Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 322 The real ruthless person is the one who cannot break the defense!

After all, there are thousands of true gods in the Ice Domain. Isn’t this army looking down on people a little too much now?

Just so many people are coming to kill them.

I saw doubts appearing in the eyes of the true gods of the Ice Domain.

Do they feel a little too sensitive?

They didn't want to attack them at all, maybe they came to surrender.

But when they saw the body lying quietly at Lin Hua's feet, they were also puzzled.

Who are you? Come to my realm of ice. Why do you want to kill me? True gods and false gods.

I saw the number one figure in the Ice Domain, the True God of Dark Night Ice!

A bright light appeared in his eyes, and he asked loudly.

He looked at those corpses as if their divine power had been sucked dry.

I also lost my memory in my heart. Although it is not common in Ice Jade, it is still relatively common in the entire void.

It was normal for many true gods and false gods to practice this kind of evil power. Although he looked down upon these people, he did not dare to act rashly.

Because he found that he couldn't see the depth of the Western God and the Dark God, and he didn't know where the other party came from, so it was better to be careful.

Although a true god died, it was not enough for them to directly avenge the true god. If there was any misunderstanding, wouldn't it mean that others could get the remaining profits?

The Ice Domain is known as the most powerful domain!

But looking at the entire universe of the void, their Ice Domain doesn't even have a reputation. It belongs to a fringe domain and can't get on the stage at all.

Of course, he couldn't see the power of the Western God and the Dark God, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

We are people from the Netherworld. If we know better, we should surrender immediately.

The Western God said loudly.


What are you people from the Netherworld Realm? You are people from the Netherworld Realm

I saw a look of doubt in the eyes of the Shadow Ice God, questioning not only him, but also a pervasive look in the eyes of the strong men in the entire ice domain.

Well, although they don't often fight against the Nether Realm, they still know the entire Nether Realm well.

They only have three true gods and less than two hundred false gods, but it seems that these people have never been seen before.

Guaranteed replacement if fake

A proud look appeared in the eyes of the Western God, and he said in a deep voice.

Well, despite the current recession in the Netherworld, in that era, the Netherworld was the core of the entire universe. They naturally developed a habit of talking about the Netherworld with great pride.

Although things have changed after endless years, this pride is buried deep in their hearts and emanates from the inside out.


For a moment, the strong men in the Ice Realm looked weird. Logically speaking, no one would blame the Nether Realm. So, what do they mean?

But it doesn't matter anymore. Now that they have killed a true god in their ice domain, several pseudo-true gods still need to be dealt with.

If you ignore them and let them be arrogant and domineering here, in the future, the powerful people in all the worlds will not be able to come to them and be arrogant?

I don't care who you are or where you come from. If you want to kill people from our Ice Domain today, you will have to pay a bloody price.


I saw a cold look in the eyes of the Shadow Ice God and shouted in shock.

The next moment, he waved his hand, not wanting to say too much.

The ice domain army all pushed the formation towards everyone.

It's just that the true gods of the ice domain didn't move. They didn't know the depth of the two western gods, so naturally they didn't dare to take risks.

It would be too late to cry if he was dragged down, so he would naturally not make such a low-level mistake.

Temporary survival

Lin Hua said loudly with a bright light in his eyes.

Yes! Sir!

Qiqi, the true god of the Netherworld, shouted loudly. Although they were a little panicked when they saw the formation of thousands of true gods, they could only bite the bullet and go forward. What else could they do?

You can't just run away.

Otherwise, they would be killed by Lin Hua now.

At the same time, the God of the West and the God of Darkness were seen standing in front of the big town, leading the army of Netherworld Prison to kill Fa.


In an instant, I saw the entire void shaking endlessly, streams of light crisscrossing each other, and streams of vast divine power rippling up, exuding endless evil aura.

The fighting spirit was even more concentrated, and a sharp sword formed in the air. The two sides also launched a battle of fighting spirit.

Although there were many people in the Ice Domain, they found that they were no match for the God of the West and the God of Darkness.

They completely shattered their formation easily.

I saw the God of the West and the God of Darkness rippling with divine light all over their bodies, like an indestructible killing machine, unscrupulously easily crushing the formation in the Ice Domain.

Sir, please help us.

For a time, in the ice domain, the formation shattered, revealing nearly a thousand true gods.

These pseudo-true gods did not expect that their formation would be shattered by them so quickly. They were all shocked and shouted loudly.

It can be said that everyone wanted to die for a moment.

He never expected that the huge earthquake would turn into a shower of light in the blink of an eye.

this. …

I saw the twenty-four true gods of the Ice Realm, all looking confused for a moment. They did not expect that the formation would break down just by touching it.

The corners of his mouth were twitching, and he was too scared to say a word.

You must know that although their ice domain formation is not made of true gods, they can cope with the attacks of several true gods.

It is not impossible to kill the true god accidentally.

But now they can't believe the power of the two Western gods.

Why are you still standing there to resist? When all the false and true gods are dead, there will be no hope of survival.

For a moment, the shadow of the Ice Realm bloomed in the eyes of the Ice God, and a bright light spoke loudly.

The next moment, countless shadows burst out from Zhou Shen, criss-crossing each other, and it was completely impossible to tell where the real person was.

The true god of shadow ice cultivates thousands of shadows.

But it's not just a simple shadow. Every shadow is his true self. It can be said that every shadow is not his true self. It is the power of Hanbing's bloodline.

Strictly speaking, ice is a mirror in his practice.

The shadows exuded the pressure of the true god and turned into streams of light to kill the Western God.

At the same time, the true gods of the Ice Realm all had a fierce look in their eyes. It didn't matter if the two true gods directly broke their formation.

You are responsible for attacking the False God Formation. Leave these two to me.

Shadow Ice God said in a deep voice.

At this time, we cannot let the false gods fight, otherwise it will be a waste of manpower and material resources.

They had to take action and originally wanted to see what these people could do.

But he didn't expect that this time he would have to fight with his back against the wall.

It is obviously unrealistic to wait for the Sea Territory to come to support.


In an instant, a group of twelve true gods came directly in front of them.

Hmph! You guys want to fight me even with this little strength, you guys are overestimating your abilities.

There was a faint smile on the corner of the Western God's mouth, and he said faintly, not caring about the attacks of these people at all. They were not even a little bit worse, but it was not easy to get out of the siege of the twelve true gods.

There was a stalemate for a while, and the same thing happened with the God of Darkness. He was already on par with the God of the West, and now he was also in a stalemate.

However, the two Western Gods are not in a hurry at all. There is a killing god behind them.

The two of them knew their mission, they just needed to hold these people back, that would be fine.

Lin Hua will come back to devour them when the time comes. In fact, the two Western gods have the ability to kill a true god instantly.

Gradually this deadlock will be broken.

It's just that they are unwilling to kill anyone, or even hurt any true god.

After all, the injury to the True God means that Lin Hua's devoured power may be greatly reduced.

As for the true gods of the Ice Realm, they were quite excited when they saw that the two Western Gods only had the ability to defend themselves.

One moment at a time. Turning into a stream of light, he wanted to quickly kill the two people in front of him.

But as time went by, they discovered something was wrong.

No matter how much power they use, these people simply cannot break the defense of the two Western Gods.

What the hell is going on?

The true god of the Ice Realm is not a fool, and questions arise in his mind.

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