Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 321 Kill the true god in twenty-five seconds!

The pseudo-true god was even more confused, why did this seemingly menacing attack hit him like a blast of air.

It's a pity that they don't know that the soul-eating insects ignore defense.

With the sound of breathing passing by the Soul-Eating Insects, the extremely precise killing blows immediately began to devour the power of these people's souls.

Oh...! This is a soul-eating insect

I saw that the true god was able to withstand it for a while, and he couldn't help but scream in surprise when he saw the soul-eating worm.

However, due to the restraint of the two Western Gods, he could only move his mouth but did not make any sound.

The True God had no time to care about himself at this moment, why couldn't he make a sound, he just wanted to drive the Soul-Eating Insects out.

Unfortunately, his power was still too weak after all. After barely guarding for a few seconds, his defense was instantly broken.

But he is not like those fake gods.

He struggled for a while and finally died.

At the same time, it was not only the pseudo-true god of the Netherworld who was staring at the true god, the two western gods and even Lin Hua were also looking at him intently.

Lin Hua also wanted to know how much time it would take to kill a powerful man?

If the time is too long, the Soul-Eating Insect cannot be used in subsequent battles.

If the news is leaked, it will be difficult to live with it.

one two three four……

After counting to twenty-five, the true god fell to the ground.

A solemn look appeared in Lin Hua's eyes, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly. He did not expect that the power of this true god was so powerful.

Stubbornness is quite tenacious. If it weren't for the God of the West, the two of them imprisoned the true god, leaving the true god to passively defend.

Without this restriction, he would have escaped in twenty-five seconds.

Lin Hua also knew that he would not be completely sure in the future and could never use the Soul-Eating Insect again.

And it can only be used in front of the two Western Gods.

You still have to hide in front of the strong men in the Netherworld. At least these people are not worthy of trust.

Twenty-five seconds, oh my God, what kind of magic is this?

The two Western Gods looked at this scene, with the corners of their mouths twitching. You look at me, and I see an endless look of shock in your eyes.

But no, they had no idea that Lotus's red soul had been cultivated to such an extent.

A true god was actually killed instantly in twenty-five seconds, although the devouring time would never be longer than that, and it might take about a day or even longer.

But this means that if they encounter the attack of the soul-eating insect, they will probably be killed after only persisting for about a day.

What is this concept? Think about their former Jiuyao God and the siege by the Eastern God, who have not died after endless years.

Now as long as Lin Hua takes action, he can easily kill them.

The two Western Gods were breathing heavily for a moment, their throats were surging and they couldn't say a word, and there was a trace of incomparable fear in their eyes.

At the same time, the pseudo-true gods in the Nether Realm all looked at each other with astonishment and endless excitement.

Wonderful! Killing a true god directly in twenty-five seconds.

But that doesn't mean they don't have to worry at all when they come to the Ice Domain now.

Originally, when everyone saw that the three true gods of the Netherworld did not come over, they were still a little worried, fearing that something would go wrong at this time.

Now looking at this scene, knowing Lin Hua's strength, I also understand in my heart that I am afraid that the three of them in the Netherworld have been devoured by Lin Hua.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you can be loyal to Lin Hua, it's enough, don't worry about other things and just win.

My lord...mighty and mighty!

My lord...mighty and mighty!

, Sir...mighty and mighty!

For a time, the pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld could not help but cheer loudly.

Although they are usually afraid of the powerful men from the five realms, they are unwilling to do so when they come.

In fact, they also have endless resentment in their hearts towards the strong men from the five major domains. Naturally, they do not want to live in the shadow of the strong men from the five major realms for the rest of their lives.

They also wanted to resist, but they didn't have the power. Although the three true gods were extremely powerful, it was simply impossible to easily take the enemy's life in twenty-five seconds.

Now seeing that Lin Hua, the Western God, has such powerful power, they are simply overjoyed.

It was as if he had already seen his own future, following behind these people, he would reach the peak of his life.


At this time, only harsh sounds returned in the void. After the excitement of the pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld, they were filled with endless fear.

One by one, the corners of their mouths trembled as they looked at the rapidly shriveling corpse of the pseudo-true god from the Ice Domain.

They all have some shadows in their hearts now.

The True God of the Ice Realm of Kung Fu had been waiting for a full day before he was completely devoured by Lin Hua.


A ball of light slowly appeared in front of Lin Hua. Lin Hua waved his hand,

Putting it into the divine space will bring with it a lifetime of powerful power.

The coercion surging around Lotus instantly increased to a higher level, and his spiritual power suddenly reached the seventy-first level.

With all the power of a true god entering your body, did you actually advance to the first level of spiritual power?

The pseudo-true gods in the Nether Realm felt a little numb when they saw this scene, and they didn't know what to say at all.

Suddenly some people understood why Lin Hua didn't come over to kill them and devour them.

The reason for co-writing is not that Lin Hua wants to let them go, but that he sees no use in them all.

All their pseudo-real powers added together are at best the power of their two real bodies.

According to Lin Hua's devouring speed, I am afraid that everyone in their Netherworld realm will be devoured, and their spiritual power will only increase to one and a half levels.

One by one, they understood why Lin Hua insisted on attacking the Ice Domain.

At the same time, the Netherworld Yu Pseudo Gods were extremely shocked. They had to know that they had seen Lin Hua's devouring power with their own eyes at the birthplace of Jiuyao Divine Fire.

And now there are several pseudo-true gods and one true divine talent, look at the spiritual power level that has been improved by one level.

What a big size.

The God of the West and the God of Darkness, Youyou, look at me and I look at you, with a look of shock in their eyes.

They heard Lin Hua bragging before, and although they already believed it, they had never experienced it personally.

So there is still a skeptical attitude in my heart.

Now that I have experienced this scene with my own eyes, I understand how huge Lin Hua is, and his whole body is not good.

If they devour a true god, although the power of this true god is indeed not very good, it is enough for them to advance to the first level now.

This can be seen from the perspective of the same level and realm.

If they are false true gods, then if they devour such a true god, their strength will increase by ten or eight levels, that's not a problem, maybe even more.

The pseudo-true gods of the Nether Realm and the Western Gods both know that as the spiritual power level increases, the size will become larger and larger in the future, and the last few sections will require even greater amounts of resources.

But judging from Lin Hua's current size, how big will the next question be?

They simply can't imagine it.

The Nether Realm came from the void, the pseudo-true gods, the Western gods, they all breathed heavily, and each of them felt a chill on the back of their necks.

Normally, if they were following such a strong man, they would be extremely excited.

But they are not happy at all now, because what if Lin Hua swallows them up by any means necessary for promotion?

Everyone was extremely panicked.


On the other side, the army of the Kung Fu Ice Domain has also gathered after a day.

Although the Great Domain is relatively large, it is still much worse than the Netherworld, except that there are more Death Stars in the Netherworld.

Accompanied by strong winds in the void hitting the realm of low ice, the army came in front of the pseudo-true gods of the Netherworld in a mighty manner.

But it slowly stopped not far away.

Well, what's going on? Who is this person? Why are there only two true gods and some false gods? Are there so many people?

I saw the ice jade army, and the strong men looked at the Netherworld one by one. His face looked a little ugly.

According to their understanding, at least forty true gods would be needed at this time.

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