Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 316 Poor Outer Territory

At the same time, Soul Eater also returned to Lin Hua's divine space and finally calmed down.

When they met the God of the West and the God of Darkness before, the soul-eating insects were eager to come out and devour the power of the soul.

Lin Hua has been suppressing them. To be honest, he is the fake god here. If Lin Hua performs well and Lin Hua can't find a reason to kill them, then Lin Hua really can't handle it.

After all, he is a mosquito, and he will not give Lin Hua any face when he is hungry. Fortunately, this young man's true identity jumped out, and finally solved Lin Hua's urgent need.


For a moment, all the pseudo-true gods on the Death Star were speechless. Their throats were surging and they were swallowing saliva. Their whole bodies were trembling, and their eyes finally exuded a look of fear.

But no, the greenery that was harmless to humans and animals just now is suddenly killing them. The key is that before they can react, the false and true god is already dead.

What kind of concept does this illustrate? Even if the true god kills them, it's nothing more than that.

Everyone looked at me one by one, and I looked at you. It was quiet for a while, and no one dared to say anything nonsense.

Obviously, Lin Hua now wants to scare the monkeys. On the surface, he wants them to come out and give opinions, but in fact, he just wants to see who among them is the most jumpy one.

It was one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. Everyone also had a clear understanding of Lotus, and they were full of worries about their future.

Before, they were under the leadership of three real people. Although they could not control the Nether Realm, they had some power at least. At the very least, the Three False True Gods would take the initiative to find a reason to kill them, but now Lin Hua looked like he didn't care about anything and just killed people.

They seemed to be facing a tyrant, and each of them felt extremely bitter in their hearts.

Do you have any other comments?

Do you have anything else to say about me sending troops to the five major regions?

I saw Lin Hua's eyes emerge, a flash of panic fell on everyone, and he said loudly.

The voice contained a coercion that rippled through people's hearts. Wherever they looked, no one could help but lower their heads and did not dare to look at Lin Hua.

The typical person who was afraid of being caught by Lin Hua, and the people who were scanned by Lian Hua seemed to be completely present in front of Lin Hua's eyes, leaving no privacy for them at all.


All the True Gods were breathing rapidly, and it was as if the ancient divine music was hanging on their heads, so heavy that they did not dare to raise their heads.

They stood alone, not daring to say anything.

Haha! You deserve it. Where did all your arrogant looks go? It's great. I let you show off in front of me. Now you all regret it. Do you really think that no one in this world can control you? Do you know now? Haha...

For a moment, they only saw the frost pseudo-true god, and a refreshing charm appeared in the eyes of the three of them, and they all murmured secretly in their hearts.

Looking at the faces of everyone, the three of them felt very comfortable, and they wished they could do a mocking dance in front of everyone.

However, they did not dare to talk nonsense. They could only mutter secretly in their hearts that they were also oppressed in front of Lin Hua.

After all, no one knows what Lin Hua will do next.

They just knew Lin Hua for a few days, but that didn't mean they had a high status in Lian Hua's heart.

A few of them still understand this.

Why weren't you all quite dirty before? Are you mute now? Or maybe my methods have made you feel a little uncomfortable, so I have to apologize to you.

Lin Hua said in a deep voice with a coldness in his eyes.

Your Excellency is wise, Your Excellency is wise, Your Excellency, I and I will follow you to the death.

In an instant, the legs of many True God Qiqi were weak and hit the ground hard, and they spoke categorically with incomparable sincerity in their eyes.

Get well, you are the first offender. I will spare you this time. I won't hold you accountable for what happened before. But when you go to fight the five prisons later, you must be careful about your head. Of course you can try Give it a try and see if you can escape faster or if I can kill you faster!

Lin Hua's eyes were extremely awe-inspiring, and he exuded a king's domineering aura. Although it was the first time for him to command the entire Netherworld, he seemed to have been in a high position all year round.

Even the three true gods of the Nether Realm back then did not have the domineering power of Lin Hua.

Everyone had a moment of embarrassment, feeling as if Lin Hua had always been the master of the Netherworld.

Don't worry, sir, we will definitely fight to the death.

Sir, we will definitely devote ourselves to death and die...

grown ups…

The false and true gods all had strange bodies, and they were slightly shaken and said decisively.

I wish I could show my heart directly to Lin Hua at that moment, and then Lin Hua would understand their sincerity.

Let's go to the ice realm.

Lin Hua said loudly.

The sound echoed throughout the land like morning bells and evening drums.

The God of Classical Chinese, Qiqi was startled, and there was a bitterness in her eyes. It seemed that they were really going to die.

I hope Lin Hua can lead the two true gods to fight their way out of the sky by then, otherwise they can only regret it on the spot

Among the five major domains, the Ice Domain is considered the most powerful one.

Even if they attack the weakest area, they still have a lot of confidence. After all, Lin Hua can be regarded as a true god now.

But now directly challenging the Ice Realm really makes everyone a little scared.

But at this time, they no longer dared to talk nonsense, and all of them behaved in a well-behaved manner.

Next to the Netherworld is the Ice Domain, which is the most powerful of the five domains.

There are twenty-five true gods in total, and the number of true gods is also among the five major domains, with the largest number reaching over a thousand.

The second place is also called the Nine Extremes Domain, also known as the Extreme Domain.

There are twenty true gods and nine hundred false true gods.

The third four sea areas are also called the sea areas.

There are fifteen true gods. The false true god is around seven hundred.

The fourth place is Dragon Martial Domain, also known as Dragon Domain.

There are ten true gods, and there are five hundred true gods.

The fifth Heavenly Wolf Domain is also called the Wolf Domain.

There are eight true gods, and there are four hundred true gods.

As for the Nether Realm, if you don't count people like Lianhua, there are three true gods and two hundred false true gods.

Now, including the three of Lin Hua, the number is more than 200 at most.

What a gap this is is tantamount to hitting an egg with an egg against a stone.

Among the five major regions, except for the Nether Realm, which is neutral, it has always been at the mercy of the five major rains and does not dare to provoke any major region.

And the ice domain, the extreme domain, and the sea domain are in opposition.

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