However, they didn't care much. After all, the opponent's pseudo-true gods only had 200, and their five times the power quickly slaughtered them all. By then, it would be too late to kill the two true gods.

Kill them quickly

Shadow Ice God said in a deep voice.


The pseudo-true gods of the Ice Realm all had a light look in their eyes, and they also breathed a sigh of relief.

With the True God taking action, they naturally relaxed a little and could attack the Nether Realm's formation unscrupulously.

There was a look of disdain on the corners of each mouth.

Haha, you dare to come to our ice domain, brothers, kill me

A false true god bloomed from his hands, and supreme light and divine power filled the air, roaring towards the formation.

Hmph, I don't know what to say, just hold on

Lin Hua said coldly.


The true gods of the Netherworld nodded in unison, Lang Lang said.

Each and every one of them was vigorous and high-spirited.

Well, you can imagine how excited I felt when I saw the two Western Gods each fighting against the twenty true gods of the Ice Realm.

They ask themselves, they never imagined that one day they would be able to be so proud.

Everyone was extremely excited. When they first came, they were worried about gains and losses.

Now that I see such a scene, I naturally want to spit it out.

The grievances I once felt, the pain of being suppressed by the five major domains, were completely released today.

Although they faced thousands of false gods, they felt no pressure because they knew that with Lin Hua here, they would not fail.

Kill, kill, kill!

Waves of chaotic sounds rippled out, and endless echoes surfed in the void.


The pseudo-true gods of the Ice Domain could not help laughing when they heard the high-pitched voice of the True God of the Netherworld.

But no, what the hell is this? They can't figure out where these people get their confidence.

Now the two true gods they led have been surrounded by one of their soldiers, the true god. They only have one defensive force and no ability to fight back at all.

How can these people resist the attacks of thousands of true gods?


Everyone is confused. It seems they are here to die. Please teach them a lesson and tell them who they cannot mess with.

The pseudo-true gods of the Ice Realm, each with supreme divine power, rushed straight down from the Nether Realm.

There are more than a dozen of them who are true gods. In their eyes, towards Lin Hua Shalai, this lotus is already a turtle in the urn and is not their opponent at all.

It seemed that the group fight was enough to wipe out Lin Hua.

Hoo ho!

For a moment, the powerful divine power was seen rippling away, and the entire void barrier was trembling slightly, as if it could no longer withstand this powerful attack.

The surrounding gods and planets are gradually becoming more and more beautiful, as if the wing class will be shattered directly.

Stand up to create opportunities for adults.

The pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld screamed for each one. They needed to withstand this ice domain. An attack from the pseudo-true gods would make it extremely easy.


Boom, boom, boom!



The next lesson is that the attack of the False True God of the Ice Domain was like a violent storm, hitting the formation in the Netherworld.

On the large array of light screens, circles of ripples appeared, blooming with endless streams of light, criss-crossing the entire void like light rain all over the sky.

Such a powerful wave here spreads to the entire ice domain in an instant.

At this moment, all the gods and planets felt great divine power.

Destroy the invading enemies, Lord True God, so mighty!

I am willing to dedicate all my strength to the True God Ai Ying. I am willing to dedicate my power to the True God to destroy the invading enemies.

Seeing the God Planet in the Ice Domain, all the people in the world fell to their knees one by one, raised their hands high, and gathered all their energy and blood into the God Planet.

At the same time, the endless power of faith slowly rippled from the planets of the major gods, slowly rising up, and gradually gathered in the True God of the Ice Domain, blessing them with the True God. the power of.

The previous scenes of turmoil in the entire Ice Domain, coupled with the participation of all true gods and false gods in the battle, the strong men with clear minds knew that their Ice Prison had encountered an external attack.

All of them looked filled with righteous indignation, wishing they could devote all their strength to annihilate all future enemies.

For them, the true god and the false god are their patron saints.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, the true God or the pseudo-true God may be a heinous villain.

In their eyes, that is their spiritual pillar. Now that the spiritual pillar is fighting outside, they cannot help, they can only contribute their own strength here.

True gods and false gods are, strictly speaking, the masters of the divine planet.

