Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 354 It’s an argument, a life of constant debate

On the other side, the True God Jibing came outside and followed the direction of the waves to find the True God of Darkness and the God of the West.



The feeling of being in the sea realm is not very obvious yet.

But in the outside environment, it is extremely obvious.

The divine power of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West filled the air and was mighty.

The entire void seemed to be caught in the shock.

It seems that the next moment, it will be shattered.


Feeling this powerful fluctuation, Jibing True God was even more shocked.

Endless longing also emerged in his heart,

I don’t know when I will gain such powerful power.

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West slapped him casually, and he was instantly wiped out.


Not even a pause.

Ah! When will we become such strong men?

Jibing True God said quietly.

Two adults, two adults, Mr. Lin Hua asked you to go back, saying that he has something important to discuss!

I saw True God Ji Bing shouting loudly.

However, the sound of the battle between the True God of Darkness and the God of the West was actually caused by him. It completely covered up her voice and could not be put on any stage at all.

There was no way, in front of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West, he did not dare to use his power casually, in case it disturbed the battle between the True God of Darkness and the God of the West.

That's not good.

Being regarded as an enemy would mean death.

He felt a little depressed for a while. If he had known this, he wouldn't have been so eager to come.

This was like lifting a rock in one's own foot, and for a while it could be said that I was in a state of panic.

Now in his eyes, the True God of Darkness and the God of the West have created a real fire.

Moreover, when you meet an opponent in chess, you will meet a good talent. If you use your own strength, it is easy for them to directly regard themselves as enemies.

The most important thing is that if you break this extreme equilibrium state, you can easily hurt yourself.

I was troubled for a while, thinking about flattering Lin Hua as soon as possible in order to get a better position.

If you can't do such a small thing well, then what's the future?

Then Lin Hua will really feel disgusted!

Hoo ho ho!

Jihuo Zhenshen's breathing became more and more serious, and the whole person was a little at a loss.

Finally, I made up my mind that it must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it would be even more troublesome to make Lin Hua anxious.

Two adults! Master Lin Hua is calling you!

This time, the True God of Extreme Fire shouted out his true energy, mixed with a trace of divine soul power.

At the same time, he had also closed his eyes, so as not to watch helplessly as the attacks of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West came in front of him, but he was powerless.

Anyway, it’s just based on one principle. I don’t look at it, I don’t know, I don’t know anything.

When the time comes and I am really killed by others, it will be my own bad luck, and I don’t know anyway.


After hearing the words of True God Jibing, the True God of Darkness and the God of the West slowly stopped their movements.

Although they don't care about these frivolous things, the word Lin Hua carries too much weight.

Hmph! I didn't suppress you this time! Just wait for me!

The True God of Darkness said in a deep voice, a little disappointed. He originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to crush the Western God directly.

Make a distinction between high and low, otherwise, this Western god will always be at a loss in front of you.

That's a bit unreasonable.

They don't like it anyway.

Although the True God of Darkness and the God of the West were both strong men from endless years ago, the True God of Darkness was a veteran powerhouse, while the God of the West was a newly born true god, of course in their era.

It is equivalent to the Western gods being an era later than themselves.

Seeing such a junior yelling like this.

And there was a festival. At first, there was no chance to punish this Western God. Now that the grudge has been resolved, it is natural to educate him properly.

When the two people first met, the conflicts were all about Lin Hua. In this way, the conflicts between the two of them were not so prominent.

But looking at Lin Hua's growth, both the True God of Darkness and the God of the West wanted to stay by Lin Hua's side.

Naturally, one cannot tell who is strong or weak.

However, the power of this Western god is indeed beyond people's expectations.

Haha? What are you trying to do? Can you suppress us?


The Western God chuckled.

Haha, it's obviously you who lost! If not...

If that person calls us, you will lose in a few rounds!

The True God of Darkness said angrily.

Fart! Are you bragging about not drafting?

Can you have some self-awareness?

The Western God said coldly.

If you don't believe it, come on, ask! Let this true god see who has the upper hand between the two of us.

The True God of Darkness said coldly.

Come on! Tell me, who was more powerful in the battle between the two of us just now!

Isn't it because he can't do it?

I saw the God of the West looking directly at the True God Ji Bing and said in a deep voice.

Uh! This...

Ji Bing Zhen Shen was a little embarrassed for a moment.

But no, how can I say this?

The God of the West and the True God of Darkness are two enemies at first glance, neither of whom obeys the other.

True God Jibing knew very well that he was using himself as a spearman.

If he said this casually, he would probably die.

When it comes to the power of Western Gods, the True God of Darkness is definitely not that powerful.

The God of the West is not happy to say that the True God of Darkness is powerful.

Looking at the two of them, it would be impossible to say that they were matched against each other in chess.

This is simply like putting him in a place where he has suffered, without giving him any room to maneuver.

If you give him a chance, he will definitely escape from this place!

This is a gift proposition.

What are you doing standing still? You should tell me quickly!

The True God of Darkness looked at the hesitating look of the True God of Extreme Ice, and was instantly out of breath, shouting loudly.

Haha! Why are you so anxious? True God Ji Bing thinks you are too rubbish! I want to tell you directly, don't you just have no point in your heart!

The Western God said coldly.

Haha, I don't think he wants to disobey your face. True God Ji Bing, please feel free to speak boldly. Don't worry, if he dares to attack you, then I will not spare him.

The True God of Darkness patted the True God of Jibing on the shoulder and said carelessly.

Ji Bing True God, you have to think clearly. If you let go, if the Dark God threatens you, Master Lin Hua will be behind you!

He doesn't dare do anything to you!

The God of the West also rested on the shoulders of True God Ji Bing and said quietly.

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