Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 333: Really scared away!

·Furthermore, I subconsciously inquired about the opponent's level, but it was obvious that I couldn't detect it.

What does this mean?

It shows that the other party's rank is many times higher than his own.

There is no second possibility!

Uh! You two adults! We didn't know that this territory was occupied by you. It was because we were blind and ignorant! I'm so sorry! I'm using these resources to honor you two adults. Please forgive me.

When I saw the True God of Extreme Fire, his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, and he nodded and bowed.

At the same time, allocate all your own resources, only leaving some necessary resources for yourself.

This set of movements can be said to be done in one go. ,

But no, the true god of their extreme realm is not considered a god at all in the entire world.

Speaking of which, they are considered to be good figures in the five major domains, but in the outside world, they are just scum.

Who cares about the life and death of a scumbag.

So faced with such a situation, two people would choose this way.

I'm sorry, sir. It's our fault. We were rude. Please, sir, please let us go!

For a moment, I saw that the true gods of the Extreme Realm were all groveling, nodding and bowing at an extremely brisk pace.

From the moment the Jihuo True God took out the resources, they all reacted.

One by one, they took out the resources without scruples or hesitation.

Immediately, he looked at the True God of Darkness and the God of the West with pitiful eyes.

It was like walking on thin ice facing two individuals who controlled their destiny.

Afraid of accidentally angering the other person.

Uh! This... my God!

The God of the West, the True God of Darkness, and the pseudo-true gods of Lin Hua’s Nether Realm all looked at each other.

I didn't expect that the other party would actually play such a trick.

To be honest, when the two Western Gods came out, everyone came up with ten thousand countermeasures, and there might be a big fight.

Or something else.

But who would have thought that the true gods of the Extreme Realm would be so humble that they would use all their resources without hesitation.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person with your hand. It can be said that the true gods of the extreme realm are so well behaved, which can be said to be a bit surprising to them.

The whole person feels blinded.

Even though Lin Hua had heard a lot of news from the three true gods before, he was still a little confused at this moment.

What the hell is this?

Is this definitely the true God?

But the next scene shocked the Western Gods and others even more.

You guys! Disperse the formation quickly and come to apologize to the adults. It's our fault for disturbing the adults' cultivation!

I saw the true gods of the Extreme Realm shouting loudly one by one.

Boom! Boom!

The true gods of the Extreme Realm, all without any hesitation, dispersed their power one after another.

One by one, they came before the God of the West and the God of Darkness, looking guilty.

Although they don't know what the power of these people is.

However, they knew that the True God would not deceive them.

This is enough.


In an instant, a massive amount of resources were seen gathering, and the false and true gods paid in the resources one after another.

Your Majesty, it's our fault. Please spare us, Your Majesty!

The expressions on each of them could be described as extremely pious, as if they themselves had really done the outrageous thing.

Everyone is eager to take out their own divine space.


I saw the auras of the pseudo-true gods in the Nether Realm floating around.

Originally, it was quite well hidden in the formation.

But at this moment, seeing the pseudo-true gods in that extreme realm, they put down all their defenses.

And all the resources were taken out one by one.

They couldn't hide it anymore.

One by one, they appeared directly from the formation, staring at the people in the Extreme Realm with extremely stunned expressions.

They all suspected that these people were not pretending to surrender.

Otherwise, why would these people know things so well?

Especially the two people, Frost and False God, were even more shocked.

You must know that when they first met Lin Hua, they directly showed their sincerity.

Of course that time they saw a false god for the first time.

He died in Lin Hua's hands almost instantly.

They were immediately frightened, knowing that they could never be Lin Hua's opponent.

Only then will you be cowardly.

But now they don't understand why all the pseudo-true gods in the Extreme Realm are so obedient.

Moreover, the true god also made them unable to understand what was going on in this extreme realm.

The strong men in the Nether Realm looked at the strong men in the Ice Realm and were completely confused.

If the current environment did not allow them to say so, they would all want to go up and ask.

What on earth are these people thinking?

Why don't you try hard for this?

After all, their strength and numbers seem to far exceed theirs.

One by one, you looked at me and I looked at each other, looking at the pseudo-true gods in the extreme realm, without saying a word for a long time.

And none of them rushed to get the resource.

Only the devil knows why these people do this, it always feels like something is wrong.

There's probably something fishy about it!

Otherwise, why would you be timid?

And the coward is so self-righteous.

In their impression, the strong men in these five realms are similar to the strong men in the Ice Realm.

Although during the battle, as soon as the Ice Domain was lifted, he found that he couldn't beat him and ran away, which surprised everyone.

But at that time, it was Lin Hua who showed his invincibility, and it was normal for him to behave like this.

But now the pseudo-true gods in the Extreme Realm have not seen Lin Hua's power at all.

Maybe it’s because their time has come for the God of Darkness and the God of the West.

It shouldn't be, these two people didn't take action.

Besides, when Lin Hua set up this formation, he hadn't even been born yet, and even they didn't know the power of the formation.

Originally, they still wanted the pseudo-true god from the Extreme Realm to try the power of this formation.

After all, the formation in Lin Hua's hands was their first time seeing it.

It must be very powerful.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be taken out.

However, the expectations of the pseudo-true gods of the Nether Realm were instantly shattered by the pseudo-true gods of the Extreme Realm.

It’s really a bit disconcerting.

Hoo ho ho!

Lin Hua's exhalation was also extremely rapid, and he was really shocked.

Lin Hua was extremely embarrassed in the void, not to mention how embarrassed he was.

Standing there, rays of light were contained in his hands, wanting to attack and kill these people.

But facing such strong men, I found that I couldn't do this for a while.

People are so self-conscious, there is no insult, no ridicule, and no fight.

Just surrender!

How can we fight this!

It took so long to wait, or it was finally delayed until the army of soul-eating insects could recover.

As a result, they were told not to fight at this time.

Lin Hua has never seen such a scene since his debut.


Before, the True God of Darkness and the God of the West looked at the True Gods of the Ice Domain who were kneeling on the ground with pious and respectful faces.

The pairs of thugs didn't know where they were placed.

To be honest, they were a little sluggish at this moment.

Do you want to take this resource?

Don't take it, others have already given it to you.

Take it?

Lin Hua is confused now. Only the devil knows what Lin Hua is thinking.

Maybe, Lin Hua will devour all these resources.

After all, there are nearly two hundred pseudo-true gods in this ice domain.

Maybe it’s just these resources that need to be supplemented.

Hoo ho!

Both people's breathing began to become heavy.

To be honest, the two of them were in the past era of all heavens and worlds.

I have never seen such a cowardly person in the Extreme Realm.

They all feel that the true gods of the future Ice Domain will not be useful at all.

If they were conquered today.

In the future, the strong men in the Extreme Realm will meet stronger people.

Needless to say, it must be a normal sound and kneel down directly.

As said, they were a little unsure.


The true gods of the Extreme Realm looked blankly at the God of Darkness, the God of the West, and the pseudo-true gods who came out of the formation.

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