Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 314 This is outrageous, right?

We came here to talk to you properly, but you didn't even let out a fart, and just let us stand here and drink from the northwest wind. What do you mean? Why did you let us come here?

One by one, the pseudo-true gods roared.

Originally, they were all impatient, but now Frost's pseudo-true god suddenly had such an attitude that no one dared to show weakness.

They were incompetent in front of the Frost False God. If he wanted Lin Hua to stand in front of them, they would not dare to be presumptuous. They would have to make themselves look like the third grandson.

All this pain and despair will be placed on the head of the False True God of Frost.

What do you want to do? Rebellion? How dare you disobey the orders of the pseudo-true god who kills souls? Or do you mean that you don't obey the orders of the three true gods?

The twin-tailed pregnant eyes appeared, and Chen Sheng said with a cold look.

At the same time, Zhou Shen surged up with strong ice power, exuding endless cold hair. For a moment, the surrounding area was like a thousand-year-old ice cave, exuding a torrential chill.

Bingshuang, please stop farting for me here. You are just pretending to be here. I think it's just the two of you pretending to be an imperial edict.

A group of false gods appeared in their eyes one by one in an instant, and a cold light rippled from their bodies. They emerged in the air in an instant, and with their passionate fighting spirit, dazzling rays of light rippled in the void.

…! ?

In an instant, everyone directly surrounded the three people in the center of the ice as a human god, and seemed to want to kill these three people.

They were not given any chance to survive at all. On the other hand, Frost was true, and a look of disdain emerged from the corners of the mouths of the three gods.

Quietly watching the arrogance of these people in front of them, how dare they be arrogant in front of them.

Humph, even if they die in a while, they don’t know how.

In fact, the three of them, Bingshu Pseudo-True God, also held their breath. After all, they gathered together one by one to join these people. They were begging grandpa to sue grandma, and they almost knelt down in front of them.

Now we have reached the point where we no longer regard ourselves as human beings.

After all, the power of the three Frozen True Gods is still too weak. Compared with other high-level False True Gods, they are obviously not qualified.

Seeing how stinky these people looked, they just wanted to slap them.

But I don’t have this ability, so I can only choose to stabilize these people’s emotions.

Now that they have sensed Lin Hua's return, they are just like injured children.

I will report to the adults when I see them come back.

They looked like they were being bullied, and besides, they had really suffered a lot of grievances.


It can be said that the situation became tense in an instant, and it was already at the point of tension.

Because the other pseudo-real bodies are not familiar with Lin Hua's power and aura at all, or it can be said that they have no feeling at all.

Although I have seen your paintings show off their power before, I have never seen the Soul-Eating Insect appear with my own eyes, so no one has much idea.

Although he was shocked by Lin Hua's power, he still couldn't place Lin Hua and the three true gods in the same position.

Everyone in the accident didn't care about this, after all, in their opinion, it was impossible to do anything to them, and they were about to start a fight the next moment.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore and already wanted to attack the three false gods of frost.

Buzz buzz...

Suddenly three shock waves floated from a distance, exuding supreme power and powerful pressure.

In an instant, it was shrouded, and Lin Hua and the others appeared in front of the three people of the True God of Frost.

What do you want to do?

A cold voice appeared in Lin Hua's eyes, and his voice contained endless coldness, as if all the pseudo-true gods in front of him looked like dead people.

When they heard the breath of the true god in these words, they shivered instantly. Well, although they didn't know Lin Hua's depth, they had seen Lin Hua's terrifying ability to kill people before.

They could be the true gods in Frost, and the three of them looked down on Lin Hua secretly, but when they actually faced Lin Hua, they were still afraid and did not dare to make any mistakes.

Two true gods, where did this come from?...

At the same time, Wei Ya, the God of the West and the God of Darkness, also leaked out and scattered in everyone's perception.

Feeling that the powerful pressure of the sword was real, the gods all had a look of astonishment in their eyes, mixed with endless surprise, and their whole bodies were trembling slightly.

What did they see? It turned out that two true gods popped up somewhere. It doesn't mean that there are only three true gods in the Nether Realm.

Moreover, the pressure of these two true gods seems to be more powerful than the three true gods of their Nether Realm. How could the master dare to talk nonsense? They all hurriedly lowered their noble heads.

In the face of absolute power, it was impossible to think of any way to resist, and none of them dared to show their fear.

The nonsense look he had just now was gone.

Instead, they all stood there blankly, like sculptures, not daring to move at all. They didn't dare to act arrogantly in front of Lin Hua, let alone in front of the God of the West and the God of Darkness.

Haha, why didn't you all want to rebel just now? Why don't you say anything now? Didn't you just want to kill us? Why are you like this again now, come and beat me?

Seeing the false god of ice, a look of sadness emerged in the eyes of the two of them. It was not easy to look forward to the stars and the moon, but they finally looked forward to Lin Hua's return.

Although they looked at the Western God, there was some endless curiosity in their eyes, but in comparison, they were still a little calmer than the other pseudo-true gods.

After all, they witnessed the existence of the Soul-eating Insects with their clear eyes, and the three true gods of the Netherworld were beaten to the point where they could no longer take care of themselves.

Now that Lian Hua has subdued the two true gods again, there seems to be no big difference. It is normal. Don't disturb your basics.


In an instant, the two Western gods looked at Bing Feng as a human god. The three of them couldn't help coughing. But these three people can be said to have perfectly learned the power of the fox and the tiger. Basically, few people can do it. Damn, shameless people like them can still raise a banner.

Fortunately, these people in front of me are all fake true gods. If there is a true god, it is estimated that he can be slapped away.

In fact, when Ling Hua was about to rebel, they had already sensed the movement here.

They all saw the pitiful looks of Bingshuang and Pseudo-True God before. How could they expect to wait until Bingshuang was discovered by Shen Shen and the others? After their traces,

They bared their teeth and claws in an instant, looking like they were about to bite someone.

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