Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 331 Bring it! Sign for a thousand years!

This is clearly impossible.

It's nothing, just a large Zerg formation.

Lin Hua said quietly without raising his head.

Ah? What is this? Zerg formation? Why haven't I heard of it?

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West were completely confused, and they both doubted themselves.

Are you sure this formation is the great formation of the gods?

This is the formation that I realized when I was observing the Zerg building their nest.

If they put their thoughts into a trap, it should still be possible. If they make it into a control method, it might be a bit ordinary.

Lin Hua said loudly.

He found that the formation of the pseudo-true god in the Netherworld was basically very ordinary, and it had no effect on normal battles.

Especially in that evenly matched battle, there was nothing wrong with the formations used by the pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld.

But now it's completely different. It's impossible for them to fight evenly now.

Now Lin Hua is completely like a tiger who has lost his teeth.

This is the only last resort.

Oh! That's it!

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West suddenly realized what they were saying.

It seems that it is not so magical anymore.

There's nothing to say,

After all, Lin Hua has a lot of Zerg in his body, so it is normal to be able to ponder the nest day and night.

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West did not take this seriously.

I think it's nothing more than that, nothing to be surprised about.

Anyway, Lin Hua has already said that the attack power is not very good, it is just a trap.

He doesn't care about this true god of darkness. Anyway, his own dark space also has similar power.

It doesn't matter whether you have this assistance or not, but it can provide a good fighting space for the pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld.

Also pretty good.

Hoo ho ho!

Soon, with the flow of mysterious power, Lin Hua gradually constructed a vast formation in the void.

But it hasn't been stimulated yet, so I can't see anything.

As Lin Hua waved his hands, nothing was left in the void, as if there had never been any big formation here.

You enter it. This is the attack method in the formation. You should study it carefully.

Saying this, Lin Hua handed over the control method of the False True God Formation.


The pseudo-true gods were not coy and behaved. Although they were curious about the use of this formation,

After all, what's so great about a Zerg nest?

But after all, it was Lin Hua who took it out, so they didn't dare to say anything more.

They studied the formations seriously one by one, and soon stepped into the formations. ;

At the moment of entering, a mysterious light disappeared without a trace.

Tsk tsk...it's so fancy.

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West looked at this scene and couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths. In their opinion, this was no big deal.

Nothing to see.

It's normal. If you can't do this, it's called a strange thing. ,

But they don’t know whether it is applicable or not.

Anyway, listening to Lin Hua's tone, it seems to be of no use.

Hey! You two, stay away from me. Don't scare the people who are coming away, okay?

Lin Hua said loudly.

All right!

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West nodded helplessly.

It is said that the army of the Extreme Realm quickly came to this void under the leadership of the True God of Extreme Fire.


I could only hear endless divine power rippling in the void in the distance, and powerful sounds were heard.

There was no way around this. Although they didn't want to do this, they wanted to avoid encountering an enemy ambush during the march.

It can only urge the formation to move forward.


Lin Hua said loudly.


After all, the expressions of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West were extremely indifferent, as if they didn't care.

In their eyes, these people were just a bunch of people. If it weren't for Li, he would have killed them all if Liu had survived.

Not one of these true gods is enough to kill.

Each one was thinking whether to knock them out or not.

It doesn't matter to the pseudo-true gods. They have the power to imprison them, but facing a true god and trying to completely imprison them is unsatisfactory.


In a short time, he saw the great formation from the Extreme Realm, roaring towards him, exuding endless divine power, with rays of divine light criss-crossing each other, exuding murderous intent that soared into the sky.

A high fighting spirit lingered in half of the void.

Some true gods opened the way in front, and they saw the true gods of the Ice Domain from a long way away, standing in the void in front of them.

Oh, it seems like you guys knew we were coming.

A smile appeared in the eyes of the True God of Extreme Fire in the Extreme Realm, and he spoke loudly.

There was a confident smile on his cheeks. Without him, he would have been mentally prepared.

Now the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain has gone to the Sea Domain.

That must be the ultimate realm. Those true gods are already ready for battle.

It's just that Ji Huo's voice just fell, but there was no response from the True God of Ice Domain.

