Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 324 The fault is that you are too powerful

Who are you beasts from? We in the Ice Domain have no grievances with you in the past or recent times. Why do you come here to bully us? What on earth do you do?

Shadow Ice God said in a deep voice with a helpless look in his eyes.

Now that he has clearly seen the situation in front of him, it is obvious that in this situation, there is no way to confront people head-on.

Their power had been blessed by the people of the divine planet before, but they still couldn't suppress the two of them.

It shows that he still has a lot of energy left, and at this time, he can no longer be tough.

We can only compromise, although the false and true God may win.

But they can't get involved in the battle between the true gods, and they will most likely be killed by these two people.

The Shadow Ice True God doesn't have the guts to come so far.

I can only persuade the two Western Gods with good words.

Haha, you are really my mother-in-law. I have told you that we are the strong ones in the Netherworld. We are here for your lives, your resources, and your women. Don't you even see this? come out?

I saw a smile emerging from the eyes of the Dark God, and he said leisurely.

You are really bullying others. Even if I die, I won't make it easy for you.

Shadow Ice God, his lungs were almost exploded by this dark god. He roared so much that he had already shown enough sincerity and showed his willingness to compensate, but these people were still unwilling to give up, knowing in their hearts that there were already too many It's useless to say that it's just nonsense.

He just doesn't believe that there is a steady stream of divine planet support behind them, so they can't even solve this person, right?


I saw the Shadow Ice God just about to command everyone, let them burn the power of essence and blood one by one, gain strength, and kill the two Western Gods as soon as possible.

For their god's planet, for their lives, and for their women, they must fight to the death.

We can't delay it any longer. If we delay it any longer, once the power of the god planet is exhausted, even if they win, it will be of no use.

They are destined to become homeless. Although fighting at home has many advantages and can easily kill enemies, ordinary strong men are not willing to use the foundation of the god planet at all, because this Once the foundation is consumed, it is difficult to recover.

For a true god, as long as his divine finger planet still exists, as long as he does not die,

No matter how serious the injury is, you will be able to recover in the future.

But once the god's planet is severely damaged, the future will mean that the true god will spend a long time.

You cannot use the power of God’s Planet. If you encounter a war again,

When the time comes, it will be extremely difficult to regain your strength.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, the true gods are not willing to drain all the power of their god's planet.

You must choose to use your own power first.

Of course, if life is really at stake,

Then you don’t have to worry about so much. If there is no god planet left, you can look for the second one.

But if the life is gone, then there really is no life. That means there really is no more.

But before Shadow Ice God could speak, he was interrupted by the scene in front of him.

At the same time, the battle between the Western God and the Ice Realm's strong men was also stagnant, and they were all stunned in place.

It can be said that they were stunned, and their eyes were filled with shock, as if they were dreaming.

In the Ice Domain, the pseudo-true gods suddenly received the blessing of the god planet. Each one showed their supreme power, and powerful forces directly attacked the formation in the Netherworld.

And the great earthquake in the Netherworld was as if it was on the verge of collapse, unable to withstand the next round of attacks.

At this moment, Lin Hua took action, and all kinds of rays of light were seen rippling around Lin Hua. Each ray of light represented an original power.

The origin of the Five Elements bloomed with dazzling light. At the same time, the power of space, the power of time, and all other major powers in his hands all showed a ferocious appearance.

There was also a black brilliance inside, and there seemed to be some magazines in the black brilliance. Although others couldn't tell what they were, the two Western Gods could clearly see that they contained the soul-eating worm.

I saw Lin Hua rushing into the camp of the True God of the Bingbing Realm Committee unscrupulously.

As he walked past, every ray of light rippled on the pseudo-true god.

In the next moment, these people were directly swallowed up by the brilliance.

Just a moment later, the black brilliance receded to cherish the next strong man, and the false god of the Ice Domain who had been shrouded before had been completely reduced to a mummy!

Lin Hua not only used the soul-eating insects but also the overwhelming Zerg behind him.

The huge swarm of insects watched as the powerful corpse was devoured cleanly.

The pseudo-real gods of the Ice Realm all shuddered when they saw this scene, and they didn’t know what to say.

He never expected that Lin Hua would have such powerful power.

One person actually broke up the formations of the false and true gods in the Ice Domain.


