Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 315 Why does he have soul-eating insects?

In an instant, I saw many great men and gods, and each of them seemed to have heard the most terrifying things in the world.

He couldn't help but exclaimed, Look at me, I'll look at you. Everyone was in an uproar for a while.

But no, this is completely overwhelming for them.

Even if Lin Hua said that he wanted to kill them now, they would not dare to talk nonsense.

But to fight those five prisons now is simply to take away the ambition of a leopard. If it was just one of the major areas of the skill, it would be okay.

Coupled with the county's power in Lin Hua and the three previous true gods, it is basically possible to be on par with a large domain.

At that time, coupled with Lin Hua's abnormal combat power, they might be able to successfully occupy two large areas including their own.

But this time Lin Hua asked them to attack directly, which was definitely not a joke.

They said they really have the qualifications.

Anyway, no matter whether others believe it or not, they themselves do not believe that they have such power.

My lord, isn't this a bit hasty? Are you willing to attack the three true gods after they have agreed to it?

I saw a young man in the crowd asking cautiously with a questioning look in his eyes.

It can be said that no one is willing to attack. After all, there is no difference between attacking and committing suicide.


At the same time, the eyes of many true gods fell on Lin Hua's face, waiting for his next words.

They were afraid of Lotus's stomach before, but now they have to boldly question her even if they are afraid, otherwise they may really die by then.

At the moment of life and death, their courage grew.


The corners of Lin Hua's mouth were raised slightly, with a faint sneer hanging on his face.

He had no intention of explaining at all. It could be seen on the faces of the three real people before him that his subordinates were afraid of the five domains.

But now he is in charge of his own affairs.

The next moment, he saw a mysterious power rippling out of Li Dehua's hand, and a round ball bloomed in the space instantly, with terrifying pressure.


The true god who talked about money before had his eyes widened, and he did not expect that Lin Hua would take action immediately after he said it.

By the time he reacted, it was already too late. The speed of the light ball was extremely fast, and it was not something that ordinary people could stop. Even the two Western gods would have to put in a lot of effort, let alone this little fake god.

There was a group of soul-eating insects in this light group.

The next moment, accompanied by a scream and questioning, the strong man showed an unbelievable look in his eyes.


It's soul-eating...

The young man spoke very hard, trying to say the next word, but he couldn't do the huge soul-devouring thing at all, and the insect entered his mind in an instant.

In almost a moment, a few words killed the young man instantly.


It flew out immediately, but compared to its previous state, it became slower.


In an instant, the whole square was in an uproar. Most of them were true gods. They didn't expect that Lin Hua would kill him just when he said it, and there was no warning at all.

By the time they realized something was wrong, the mosquitoes had returned to Lin Hua's hands.

This...oh my god! Is it so scary;

The Western God was completely confused before. What the hell is this? Isn't he just a fledgling boy?

It is definitely the soul-devouring weight. If it were not for the soul-devouring weight, it would be impossible to have such a fast killing ability.

But this made him a little bit puzzled. Where did Lin Hua get the Soul-Eating Insect? Didn't it mean that the Soul-Eating Insect was completely killed when the Evil God died?

He had a look of extreme shock in his eyes before, and subconsciously looked at the True God of Darkness, only to see that the God of Darkness looked completely at ease.

Everything became clear instantly. He didn't know the True God of Darkness, and he was tricking himself.

I already knew it, but I just didn’t tell myself.

Why didn't you tell me?

The Western God felt that he had no face for a moment. Although he was curious as to why this soul-eating creature came to Lin Hua, he could still accept it.

After all, Lin Hua's talent shown before has made him accustomed to it, and now he is no longer surprised when he sees it.

There are no longer so many surprises as before, but this dark god clearly knows but doesn't tell him, which is really hateful.

Um...when did you ask me?

The True God of Darkness looked at the stunned look on the Western God's face and said with a smile in his heart.

You...you! You bad guy!

Dongfang Shen was so angry that the corners of his mouth twitched, but after meeting a god like Lin Hua,

The Western God regards the Dark God as his friend,

After all, there were only two of them left in that era.

, but I never expected that this guy was actually doing it for personal gain. Fortunately, Lin Hua showed the Soul-Eating Insect now.

Otherwise, you may not know how big of a problem it will cause in the future.

He pointed at the True God of Darkness with his finger and shook it continuously. For a long while, he was stunned and couldn't say a word.

Why are you pointing at me? Could it be that you didn't ask me and I'm still licking my face to tell you?

The True God of Darkness said coldly, yes, their relationship was neither salty nor cold, telling him was a matter of affection, not telling him was a duty, what right did he have to scold himself.

Okay, I've written down today's events for you, just wait for me!

Anger appeared in the eyes of the Western God and he said loudly.

Oh, don't forget...

The Dark God's long-lasting fire path.

An extremely playful look emerged from the corner of his mouth, like a child having fun.

Not to mention, now the True God of Darkness, if not for Lin Hua’s order, would have wanted to ask the God of the West to kill him.

The grudges of the past are left there, but it is not convenient at this time.

Therefore, the dark magic effect has been trying every possible means to make up for it, and it has been waiting for this time for a long time.


The Western God looked at the Dark God coldly and said nothing nonsense.

I know it will be useless to say anything at this time.

Instead, let others see the joke.

Moreover, the God of the West seemed to have never won the battle with the God of Darkness, so he could only secretly make a note for the God of Darkness in his heart.

When he goes to conquer all the worlds in the future, he will not believe that this dark god will have smooth sailing every time.

One day you will find a handle for yourself.


The young pseudo-true god who jumped out just now was baptized by the soul-eating insects in an instant.

The next moment, he died of anger.

Although he could tell that Lotus used the soul-eating weight,

It's a pity that I didn't have the strength to say the words soul-eating and heavy, and my body fell softly.

It was as if all the anger in his body was drained away in an instant.

? ? ?

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