Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 332: Refining completed to fight against other regions!

But no matter what she said, the strong men in the Ice Domain remained calm.

because. Although they were relatively far away, they could feel that there was something wrong with the auras of the strong men in the Ice Domain.

But he didn't dare to attack rashly.

After all, the thousands of pseudo-true gods from the Ice Realm didn't show up. Maybe they were ambushing here.

Hey, does anyone have a word?

What are you all doing standing there stupidly?

The True God of Extreme Cold exudes a sense of vigilance in his eyes.

No way, are everyone in the Ice Domain so cowardly? No one dares to come here?

The True God Ji Shui was surrounded by water vapor, as if his body was made of water, he said loudly.

The eighteen true gods in the entire Ji Realm shouted loudly.

But still didn't get any response.

Since there were only twenty-four true gods coming out of the Ice Domain, they did not dare to take action.

What if the remaining one has some conspiracy?

The strong men in the Extreme Realm were a little angry.

They didn't dare to really take action, it was really too much.

Damn it, why are these guys so outrageous?

The True God of Extreme Fire shouted angrily and couldn't help but stepped forward, but was stopped by the True God of Ice.

Forget it, let's just wait. Anyway, there won't be any problems there. We can just protect the Ice Domain.

I don't believe they can continue like this.

Extremely icy. After hearing this, the True God quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice.

Although he calmed down, the formation in the Extreme Realm was still open.

There is no sign of closure at all.

They simply don't have the guts to ignore the strong men of the Ice Domain.

Just like this, the strong men from the two domains stared blankly at each other, without saying anything.

Time passed minute by minute.

There was still no movement, it seemed like a hundred years had passed.


I saw that in the Nether Realm in the trapped formation, all the pseudo-true gods were nervous. After all, they were about to face another big realm, so it was inevitable to be a little nervous.

After all, the opponent was fully prepared at this time and was much stronger than the previous Ice Domain lineup.

And many people are also very excited, thinking that they can kill their enemies right away, their excitement is palpable.

Lin Hua, who was hiding in the dark, remained calm and stood quietly in the void.

People outside are waiting, nothing happens.

But Lin Hua is very busy. At this moment, in his divine jade space, the time multiplier has been quietly turned on.

It reached more than two hundred and thirty times.

He wished that the people outside were wasting more time, so that it could give the Zerg a huge breath adjustment.

Once the Zerg army calls are completed, the rest is their death.


I saw the God of Darkness and the God of the West fighting, looking at the environment outside next to Lin Hua, standing there leisurely and not in a hurry.

There is nothing to worry about, they know that Lin Hua is refining the power of the Zerg here.

Besides, there seems to be no use in gathering them.

For them anyway.

Killing them all is easy, don't worry.

Finally very popular. The True God couldn't help but let out an angry roar. He was originally a fire-attributed character. How could he not become manic when encountering such a thing?

Calm down!

The true gods next to them could no longer calm down.

I saw Shuwei Zhenshen's eyes on the other side appeared, and he said nervously and loudly.

Unfortunately it was too late.


I saw a stream of light flashing under the feet of the True God of Extreme Fire, and when he reappeared the next moment, he had already arrived beside the True God of the Ice Domain.

There was a monstrous flame in his hand, which was shrouding the True God in the Ice Domain.

Now, how could the true gods of the Ice Realm resist? They have become walking zombies.

However, the God of Darkness will naturally not let these people be killed by the True God of Extreme Fire.

At this moment, the Dark God and the Western God both released the mysterious power in their hands.

After a while, the True God of the Ice Domain was pulled directly to the rear.

The flame of the True God of Extreme Fire fell directly into the air.

What do you mean by Ice Domain?

A curious look appeared in the eyes of Jihuo True God, and he asked faintly.

It stands to reason that he came here rashly. The realm of ice. Why not fight?

This is not the style of Ice Domain at all.

But still didn't get any response.


I saw that Jihuo True God's heart felt cold.

Are these people fake?


The next moment, the True God of Extreme Fire came again, in front of the True Gods of the Ice Domain.

This...how is this possible? Their souls have been completely destroyed and they have become walking zombies.

The true god of extreme fire. A look of horror appeared in his eyes, and he said with bottomless shock.

This time they could see clearly.

Although no manipulations were found by the God of Darkness and the God of the West, it was clearly felt that the twenty-four true gods of the Ice Domain had turned into living dead.

He didn't have time to think about why these living dead were hiding away. My mind was buzzing like a lightning strike.

I can only think about whose handiwork it was that could kill all the true gods in the Ice Domain.


The strong men in the Extreme Realm were originally looking at the True God of Extreme Fire nervously.

In an instant, all the bodies came up and hurriedly came forward to check.

And this time, in order to delay time, the Dark God and the Western Shinto did not control the True God of the Ice Domain.

And they cut off the connection between them, so as not to be seen by the powerful people in the Extreme Realm.

This would only serve to alert the enemy.


The true gods of the Extreme Realm came before the true gods of the Ice Realm.

They looked up and down one by one, thinking carefully.

The power of the divine soul also entered the ice domain and the true god's divine jade space unscrupulously to check.

I saw that the space of every Divine Domain in the Ice Domain was empty.

All believers died.

Resources are completely gone.

Only the body exudes the power of Qi and blood, and it is still in its prime.

Moreover, the power of the soul was also at its peak.

Only the brain was hit by the umbrella and lost consciousness.

Oh my God, they were killed by one blow. Who is so powerful? Why are they placed here?

The strong men of the Extreme Realm. There was an extremely shocked look in each of their eyes.

He murmured at the corner of his mouth.

It can be said that my mind is like a ball of mush.

Could it be that the strong men from the core area have come down? They are trying to warn us to retreat.

The eyes of the True God of Extreme Fire appeared, and a shocking meaning shouted loudly.

Although he really wanted to see what these strong men would look like if they could kill a true god with one blow, he felt the extremely cold energy in his body.

I instinctively felt something was wrong.

He called on everyone to evacuate quickly.

Although the other strong men have not discovered anything yet, they did not hesitate at all to the orders of the True God of Extreme Fire.

Just as they were preparing to retreat, light flashed beneath their feet.

Take action

Lin Hua said loudly, and finally let out a sigh of relief. He had completely refined the Soul-eating Insects and Zerg.

But this is also thanks to the strong men in the Extreme Realm.

They have been grinding here for a long time.

But for Lin Hua, more than half a year has passed.

At this moment, Lian Hua's psychic level has been raised to level seventy-seven.

The time flow rate ratio has also reached a terrifying two hundred and thirty-five.

Although the blessing is not very great, the higher you go, the harder it becomes.

There is simply no way to improve yourself as quickly as before.

Now Lin Hua is mentally prepared, knowing that if he wants to be promoted, he is afraid that he will need many times the resources of the previous level.


The next moment, the God of Darkness and the God of the West appeared in front of the true gods of the Extreme Realm.

Since you are all here, why don't you take a second look? Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Take a closer look!

The Western God said with a smile.


The true gods of the Jiji Realm looked at the two people in front of them and took a breath of cold air. They were all extremely frightened.

But instead of scolding the Western God, the two of them were hiding in the void. They never noticed it, and they had never seen this face before.

Plus those people on the side who have lost the ability to think.

It was obvious that these two people were the culprits.

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