The pseudo-true gods of the Ice Domain kept roaring one by one at this moment, saying this and that, without any resistance at all. Just when they came into contact, they were like a group of ants. Survival has become a luxury.

Only at this moment did they understand what the main force was. It turned out that the two Western Gods were not the main force at all, but just auxiliaries.

The real main force turned out to be an unknown pseudo-true god.

At this time, everyone in the Ice Domain had endless emotions in their eyes, but they did not dare to stay any longer.

Now that Lin Hua is real in the Ice Domain, the gods are like a god of death and will not give them any chance at all.

The pseudo-true gods of the Ice Domain were flying towards the distance with streams of light flashing under their feet, not daring to resist at all.


Trash, hold it up for me.

The twenty-four true gods of the Ice Domain looked at this scene, and their mouths jumped up in unison.

One by one, they were cursing and shouting at the top of their lungs, trying to stop the defeat of the pseudo-true gods in the Ice Domain, but unfortunately they didn't have the ability to do so.

What to do about Shadow Ice? What should we do now?

A look of expectation appeared in the eyes of each true god, and he said in a deep voice.


The Shadow True God was a little speechless at this moment. He really didn't expect that the pseudo-true gods of the Ice Domain would be so vulnerable.

Normally, these escaping pseudo-true gods would have been killed.

But this time it was impossible to do it.

Send two of you to intercept them, speed!

Shadow Ice God said in a deep voice, with an extremely excited O\u0026M in his eyes, and he was a little at a loss.

At this time, things must be properly rectified, otherwise, if all the false and true gods of the Ice Domain escape, then they will face Lin Hua, the murderous god.

Will they be able to resist it then?

Anyway, the Shadow Ice God couldn't believe it.

He asked himself that he simply couldn't do it, crushing these true gods of the Ice Domain like this.


Hearing this, the eyes of all the true gods moved, wanting to get out of it.

Haha, do you want to leave? Sorry, not allowed.

I saw the two Western Gods saying coldly in unison, with an awe-inspiring killing intent emerging from their eyes, and their eyes were extremely cold.

The whole body bloomed, and the vast gods and pseudos all shrouded down, forcibly stopping all the true gods of the Ice Domain.

You're done...

The Shadow Ice God looked at this scene, and despair was already born in his heart. They wanted to kill the Western God here before, and the two wanted to suppress them, but they were still in a stalemate. There was no way. Suppress people.

It's fine now. They wanted to leave, but they were blocked by these two people. Instead, the situation became a bit overwhelming.

He was a little confused, these people really came out of the Nether Realm, no, they really came out of this world.

It's a bit ridiculously strong, and these two people should not appear in this place with such strength, but now they have come to the Ice Domain.

The Shadow Ice God is actually curious as to who the blind person offended such a being.

What kind of grudge do these two adults have against us in the Ice Territory? We are willing to surrender, pay tribute, and beg for mercy, so please forgive us.

At this moment, Shadow Ice God was really scared and said loudly.

There is a sense of pleading in the voice, but that's right, it can only be like this at this time.

After the pseudo-true gods of the Ice Domain are completely defeated, what awaits them is endless killing.

He quickly surrendered now, but it was a pity that his next words directly made him extremely desperate.

Of course I have no enmity with you. The only fault is that you are too powerful.

Lin Hua said leisurely.

In fact, if the Ice Domain did not have such strong combat power, Lin Hua might not even come here. Why did Lin Hua choose the Ice Domain as his first goal?

Isn't it just because they have many people and are powerful, and they just want to devour them. Why not go to other large areas? Isn't it just because they have a small number?


When the true gods of the Ice Domain heard this, the corners of their mouths trembled, and a look of unwillingness emerged in their eyes.

Watching the false gods being slaughtered, they were about to face death, but they had no chance to escape from here.

It's so scary, so scary that it's a bit unbelievable, and it's so difficult.

Hoo ho ho!

I saw that everyone's breathing was extremely serious for a while, and they wanted to die.

Everyone, it seems that we have only one way to burn menstrual blood, kill! The brave will win when we meet on a narrow road.


Shadow Ice God's eyes bloomed, and the dazzling divine light shouted loudly.

At this moment, they had no choice but to fight.

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