Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 356 Lin Hua is vigilant, new statement

What did they miss?

For a moment, I felt a little regretful that I shouldn't have fought.

He should just wait by Lin Hua's side and watch Lin Hua's changes in size.

To be honest, the God of the West and the True God of Darkness also wanted to learn how to change this size from Lin Hua. ,

Originally, their size would not change, and the same was true for Lin Hua.

In their eyes, Lin Hua is so big.

Who would have thought that even if his spiritual energy was not upgraded to the first level, his body size would remain the same.

The most important thing is that the improvement is quite big!

If you upgrade it correctly, there will naturally be no problem.

The True God of the West and the True God of Darkness are also understandable.

There is no one person whose size remains unchanged. ,

But Lin Hua is progressing too fast.

They felt that the power they gave Lin Hua was a bit exaggerated.

Yes, I have no idea what to do about this. I didn't think of it, so I'm putting it too low.

Lin Hua said quietly.


For a moment, the God of the West and the True God of Darkness twitched their mouths, not knowing what to say at all.

A word automatically came to mind, this Lin Hua is indeed too Versailles.

It's time to stop them here.

But they have no temper at all.

Do you know how powerful the true God is here?

Lin Hua asked loudly.

Ignore the Western God and the True God of Darkness.

Looking at them, one knew what the two of them had dared before.

However, Lin Hua didn't bother to ask about this matter.

After all, the Western God and the True God of Darkness are different from ordinary true gods.

Such veteran strong men have their own personalities, which they can understand and accept.

Hearing this, the God of the West and the True God of Darkness also looked at the strong men next to them.

And the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain and other large domains did not dare to speak.

Quietly looking at the God of the West and the True God of Darkness,

From their point of view, they have no business speaking at this time.

But no!

The God of the West and the True God of Darkness came from the outside world.

This person knows very clearly.

Why do you need to ask them?

What's more, in front of such powerful people, they still need to talk nonsense!

All of them were silent and did not dare to make a sound.

Are you mute? Why don't you dare to speak?

The True God of Darkness said coldly.


Everyone had question marks on their faces, but what the hell is this!

Do they have a role to speak here?

Everyone looked at each other in a daze and said.

It made my already anxious heart even more anxious.

Totally don't know what to do.

What do you want me to ask you? Tell me!

The Western God was also very angry and shouted coldly.

But no, I definitely didn’t ask these two of them!

To put it bluntly, they are now very disconnected.

Needless to say, Lin Hua just came out of the planet of gods.

How is it possible to know these things?


We dare not talk nonsense in front of two adults!

A true god looked at the aggressive look of the Western God and the True God of Darkness, and said weakly.

Fuck, if you say it, you just agreed!

If we knew, would we still use it to ask you?

Don't even think about it!

The True God of Darkness said angrily.

? ? ? ?

This time, everyone was even more confused.

I just can't figure out what is going on right now.

The whole person was a little at a loss.

But no, these three adults, at first glance, are coming from the core area of ​​all heavens and realms.

Come here!

Do you still use their nonsense?

But looking at the expressions of the three of them, it seems that this question is not teasing them.

Three adults, there are not many people here.

Naturally, the core area has the most people.

The number one true god of the Dragon Realm said softly.

For fear of offending the three powerful men, I had no choice but to come here.

Uh! Isn't this nonsense?

Is it possible that we don't know?

I'm asking you, how to get to the core area, where to go?

I saw that the True God of Darkness was completely speechless. How could these people be so stupid?

It's not painful at all.

Huh? What?

My lord, I don't know where the core domain is.


For a moment, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Said subconsciously.

But in their opinion, how could these three adults not know.

Isn't this a joke?

This is simply a fantasy.

Even if you think about it with your feet, this is impossible.

However, some people saw some clues.

Looking at the three adults, they seemed to be pretending to be boastful.

I'm afraid it's not these people, but they came here from some nook and cranny.

It's just that what they are curious about is how it has such powerful power.

Logically speaking, this kind of person can have such a powerful power.

This is clear enough to dominate the world.

How is that possible? I don’t know!

An ordinary small place cannot cultivate such powerful people.

After all, in a place like that, there are too few resources.

It is simply not enough to elevate their cultivation to such a level.

, Others don’t say it, just say that Lin Hua is different.

Hoo ho!

The pseudo-true gods of the Nether Realm on one side knew very well that they knew the details of Lin Hua.

But the details of the Western God and the True God of Darkness are somewhat unclear.

Seeing the three of them like this, this time, they finally understood.

I'm afraid they are the strong men coming out of some restricted areas in the Netherworld.

To be honest, the strong men in the Netherworld are also very curious.

Why do they have so many death god planets in their Nether Realm?

What was the status of these planets when they existed in the past?

They have no way of knowing.

But what they know is that one of these places must be unknown.

Normally, they had never been to the Death Star to see it.

It's just that people go there occasionally.

But there is no doubt that many people can get a lot of benefits from the Death Star.

Thinking about it now, it seems that one of the three people before said that he was a strong man in the Netherworld.

Originally, they still felt that these three people deliberately let the strong men in the Netherworld...

Let down your guard.

After all, the false and true gods were extremely frightened in front of Lin Hua.

But now looking at this scene, each of them felt suddenly enlightened.

But no,

What does this mean?

Perhaps the three of them are the strong men who came out of those death stars.

If that is really the case, do they have anything to worry about in the future?

no need.

And their status is still somewhat different.

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