Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 349 It’s so strong that it’s a bit weird

As long as they also have such bodyguards,

In all the worlds, can’t we just walk sideways?

It's a pity that they can only be envious now.

Fortunately, at this time, they have become Lin Hua's powerful subordinates.

In this way, with the protection of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West, each of them is also full of hope for me.

As time went by, the pseudo-true gods of the Sea Realm around Lin Hua were gradually swallowed up.

And Lin Hua's spiritual power has been upgraded to level seventy-two.

The powerful power fluctuations can be said to exude supreme divine status.

I saw that the strong men from the dragon and wolf realms, and the strong men from the extreme realm, all had scalps that were a little numb.

It's simply unimaginable. To be honest, their brains are already a bit exhausted.

What's going on?

How could a false god have such a large body?

The value of such a huge sea domain has only increased by two levels.

Isn't this a bit much?

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, with a look of horror in their eyes.

Suddenly I understood that Lin Hua had subdued the True God of Darkness and the God of the West.

It's not because of his status, but because of his strength.

Wow! Sir, is this a bit too strong?

How many resources are needed to advance to the first level?

This...anyone can be directly upgraded to a pseudo-true god.

For a moment, everyone said with sincerity and fear.

His body was also feeling chilly.

They were all worried about what if Lin Hua couldn't bear it anymore and swallowed them too.

How difficult it is.

This much has improved the two levels of spiritual power.

This is too...

Bring all the true gods and powerful men from the Ice Domain over there!

The True God of Darkness looked at the pseudo-true gods being devoured one by one.

The strong men who commanded the Netherworld said in a deep voice.

Because they had slaughtered all the true gods in the Ice Domain before.

And they were all beaten into fools. As a result, they could only take the True God Sect of the Ice Domain with them.

It is already impossible to get the true gods of the Ice Domain to surrender.

So this time, when he struck, it could be said to be very light.

Directly sealed all the powerful men in the Sea Domain.

They are still conscious.

When people, with the help of the strong men from the Extreme Realm and the Dragon and Wolf Realms,

The means of sealing are becoming increasingly simple.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to seal all these people with the help of the True God of Darkness alone.

Hoo, gulu!

I saw that the true gods in the sea area, and the false true gods looking at them, were completely swallowed up, and their scalps were a little numb.

Every pore on his body was cold, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

One by one, you looked at me, and I looked at you, with a look of panic on their faces.

My throat was also extremely dry, and I couldn't help but swallow.

But otherwise, this scene was terrifying to them.

One by one, the fake gods were eaten by Lin Hua just like ordinary resources.

It was originally thought that they would be able to survive next.

But I never expected that the true gods of the Ice Domain would travel a long way here just for Lin Hua to devour them and improve their cultivation.

They looked at the true gods of the Ice Domain, slowly coming to Lin Hua's side like zombies, ‘

Then rays of light emerged, and a statue transformed into Wuyou.

From then on, he disappeared into heaven and earth.

Although, the true gods of the Sea Realm have never personally experienced what it feels like to be devoured by thousands of insects.

But at this time, each of them was a little scared.

Just listening to the squeaking sound made me wet my pants in fear.

But this time, looking at the true gods of the Ice Domain, they all walked into the devouring range with expressionless faces.

No sound was made immediately after, completely destroying their willpower.

After the former number one true god of the Sea Territory was killed, each of them was still a little unconvinced.

Some thoughts of revenge.

But at this time, there is no desire for revenge.

Sir! We were wrong! We are willing to surrender!

With a splash and a crash, all the true gods who saw the sea domain suddenly had endless horror in their eyes, and hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

If they were really killed, they wouldn't even frown.

After experiencing countless lives and deaths, they have grown to the point where they are now, and they are no longer afraid of life and death.

Sometimes, one breath is more important than their life or death.

But this time, their backbone looked extremely ridiculous.

For a moment, they were somewhat envious of the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf domains.

The strong men in the Dragon and Wolf Domains are in trouble at this time.

Especially regretting that they did not follow the advice of the True God of Extreme Fire.

Now all the regrets are cleared from the intestines.


Hearing this, the True God of Darkness looked at them with disdain and said that it was time to give them a chance.

Since these people are disrespectful, they won’t say anything more.

But the current situation obviously makes them a little disgusted.

Such people will not die until they see the Yellow River.

The key is that their courage is completely broken and is of no use at all.

Don't look at the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Realm, as well as the strong men from the Extreme Realm.

Just surrender.

They seem even more spineless.

But this is because those who understand current affairs are heroes.

At this moment, their psychological defenses were completely defeated.

But these people in the Sea Territory are different. They were all so tough before.

All of a sudden it's surrender, how can this be compared to others.

The God of the West and the True God of Darkness wanted to kill them directly, but they came to see Lin Hua at this time.

The most important thing is that if Lin Hua lets them go, it's really hard to say.


The God of the West, the True God of Darkness, and other powerful men all looked at Lin Hua for a while.

But Lin Hua was too lazy to pay attention to these people.

Not a word was said.

Still maintaining his devouring power quietly, he was too lazy to pay attention to these strong men.

They were given the opportunity before, but these people didn't cherish it, but now they are surrendering.

Where can there be any good things? Anyway, Lin Hua is too lazy to pay attention to these people.

Just like the thoughts in the heart of the True God of Darkness, these people no longer have the courage.

Even if we conquer them in the future, it will be extremely difficult.

It's simply not useful.

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