Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 355 A rather short-sighted villain

Each of these two people spoke extremely cool words.

It can be said that my heart is extremely miserable.

I thought to myself that if I could escape this time, I would never come back again.

This is like walking in front of the gate of hell.

It's really a bit uncomfortable.

Phew! Two adults!

The villain really doesn't know that I just came here!

The aftermath of the battle between the two adults completely prevented the villain from seeing clearly what was going on inside!

Under the powerful power of the two adults, the villain is simply unable to resist. How can he still have the energy to see this!

This question, even if you kill the villain, the villain will not know!

Actually, the villain's vision is far from that wide! If the villain can see it, now he has about the same power as the two adults! How can he have such power?

Please two adults, Mingjian!

The villain has a plan. Why don't you two adults go and ask Master Lin Hua? Compared with Master Lin Hua, you can tell this matter at a glance.

And the most important thing is that the villain is not as powerful as the two adults. At this time, the villain is not worthy of evaluating the two-dimensional adults!

I saw a pleading look appearing in the eyes of the True God Ji Bing as he said faintly.

This life has been a minor injury that has not been used up. At this moment, it can be said that it is completely used up.

But no, at this time, Jibing True God has an extremely strong desire to survive.

Phew! Uh!

Hearing this, the two people's faces darkened. It was obvious that they could not bear to see the True God Ji Bing like this.

This is simply talking a lot of nonsense. On the surface, he keeps saying that he doesn’t understand.

In fact, I just don’t dare to say it.

But the True God of Darkness and the God of the West cannot do this. The two of them must decide the outcome.

Otherwise, from now on, the other party will always be embarrassed in front of them. How dare they look for Lin Hua now?

Maybe if you go there, you'll get scolded.

For a moment, the two people looked at the True God Ji Bing with great resentment!

His eyes were full of interrogation.

It was as if he was going to eat the Jibing True God.

Hoo ho ho!

True God Ji Bing was on the verge of crying for a moment, and he didn't know what to do.

I want to ask for mercy, but who should I ask for mercy from?

He had thought before that the two strong men had such a good relationship?

The result now seems to be nothing more than that.

How to do how to do?

True God Ji Bing's thoughts were spinning very fast. It occurred to him that he was a glib person in the Ji Realm, even among the five major realms.

But I have never encountered a situation like this. In my heart, I really want to reprimand them loudly. You want to know who is strong and who is weak?

Then you will be directly involved in a serious life and death battle.

Now let's ask him what he is doing.

Of course, True God Ji Bing did not dare to say this in front of two people, so he could only say it in his heart.

Just when the True God Ji Bing was about to cry without tears, he didn't know how to reply.


Suddenly, I saw mysterious forces rippling across the sea.

This is the smell of an army setting off.


Seeing this, the Jibing True God's eyes lit up, but no, he was finally looking forward to the stars and the moon.

Lin Hua and the others were looking forward to it.

Finally, we no longer need to be urged by the God of the West and the God of Darkness.

Finally freed, in front of Lin Hua, the two of them naturally had no choice but to question True God Ji Bing again.

Two adults, Master Lin Hua, come over to you!

True God Ji Bing said hurriedly.

After saying this, he flashed his head and rushed towards the direction of the army.


The God of the West and the True God of Darkness couldn't help but roll their eyes at Lin Hua.

In front of them, this boy actually dared to act like this.

If you don't answer the question, you're leaving.

Good boy! Just wait for me!

The Western God said quietly.

At the same time, the True God of Darkness also looked evil in his eyes.


Jibing True God, who was flying ahead, felt two burning eyes behind him.

Staring at him, he felt extremely bitter in his heart.

I know that I am afraid that I have provoked the God of the West and the God of Darkness at the same time.

But he had no choice. At this moment, Jibing True God secretly made up his mind,

From now on, I must become a popular person in front of Lin Hua.

Otherwise, this own Xiao Ming will definitely not be guaranteed.

It was only by staying by Lin Hua's side that these two people did not dare to attack him.

Otherwise, it is a dead end.

Hoo ho ho!

True God Ji Bing simply did not dare to look back and flew away in a hurry.


At the same time, the God of the West and the True God of Darkness rushed over quickly. They did not dare to show their attitudes in front of Lin Hua.

Each one of them was also rebellious, and gradually became the docile one they are now.


Not long after, the God of the West and the True God of Darkness came to the army.

As soon as the two people came in, they were dumbfounded.


How come your master's strength is so low!

Oh My God!

The God of the West and the True God of Darkness came to Lin Hua and saw clearly the fluctuations on Lin Hua's body, and instantly felt a little better.

But no!

In their impression, if Lin Hua has swallowed up the True God of the Sea Domain and the True God of the Ice Domain,

That is, the most bizarre spiritual power can reach the seventy-seventh level.

But now it is only level 75.

This means that Lin Hua's size has increased again.

It was completely different from what they had seen before.

Two people, you look at me, I look at you, I don’t know what to say for a moment.

What is a genius? Lin Hua is called a genius.

Compared with them, he can easily pull them out more than ten blocks away.

The God of the West and the True God of Darkness were also shocked.

You two, what are you watching me do?

Lin Hua said quietly.

After all, he was being stared at by two grown men,

It's more or less a bit disconnected.

If it's two beauties, forget it.

Sir! Have you swallowed all the true gods of the Ice Domain and the Sea Domain?

The God of the West and the True God of Darkness asked in unison.

Although they did not see the true gods of the Sea Realm and Ice Realm in Lin Hua, they still had speculations in their minds.

But they still just want to confirm.

Is it really devouring.

Yes! That's right!

Lin Hua said loudly.

My lord, what is your strength?

The corners of the mouths of the God of the West and the True God of Darkness twitched together, and an incredible color rippled in their eyes.

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