Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 350 Never lose with words

Seeing that Lin Hua and others were not paying attention to them at all, a hint of despair flashed through the hearts of the strong men in the Sea Realm.

The corners of his mouth were surging, and he wanted to say something but couldn't. What else could he say at this time.

Only death! What else can be done.

Everyone thought that they would face the fate of being devoured in the future, and felt sad for a moment.

There is no use in surrendering now, it is better to just die.

Save yourself from being eaten by others and suffer the consequences yourself.


Suddenly, a line of blood spread from the corner of the mouth of a true god from the sea domain, and the sky was instantly stained with blood. This true god was also decisive,

Although he has been sealed.

But he forcibly reversed his meridians, and the power of Qi and blood flowed backwards instantly, and he died instantly.


The true god of darkness is furious, which is okay.

Seeing that the other strong men are also about to commit suicide,

This is absolutely not okay.


I saw a powerful and honest power rippling out from the hands of the True God of Darkness.

The blessing was instantly given to the strong men in the sea area.

It's impossible to commit suicide. Just ask me if I agree.

Hmph! You are thinking well, there is no way!

The True God of Darkness shouted loudly,

Power came down from his hand one after another,

In an instant, all the powerful true gods of the Sea Domain were imprisoned to death.

This is absolutely not going to work.

Hoo ho ho!

After the True God of Darkness finished all this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did the devil know that they had walked away from the gate of hell.


Dark God, can you be stricter in doing things? We were almost killed by you!

I saw that the God of the West also looked frightened, looking at the True God of Darkness and said quietly.

But no, no one in this world knows that soul-eating insect better than him.

On the other hand, those strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Domains, one by one, looked at each other with a doubtful look in their eyes.

Obviously, they still don't understand why Lin Hua insists on devouring living people.

In their eyes, there was no trace of the Soul-Eating Insect at all.

They always thought that here was just an army of Zerg.

They have basically seen this Zerg army. Although they do not specifically cultivate Zerg,

But as side things, they have seen a lot of them in their respective areas.

Knowing these Zerg races, there is no need to worry about whether they will survive or not.

Just having food is enough.

Originally, in their opinion, Lin Hua did not kill the strong men in the Sea Territory just to break the defense in their hearts.

Let them surrender, but now it seems that is not the case.

Is there any hidden secret in this?

No matter what they think, it doesn't make sense.

But they did sum it up a bit.

It's very possible that this Lin Hua just likes to hear the sounds of these people screaming in pain.

Otherwise, there is no reason to keep them alive.

But this doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, they are already under Lin Hua's command anyway.

In the end, they gradually got used to these things.

But looking at the True God of Darkness and the God of the West, they looked frightened.

They were also a little afraid of Lin Hua from the bottom of their hearts.

They know that Lin Hua is actually very comfortable with his own people.

It was just the first time I regained them, so I showed a little bit of strictness.

They knew that the True God of Darkness and the God of the West were just afraid of the Soul-eating Insect.

It's not like this at all because of this thing.


Uh! Could you please stop being a hindsight!

The True God of Darkness could not help but roll his eyes at the Western God and said coldly.

Is it your pot? Why didn't you let me talk about it after you made it?

The Western God said with an annoyed look on his face.

But no matter who it is, they are not in a good mood after walking through the hell gate.

Your sister, can you blame me for this? Can I think of this?

Who knew these people could have such poor psychological quality!

The True God of Darkness said angrily.

Why, you did something wrong. Lin Hua doesn't blame you. Are you making a fool of yourself here?

The Western God said breathlessly.

Are you looking for trouble? I think it's because I haven't educated you over the years. Are you itchy?

A ray of light appeared in the eyes of the True God of Darkness and he said coldly.

It seemed that he could no longer control the murderous intention in his heart.

Are you going to find a reason soon? Who is afraid of whom!

The Western God said coldly

Let's go, don't cause trouble here, let's go out!

The True God of Darkness said in a deep voice.


The God of the West also said angrily.

In the middle of talking, the two of them looked at the true god powerhouses in the sea area for sure.

I will definitely not break that seal.

Only then can we leave with peace of mind.

Just as everyone was looking at Lin Hua cautiously, thinking about how they would serve Lin Hua well in the future.

The God of the West and the True God of Darkness have left quietly.

They did not dare to speak loudly for fear of disturbing Lin Hua.

In the blink of an eye, it was wiped out without a trace.

In the distant void, the two launched a fierce offensive and collision.

Now the matters in the five major domains have been resolved.

But two people said that their hands were still a little itchy!

In addition, there was something wrong between the two of them, so naturally they had to fight.

If Lin Hua were not still practicing now, to be honest, they would most like to fight Lin Hua.

Look at how far Lin Hua's power has improved now.

After all, at this time, when looking at Lin Hua, one cannot look at the opponent's cultivation level at all, but rather the specific strength.

Boom! Boom!

Soon, in the endless void, I could only hear the powerful sound of thunder rolling that day,

Although I couldn't feel any pressure, I could just listen to the fluctuations in the distance.

All the strong men present could feel the powerful spiritual power of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West.

One by one, you looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other in complete confusion.

It was only at this time that they realized that when they fought with them before, the Dark God and the Western God did not use all their fighting power at all.

Everyone was a little stunned.

If I hadn't felt such fluctuations,

They thought that the power of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West was just like that.

They also thought that if they joined forces, maybe they could kill them?

As a result, now is the time to understand and fight them.

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West only used part of their power.

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