Hoo ho!

The strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Second Realm and the Nether Realm, the Extreme Realm, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

An endless shock appeared in his eyes.

To be honest, I don't understand how people like Lin Hua, Dark God and Western God practice.

After all, they have practiced for endless years. Although they are currently in a corner among the five major domains, there is no doubt that this surveillance is very short-sighted.

But they couldn't imagine what the size and talent of these people were like.

They asked themselves that they had never seen it in all the heavens and worlds.

Moreover, Lin Hua's power is even more bizarre.

They knew clearly what kind of race the Zerg were, but they asked themselves,

They have never seen such a powerful race.

Of course, they also thought of the Soul-Eating Insects, but in their hearts they still didn't want to accept that these Soul-Eating Insects were controlled by others.

In their impression, the Soul-Eating Insect was an ancient ferocious beast.

One that no one can tame.

After all, the legend from all over the world was deeply in their minds.

They ask themselves that there should be no one in this world who can do it,

What's more, Lin Hua is just a fake true god, even if he is as powerful as a true god.

And it is extremely powerful among the ranks of true gods.

But they feel that Lin Hua does not have this ability.

Otherwise, where would they still have a chance to survive?

What they didn't actually know was that their guess was indeed correct.

It's just that they don't dare to think so.

Also, they saw a very strange and vicissitudes of power in the True God of Darkness and the God of the West.

This was something that didn't exist at all in their time.

They stood in front of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West, and they felt as if they were separated by endless years.


Suddenly, a rich Dunhuang voice rippled out, interrupting the thoughts of the powerful men from the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain and other major domains.

Seventy-fifth level of psychic power!


The strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain and other major domains looked at each other one by one. They really couldn't believe their eyes.

But no, there are twenty true gods in the Ice Domain!

It all went in like this.

The result was just to provide Lin Hua with two levels of spiritual power!

This is too powerful!

Although there are nearly 800 pseudo-true gods in the Sea Domain, their total size is not as large as the True God in the Ice Domain.

This is normal.

The energy contained in a true god is at least the power of the more than three hundred false true gods.

The more than 800 pseudo-true gods before were equivalent to the three true gods.

As a result, Lin Hua was provided with two levels of spiritual energy.

But the more than twenty true gods now only provided him with two levels.

Isn't this a bit too much?

Originally, everyone thought that Lin Hua’s size would not increase.

After all, this has already reached the ceiling.

They thought that with twenty true gods watching, Lin Hua could at least rise to the ninth level of spiritual power.

But they never expected that it would happen like this, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

I wonder if I saw it wrong.

Many people also rubbed their eyes and still saw a seventy-fifth level.

Each one is a bit square.

How is it possible? How can this volume grow exponentially?

This! It's definitely a lie!

For a time, the strong men in the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain and other large domains were all suspicious. Even if they tried hard, they couldn't figure out what the reason was!

In fact, the reason is that not only they don't know, but even Lin Hua himself is very confused.

But he couldn't raise his own cultivation level. It would be impossible to say that Lin Hua was not in a hurry.

But the fact is so shocking.

Hoo ho ho!

Lin Hua's breathing became extremely serious.

Feeling the improvement of his spiritual power, he felt extremely depressed.

What on earth is going on?

He couldn't tell clearly.

What else can be done? Keep devouring it!

However, the soul-eating insects in the body have almost been devoured.

Fortunately, a batch of larvae had successfully hatched.

On the contrary, it can continue to be devoured.

Come on, bring me the true gods of the Sea Realm.

Lin Hua said loudly.


The strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain and other large domains twitched their mouths. If these powers were put on them, there is no doubt that they would have completely exploded and died.

But this Lin Hua still looks dissatisfied!

They couldn't help but wonder if it would be their turn when all the true gods of the Sea Realm were devoured.

This is indeed difficult to say.

After all, the God of the West and the True God of Darkness have already left.

At first, everyone thought that it was probably because the two of them were worried about being devoured by Lin Hua that they left.

The strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain and other large domains all had extremely miserable expressions on their faces.

Faced with Lin Hua's order, they did not dare to say anything.

I can only quietly come to the presence of the True God of the Sea Territory,

They know these people, even though they can't say anything.

But they can still see that they are like walking zombies.

Bringing the true gods of the sea area to Lin Hua,

He simply ignored the pleading gazes of the true gods of the Sea Realm.

But if they were released, wouldn't they be swallowed up if they made Lin Hua angry?

Now the only two people who can speak with any weight in front of Lin Hua are the God of the West and the True God of Darkness.

As a result, the two people left immediately.

Pretending to go far away to settle a personal grudge.

Hey! Don't blame us!

There is nothing we can do! If you sacrifice yourselves now, it is equivalent to saving us.

Thank you!

I saw the number one true god of the Dragon Realm saying in a deep voice.

A look of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

Whenever there was a chance, he would never send the True God of the Sea Realm to Lin Hua.

This is simply too scary.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves,

If you can't even protect yourself, how can you take care of these vain people!

No! No! Please don't!

At this time, I saw the true god of the sea domain, with endless pleading in his eyes.

But no, they could see Lin Hua's movements clearly before.

Naturally, they understand the fate they are about to face.

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