They are like the divine realm space of true gods. Each of them can urgently need the power of heaven and earth from the priestly planet to use it as their own attack method.

Under normal circumstances, Dayu will not easily come to other people's domains during battles, because it is very likely to directly lead to the integration of the power of the entire domain, and then the power of all people will also be blessing it.

This is equivalent to a home game. For the weaker side, there is no way to retreat at home and they must fight to the death.

Of course, unless there is an absolute crushing of power, it is impossible to win with the advantage of their home court.

Especially in the impression of the people of the God's Finger Planet, once someone comes to their prison, it means that they have been completely defeated on the outer battlefield and have been beaten to their homes.

Only by fighting against the odds can you unleash stronger potential.

For a time, in the ice domain, the major gods and planets were filled with high fighting spirit, and the mood of fighting to the death spread.

I saw the major minds in the Prison of Soldiers, and the strong power of faith on the planet, rippling, and the ripples crossed the endless void and fell directly on the warring true and false gods.

The power of Qi and blood naturally emerged from the planet of God, blessing them across the endless void, and rested on them.


In our ice domain, even if you have great power, it will be useless, because this is our home field.

For a moment, the Ice Jade True God and the False True God had high fighting intentions in their eyes, and they all said excitedly.

The whole person seemed to contain endless divine power.

At the same time, the two Western Gods breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they were really worried that this ice domain also had the power of milky white faith.

If they were suddenly blessed by the milky white power of faith, these people's power would definitely be doubled.

When the time comes, neither of them will be able to resist.

Now they just saw the ripples, and they felt relieved in their hearts.

It would be best to know that this milky white power of faith has not spread in this era.

At the same time, they are more convinced that their choice is not wrong. Lin Hua's strength is definitely one of the best.

Although they were in constant battle, they still focused on Lin Hua. They wanted to see how powerful this Lin Hua was.

Such a large body, blessed with the milky white power of faith, will still exude such combat power.

To be honest, they could not imagine that at this time, even if the Western God had the power to directly kill all the true gods of the ice domain, they unanimously chose not to use it.

Just to see Lin Hua's true power. In the future, they are destined to conquer all the worlds. This ice domain is just a starting point.

They know that they are not invincible. If they truly reach the core of the world in this era, there are many true gods who have the power to compete with them.

There is absolutely no way these Ice Jade True Gods can resist existence.


Seeing the reality of the Nether Realm, the gods saw the powerful power of ice escaping from the planets of the major gods, and their breathing became extremely heavy.

The two Western Gods showed off their prowess before, but in the final analysis it was nothing. Now is the time to truly test them.

If they can withstand this wave, they will basically win this battle.

If they can't resist it, they can only end with hatred.


Soon the excitement on the faces of the True Gods of the Ice Domain disappeared, and all of them were extremely shocked.

This was something they didn't expect at all. They originally thought that with the blessing of such vast divine power in the god's planet, they would be able to directly defeat the two Western gods.

But I didn't expect that they would be excited for a long time.

Then I discovered a problem, that is, the abilities of the two Western Gods also improved accordingly.

He actually fell into a bitter stalemate with them again.

This situation made everyone feel uncomfortable.

I can't wait to directly and loudly ask these people from which realm they practice and what kind of evil cult they are.

I have to come to this barren place and help this low-level plane to carry the fork.

Now the true gods of Ice Jade are really helpless and can only place their last hope on the false true gods.

There is no other way. They are now attacking the Western God with all their strength, but it is still impossible for the two of them to directly defeat the enemy.

Don't make any noise...

Watch our adults' performance carefully before you can talk about it.

You can watch this performance for free. It's already great that we don't charge you any performance fees.

I saw a hint of ridicule in the eyes of the Western God, and said loudly.

“Why are the lives of people who don’t charge for watching performances thrown away here?”

There was a hint of indifference in the eyes of the Dark God, and he said proudly.

Ha ha!

Immediately, the hearty laughter of the Western God came from the void.

That's right, he was really amused by the Dark God.

No, their lives will be left here soon.

That’s all the performance fees.

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