In the southern coastal areas, especially fishermen, preparations for the New Year are very early.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

On the one hand, they have not worked since November.

On the other hand, the longer the clan power is preserved, the more special the New Year is.

Just the preparations alone are endless.

Aunt Mei has been busy preparing.

These days, she is making rice cakes, and she needs to dry more to give away.

Ye Sihai doesn't care about these.

His focus is all on Crescent Bay.

The water quality is indeed changing slowly.

Although it is very slow, he can still feel it with the help of the Heart of the Ocean.

The coral polyps are also living well.

In the one thousand meter ecosystem, all creatures get along very well.

But Ye Sihai always feels that there is something wrong.

But he can't find the problem.

Do you think the sea surface is a little different when it gets dark?

Xiao Hui and his little brothers patrolled the area designated by Ye Sihai every day.

They had to drive away the big fish and disrupt the situation.

They also had to prevent the marine life that Ye Sihai had finally obtained from running away.

It was about mid-December.

Ye Sihai was going out to sea again.

He was not going to play alone, but with Qin Yuan, Chen Youtian, and Uncle Liang.

He had to catch a net before the Chinese New Year to prepare for gifts.

By the way, he was going to inspect the cold water group of Hui Ye.

He was determined to trick the cold water group from Hui Ye to use as his breeding farm.

Sihai Company was busy buying fishing boats recently.

Xiao Jianguo, Lin Qi, and Liu Gang were busy as dogs.

Thirty-seven fishing licenses, how could there be only three fishing boats?

Customize a batch and buy some from Gu Zhiqiang, but at the moment, there were not enough boats to get all the boats.

There was also the issue of hiring people, which was also a big problem.

Because you can't poach Gu Zhiqiang's people.

Sihai Company took over one-third of the wharf, which cost a lot of money.

But it needs to be renovated.

At least it should be distinguished from Jinfeng Fisheries.

Most fishing boats are actually not expensive, with small fishing boats costing hundreds of thousands and large fishing boats costing millions.

There are also ocean-going fishing boats worth tens of millions, which can only be customized.

In short, Ye Sihai doesn't care about anything.

With the completion of Gu Zhiqiang's integration, the wharf was like taking a reassurance pill and bursting out with powerful productivity.

Take advantage of the New Year to make a good profit.

The returning fishing boats were also confused.

When they went out, they were still owned by the Zhao Group.

Why did they change after returning?

Whose good goods and fierce goods did the boat get?

Ye Sihai, who was well prepared, went out to sea to fish on December 16.

Very few people go out to sea in winter.

But Ye Sihai went out to sea, obviously to get good things.

So Ye Sihai and his group went out to sea, which caused a great sensation.

Everyone wanted to see what good goods Ye Sihai could get this time.

This time, Uncle Liang was still at the helm.

Uncle Mei wanted to follow, but Ye Sihai refused ruthlessly.

Uncle Mei was so angry that he didn't even come to see him off.

This time, the fishing boat of Sihai Company was the smallest of Zhao Yaozu's three fishing boats.

Qin Yuan, Chen Youtian, and several other employees of Sihai Company were also old people who worked on this boat before.

"Let's go!"

Ye Sihai gave an order.

The 50-meter-long fishing boat left the dock and headed for the deep sea.

This boat is not a piece of junk.

The blue and white hull is extremely beautiful, with a total length of 50 meters, a width of 7 meters, and a tonnage of 500 tons.

The cost was less than 3 million, and Zhao Yaozu was thrown into prison after only paying back one-third of the loan.

Ye Sihai stood at the bow, feeling the biting sea breeze head-on.

The weather was very good today, but the temperature was only 7 or 8 degrees.

Liu Hanhan stood behind him, looking at Ye Sihai eagerly.

This guy wanted to give Wanwan a New Year gift, but he didn't know what to buy.

These days, he always pestered Ye Sihai to ask questions, which annoyed Ye Sihai to death.

Activate the Heart of the Ocean and sense into the sea.

Wherever he sensed, the creatures in the sea had no sense at all.

This was the result of Ye Sihai's continuous meditation during this period of time.

The combination of perception and thoughts can easily guide and control the school of fish.

Of course, when encountering animals with high IQs such as killer whales, dolphins, and seals, you still need to slowly hook up.

Although the range of the Heart of the Ocean is expanding, the speed is too slow.

Compared with the ocean, the perception range of the Heart of the Ocean does not exceed 200 kilometers.

The range of mind control is only 100 kilometers.

The fishing boat followed Ye Sihai's instructions all the way, and it was almost night when it arrived at the coordinate sea area.

From the nautical chart, this is a no-man's land.

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

Because he finally understood why there was a cold water mass in this place.

A broken submarine canyon, with a depth of 3,500 meters.

The width is about 180 kilometers and the length is 500 kilometers.

The two canyons are almost split straight at 90 degrees.

The water layers here are distinct, with different fish living in each layer.

Moreover, at both ends of the canyon, there are two turbulent seabed currents, which circulate and swirl in an extremely strange way, equivalent to a barrier.

The water layer in the canyon is calm, but at the mouth of the canyon, there is a turbulent undercurrent.

Large submarines generally don't approach here.

With the cold water mass as the center, there are still many schools of fish living around.

Moreover, there is abundant food here, all kinds of algae and plankton on the seabed are brought in by the rapid vortex, rushing to the cold water mass. Once the speed slows down, these creatures can't escape and just become food.

Nature's creator is so magical.

Ye Sihai was amazed.

This is a natural super pigsty.

And God feeds automatically.

Aren't these fish fat and big?

Cod, herring, pomfret, all kinds of fish.

Huge schools of fish shuttle, colorful and full of beauty.

But only Ye Sihai can appreciate it.

He is a cheater.

Watching it, Ye Sihai became a little angry.

Because Mr. Hui is too cunning.

This old guy.

There are many kinds of salmon in the cold water mass.

Salmon, this thing, is also divided into grades.

Domestic rainbow trout is a wicked fake, pretending to be imported salmon and selling at a high price.

Rainbow trout has no fat and tastes dry.

Another kind is Chilean salmon, which has a little fat but not much.

Even better is Norwegian salmon, which is rich in fat and tastes sweet.

The best kind is from New Zealand.

It is called salmon and beef king salmon.

This thing can be sold for 800 yuan or 1,000 yuan per pound. It is extremely rich in fat and oily. Even gourmets eat it without saying a word.

The fish that Ye Huiye brought to him was obviously a Chilean species.

And what he kept for himself was actually a large group of fat and round silver king salmon.

This old guy is not a whale at all.

The person who discovered this cold water group was really a waste of natural resources.

If it is used well, this sea area is simply an inexhaustible treasure house.

Unfortunately, the other party does not have Ye Sihai's perspective.

It is probably scared away by the whirlpool under the ocean.

The clearer the sonar scans, the scarier it is.

Take this canyon for example.

Three thousand meters straight and steep, who wouldn't be scared?

Ye Sihai got it for free.

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