. If ordinary people caught real sea bream, they would immediately offer it to them in exchange for rewards.

"Uncle Qin, Uncle Arita, let's get some food. After dinner, the uncles will rest and we will return directly."

Qin Yuan and Chen Youtian are handymen, but they are also very happy.

After all, this is different from smuggling at sea and beating and killing.

Moreover, Qin Yuan is already considering himself as Ye Sihai's future personal captain.

If you can follow the little boss, no matter what you do, your face will be bright.

The old fisherman was still unsatisfied.

How can anyone go out to sea for one night and then go back?

It basically takes a week to go out to sea.

Don't worry, Sihai, we have plenty of strength.

In one night, the harvest exceeded 10 million.

It was so exciting that everyone's adrenaline was soaring. Where could they sleep?

Old Uncle Liang was calm and calm.

After all, he followed Ye Sihai to pull the big yellow croaker, and he had seen big scenes.

However, Ye Sihai did not satisfy the old fisherman's wish.

Must return.

The purpose of his going overseas was to buy new year goods and give gifts.

There is also the matter of surveying this cold water mass.

Both goals are now achieved.

It's freezing cold in winter. It would be great to go home early. There is heating at home.

After dinner, everyone didn't take a rest. They just chatted and played poker in the cabin.

Ye Sihai played with everyone for a while, lost more than a thousand, and was smoked out.

These old uncles are all heavy smokers.

Some do not smoke packaged cigarettes at all, but leaf cigarettes.

This thing is stronger than a cigar.

Most people simply can't stand it.

In order to win money, the methods are also very simple and crude.

Just blowing smoke at Ye Sihai.

It's almost noon, the sea is shining with golden light, and the sun is at its best time of the day.

There was no wind at sea, and it was a nice day. If the fishing boats hadn't been running at full speed, it would have been a good day to bask in the sun.

However, the sunlight on the sea in winter is also very strong in ultraviolet rays.

Ye Sihai basked in the sun for a while and then hid aside.

"Sihai, are you really going back?"

Chen Youtian came over quietly.

Ye Sihai looked at him curiously and said with a smile:

"Uncle Arita, is there something in your words? What are the regulations?"

Chen Youtian chuckled, then winked at him:

β€œDo you know Yangtze saury?”

Ye Sihai was stunned.

How could he not know?

Yangtze saury is known as the most delicious fish in the world.

In his previous life, he had eaten once, and one dish only had three chopstick-long fish for 20,000 yuan.

A kilogram of that kind made up of two or three pieces can be purchased for eight thousand to ten thousand yuan.

Absolutely super high price.

Not only is that thing rare, it's almost extinct.

He also knew that a 50-centimeter swordfish king, which only weighed 400 grams, was bought for a sky-high price of 80,000 yuan.

It is said that one gram of fish meat and one gram of gold.

"Uncle Arita, do you know where there is Yangtze saury?"

Chen Youtian smiled mysteriously and nodded.

"There should be, but I'm not sure."

Looking at Chen Youtian, Ye Sihai said helplessly:

"Is it yes or no?"

Chen Youtian looked at Ye Sihai and laughed:

"You should have it if you go, but not if I go."

Ye Sihai expressed that he was very depressed.

"Then go ahead. If you make a network and distribute it, we will get half the harvest."

Yangtze saury is just a common name.

People also have names.

It’s called the swordfish, an authentic sea fish.

It is also a migratory fish, returning to the Yangtze River during the spawning season.

This thing is not the same thing as hairtail. It is a super powerful fish that can rival or even kill bluefin tuna.

After all, bluefin tuna also depends on its meat quality, and the price varies greatly.

But the Yangtze saury is just one piece, and the price will only get higher and higher, and it will not be divided according to the quality of the meat.

Qin Yuan also came over, nodded and said:

"Arita and I often travel across the strait, sometimes from Taiwan to South Korea, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so we are familiar with that sea area. When we have nothing to do, or when we are hiding from the patrol, we will fish."

Ye Sihai understood:

"So, you encountered a school of saury in the Yangtze River?"

Qin Yuan nodded:

"Yes, the swordfish originally lived in the sea and only migrates in spring."

"Uncle Qin, do you have the coordinates?"

Ye Sihai suddenly became interested.

If you really want to build a net of Yangtze saury, it will definitely be a sensation.

Qin Yuan smiled and nodded.


Ye Sihai shouted exaggeratedly and said boldly:

"Then what are you waiting for? Of course we're leaving!"

Just kidding?

Do I need to say how precious the Yangtze saury is?

And this thing is extremely rare and difficult to catch.

But who is Ye Sihai?

He suddenly thought of a question.


He left Qin Yuan and ran to the cockpit.

"Uncle Liang, is there a one-finger net on the boat?"

Uncle Liang was stunned:

"One finger?"

Isn't that a family-killing net?

He asked in surprise:

"There are only three-finger ones. One-finger nets have been banned for a long time. Sihai, if you want to use it...!"

Ye Sihai waved his hand:

"Three-finger ones are fine. Let's not go back first. Turn to the East China Sea."

"East China Sea?"

Uncle Liang thought he was an old magician. After listening and thinking about it, there was nothing he didn't understand.

One-finger net.

East China Sea.

Sihai's habit is to deal with fierce goods.

His eyes widened immediately:

"Si Hai, are you going to catch Yangtze River knife fish?"

"Hey, keep a low profile, keep a low profile, go catch one and see, you may not be able to catch it."

Uncle Liang immediately became excited:

"Give me the coordinates, I'll drive the boat, and then you can go and rest."

The fishermen on the boat heard that they would not go back, but turn around to the East China Sea, and they all became excited.

It's so fulfilling to follow Boss Si Hai.

Ye Si Hai doesn't care about whether it's cross-regional or not.

The Heart of the Ocean is better than radar.

I promise to come quietly, don't shoot.

Knife anchovies are really not caught with trawl nets.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so expensive.

Many in the Yangtze River are caught by casting nets.

Otherwise, it's fishing.

There are only a few stocks a year, so the price is of course sky-high.

Ye Si Hai thought if he caught a net, how should he sell it?

If he shipped it on a large scale, the price would not be high.

But now is the Chinese New Year, and it's almost the time to eat knife fish.

The price is definitely expensive, and there may not be that many people who can afford it.

But there are too many people.

Forget it, let Lao Xiao do the fish selling thing, he is good at it.

He can definitely maximize the value.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

So much so that he started licking his lips.

He ate it once in his previous life.

He must eat enough in this life.

Of course, the premise is that there is stock.

What to give for the New Year this year?

King salmon, salmon, Yangtze River knife fish.

Is it impressive?


The first year since rebirth, we must make a good start.

Let's go!

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