I saw that the true gods and false gods in the Ice Domain were all in a daze, as if they were stupid.

The true god of extreme fire. A confused look appeared in his eyes.

He looked them up and down and waved his hand to stop the army behind him.

At the same time, a mysterious light appeared in his eyes.

The void pierced by light can be seen clearly. Is the Realm of Ice real?

It's strange, why are these people like this? It's so weird. It seems they didn't even notice that there was something strange happening when we came.

Jihuo Zhenshen said loudly, signaling him to stop quickly.

Just ask the army to stop and wait.

at the same time. The true gods of the Extreme Realm also discovered something was wrong with the true gods of the Ice Realm.

Now these people are watching them coming. Even if they don't want to fight, they must at least defend themselves.

But he stood there like a fool.

How can this not make people feel a little strange?

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. There was a look of doubt in their eyes. They couldn't understand what was going on with the true gods of the Ice Domain.

For a while, neither party moved.

Anyway, for these powerful people in the Extreme Realm, they need to come here now, and delaying time is enough.

Wait until the Sea Domain kills all the powerful men from the Dragon and Wolf Domains.

This protracted battle is coming to an end.

For a moment, the entire void was silent.

Hoo ho ho!

The sound of breathing from the Extreme Realm rippled in the void.

You are indeed knowledgeable, true gods.

That's wrong. How did Lin Hua guess this? Doesn't this mean that our thousand years of time are gone?

In the dark, a look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the God of Darkness and the God of the West.

The whole person felt a little unhappy and asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

None of the people who were watching the other party were coming. As I guessed, everyone was a little decadent.

Why did this happen? where are they?

Then what about the strong men who met Dragon and Wolf again? Did they all eat shit?

When the God of Darkness and the God of the West thought about their extra thousand years of guardianship, they felt very sad.

I feel aggrieved. I originally thought that I could finally become a harmless person, and from now on, the sky is high and birds can fly.

They have indeed dug a hole for themselves. The key is that they cannot figure it out.

Haha, if you say you are stupid, you are not smart. Stop talking nonsense and hand over your soul contract to me first.

Secretly, Lin Hua was already happy and said loudly.


The God of Darkness and the God of the West couldn't help but roll their eyes, and Lotus's expression was full of resentment.

Everyone was in despair. Thinking that they might be intercepted and killed by all the worlds in the future, they felt very unhappy. As two mysterious lights rippled, the God of Darkness and the God of the West handed over their soul contracts to Lin Hua.


Lin Hua couldn't help laughing for a while.

To be honest, you and I heard this from the three true gods of the Netherworld.

They said that if I attack the Ji Realm, the Dragon and Wolf Realm will actually attack the Sea Realm. When the time comes, the Ji Realm will definitely attack the Sea Realm.

Lin Hua said loudly, a smile of successful conspiracy appeared in his eyes.

What kind of fallacy is this? Why? For what reason?

The God of Darkness and the God of the West were a little confused at first, and now they are even more confused after hearing Lin Hua's words.

What the hell is this?

How can the three true gods of the Netherworld deduce each other's movements?

If possible, both of them had the urge to tear off the three real heads.

Just kidding, it's too much. This little trick directly imprisoned their freedom for thousands of years.

You must know that Lin Hua had never been to the five major regions before.

How could this possibly know what's going on here?

Co-authorship turned out to be the reason.

Uh! I don't know this either. Anyway, when they told me, I didn't bother to listen in such detail.

Lin Hua said leisurely.

That's a huge loss.

The God of Darkness and the God of the West were both on the verge of tears and wanted to die.

But unfortunately things have reached this point, and it's too late to take the medicine of regret.

They could only hold back their anger, and they secretly made up their minds that if they met the three true gods of the Netherworld in the future, they would definitely not look good on them.

Not teaching them a lesson would be a disservice to the two of them for their experiences in these endless years.

But it is different from the relaxed state of the God of Darkness and the God of the West.

The state of everyone in the Ji Realm over there is extremely serious, and everyone is extremely nervous.

Bingyu, Shadow Bing, you two speak to me and don't complain. The army of the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain has been completely wiped out. Your good days are over.

The True God of Extreme Fire roared at the top of his lungs.

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