Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 353 A very convincing operation

Maybe this has something to do with their previous living environment.

After all, at that time, they were in an era where the strong were respected.

Although they are now in an era where the strong are respected, it is obvious that they are under pressure from an external enemy.

It forces them to grow up rapidly.

Although, logically speaking, these people have grown up to the point of the true God, and their minds are definitely not in their youth.

After all, this cultivation lasts for endless years, and only ghosts know how old they are.

But Lin Hua imagined that if he were this person, he would return to his future, and he had no shortage of resources since he was a child, and he grew up in a superior environment, and then he was sealed.

But no, this age is indeed not too old.


Hearing this, all the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Domains twitched their mouths. What should they say at this time?

We can't just say that it's because they're afraid of being devoured?

If Lin Hua is angered, everyone will die.

To be honest, their respect for Lin Hua now is far less than their fear of Lin Hua.

Bingxue False God, tell me, what's wrong with you?

Lin Hua saw all the powerful men, but none of them dared to speak, and they still looked like they had lowered their eyebrows.

asked in a deep voice.

After all, the False True God of Ice and Snow was the first group of people to follow him.

He also trusts these people more and knows that these people will not treat him like other people.

After all, these people have witnessed Lin Hua's growth with their own eyes.

Uh! Yes, it's because...

Because they are afraid of being eaten by adults!


The fake true god of ice and snow also looked innocent, why did he come to ask himself.

If others don't dare to tell the truth, does he dare?

Helpless, facing Lin Hua's culture, he did not dare to hide anything.

Just say it loudly.



When Lin Hua heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched and he looked at everyone with an innocent face.

I'm so scary.

Lin Hua said quietly,

He felt extremely aggrieved.

After all, these people are all his subordinates, how could he devour them.

Apart from anything else, if you look at what the True God of Darkness and the God of the West look like, you know who he is.

It's actually easy-going.

Lin Hua looked helpless as he looked at the powerful men in the Dragon and Wolf Realm with fearful looks in their eyes.

You guys, don't worry!

I will never kill you!

Of course, provided you don't rebel against us!

Otherwise you will end up like them!

Lin Hua said quietly.


When the powerful men in the Dragon and Wolf Domain heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Although, I still have some doubts about Lin Hua's words.

But everyone was completely relieved.

If you follow Lin Hua, you will still resist.

To be honest, if you hit them, they won't leave.

Just kidding, this is the most powerful person they have ever seen in their lives.

The True God here, unlike the True God in the Netherworld, has always stayed in the Netherworld and never left.

Although, the situation on their side is also extremely severe, after all, they have never left the territory.

Sometimes, they also need to go outside and buy some resources.

I went out more or less.

Of course, the true gods of the Netherworld don’t need to go out and buy them.

It's just because if they leave, it will easily directly cause the Nether Realm's defensive void.

This time, they couldn't hold it in any longer.

I know that in this life, if I never go out again.

Their longevity has also come to an end.

This is when I found Lin Hua and couldn't wait to leave.

I want to find a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough.

They know that the power of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West is already very powerful.

But Lin Hua is still above them. Once Lin Hua becomes a true god in the future, it will be earth-shattering, and the whole world will tremble.

And they will also be Lin Hua's direct army, and their rise to prominence can be said to be just around the corner.

This requirement is not difficult at all.

Sir, don't worry we won't betray you!

Your Excellency, don't worry about us. The strong men in the five major regions will all follow you to the death.

For a moment, the powerful men spoke one by one like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

The sound was like a circle of ripples, directly rippling throughout the void.

To be honest, conquering the five realms is the dream of each of them!

Of course, they also know it in their hearts.

This is only possible in dreams.

It's simply impossible to achieve.

But this time, they actually saw something real in Lin Hua.

Originally, they all refused, thinking that they came here just to fight with others.

They were the ones who were there to watch the killing.

Everyone was quite excited.

Now that I see these people, all of them are obedient, I feel endless pride in my heart.

After so many years, I finally saw this scene.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.

For a moment, it can be said that there are thousands of words in my heart, and I want to talk to the three true gods of the Netherworld.

At this step, they no longer enter the heavens and the worlds.

But no, the five major regions have been unified, and the long-cherished wish for many years can finally be achieved.

Okay, you go and call the True God of Darkness and the God of the West over.

Lin Hua looked at the relaxed expressions of everyone, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Said loudly.

He knew it was time to leave this place.

Originally, he came to the outside world just to improve his cultivation.

As a result, when they came here, they formed such a huge army directly.

It was also unexpected,

Of course, this and the True God of Darkness and the God of the West are also indispensable.

If it were not for the help of these two people, he now estimated that it would be a real life-and-death battle with the strong men of the five domains.

It is absolutely impossible to collect and pay the five major domains so easily.

It's my lord!

I saw a true god with eyes full of respect and said in a deep voice.

The next moment, light flashed under his feet and rushed outside.

Uh! What a comparison! So fast!

For a moment, all the true gods cursed in their hearts.

But no!

This was the first order Lin Hua gave them, but in the end, this little-known true god took the lead.

Although this is not much credit.

But it proves that people respond quickly!

Now that they have come under Lin Hua's command, they naturally come to flatter Lin Hua.

Everyone was extremely annoyed, why didn't they seize this opportunity.

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