Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 266 I’m afraid! How can I work if I'm scared?

Originally, everyone stayed at the place where the Nine-Yao Divine Fire was born.

Everyone can feel the terrifying temperature of the surrounding environment.

But at this moment, they were completely like me and I didn’t feel the heat at all.

They all feel that they are now,

It's like being in ice water,

My whole body felt cold from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

If you kill someone, you will also eat their corpses.


Isn’t it a bit like that...

All of them have a little cramp in their calves.

And the high-level pseudo-true gods can still stand firmer.

Although he is a little afraid of this soul-eating pseudo-true god.

But in their opinion, as long as they don't take the initiative to accept the ball of light, there should be no problem!

But they all know very well,

This time Jiuyao Divine Fire was born,

There is no hope for them unless they unite.

Their eyes were constantly communicating with each other, and they didn’t know what they were communicating with.

And the low-level pseudo-true gods and the mid-level pseudo-true gods,

Everyone looked at this scene, completely unable to suppress the panic in their hearts.

Just kidding, the False True God of Infinite Flame was killed in an instant.

Although he is the pseudo-true God of Infinite Flame, he is not a defenseless suspect.

But as they are at the intermediate level, if they are at the beginning level, can they withstand the bite of the Zerg with this little defensive power?

Not to mention that weird light ball,

Everyone just left Lin Hua far away, and no one dared to get close to Lin Hua.

Don't want to die?

They don’t dare to do it anyway!

They don't even bother to reduce the current Jiuyao Shenhuo.

Without this diamond, don't stop this porcelain from living.

There is no way, and if you can't do it, don't be obedient because the road is uneven.

Originally, there were quite a few people surrounding the Jiuyao Divine Fire.

Now, huh, only the extremely high-level pseudo-true gods are left.


The high-level pseudo-true gods watched these pseudo-true gods dodge one by one,

The corners of his mouth twitched.

You look at me, I look at you, I want to leave for a moment,

But in my heart I can’t bear to part with this Jiuyao Divine Fire!

Once this is obtained,

That is to be promoted to a true god,

I have encountered such an important opportunity in these millions of years,

If they just let it go, they tell the truth,

I can't even forgive myself...


This situation is unbearable...

Before, they were afraid that it was the conspiracy of the true gods.

Now everyone is waiting for the true God to come out and deliver justice.

This is unreasonable!


How could such a mid-level true god casually kill an old pseudo-true god?

And this pseudo-true god is not some bastard pseudo-true god.

That was the long-famous False True God of Infinite Flame.

It really makes no sense,

Not to mention, even if it is a true god, there will be no effective command when meeting such a person.

The true gods will not let their high-level pseudo-true gods kill low-level and mid-level ones.

After all, that is the power of the new generation,

But there are no shackles on the middle-level and low-level pseudo-true gods.

If you can really surpass the level challenge, then you are really awesome!

For a time, all the high-level pseudo-true gods had forgotten how they bullied the middle-level and low-level pseudo-true gods.

Instead, everyone felt aggrieved.

This rule designed by the true God is so unfair to me!

Little did they know that each and every one of them had become a double-standard dog.

Now they all doubt whether this soul-eating pseudo-true god is the descendant of some true god.

Otherwise, why would there be such a provision?

angry! !

But everyone could only complain a few words in their hearts and had nothing to say.

Normally if you kill a low-level person,

Those true gods came out in a hurry.

Are you just pretending to be deaf and dumb here now?

Must scold! Curse to death!

But they didn't dare to show it at all on their faces.

Everyone’s expressions were respectful!

How awesome he was before, now he is such a coward.

There is no way, after all, this place is still the territory of the three true gods.

There is no reason not to bow your head under someone else's roof.


What is Lin Hua doing during this time?

Of course I'm waiting...

Waiting for the upgrade of Soul Eater Bug and Zerg.


As the Soul-Eating Insect emerged from its cocoon again,

The fifty-eighth level of psychic energy jumped directly to the sixtyth level.

Hurry up! This person has upgraded again!

Seeing such a scene, many people immediately started swearing.

What kind of talented monster is this?

Didn’t you just pass the level of birth?

Why has this improved again?

You don’t need to practice anymore to advance to this level.

Others still get promoted after drinking water!

This guy is good, he will be promoted as soon as he stands up!

In their impression, they simply do not know the power of the Zerg devouring power.

It will bring strength feedback to the Zerg master.

They thought that the Zerg only improved their strength after devouring it and expanded the space of the divine domain.

Practice slowly and increase the power of faith.

It is definitely not possible to gain the power of faith quickly.

This is simply a fantasy,

Now I am really afraid of all the fake gods.

This kind of suppression of bloodline, the genius against his younger brother,

How can the weak not be afraid?

His divine power that shines brightly in the sky,

How can their little firefly light be compared with others?

Isn't this funny?

I just couldn't believe my eyes.

They all suspected that they were dreaming.

Normally, if they have such Zerg,

But the improvement in strength is definitely not as fast as that of Lin Hua.

Because Lin Hua's time flow rate ratio in the divine realm is very terrifying.

Don't look at the fact that Lin Hua has only spent an hour in the Void Realm.

Nine days have passed in Lin Hua's divine space.

With this little effort, everything has been digested long ago.

The power of faith is also created and extracted.

And now, Lin Hua has also reached a balance in the divine space in his body.

It's like a reincarnation.

The Soul-Eating Insects go out to fight and kill, and the Zerg are responsible for cleaning up the mess and upgrading.

However, after the Zerg’s power of faith came to exchange with the system for the power of the soul that the true god needed,

Used to raise the soul-eating insects,

At the same time, the Soul-Eating Insect will not treat this place as its own home.

Although Lin Hua can now control the behavior of Soul-Eating Insects,

But I'm still afraid that these Soul-eating Insects don't think this place can continue to provide them with a breeding base for their larvae.

Then you can choose to leave directly.

Lin Hua couldn't organize them because they could pass directly through the dimensional wall of the divine space.

But Lin Hua is not in a hurry,

It is precisely because of their power that these soul-eating insects are so difficult to train.

Now that he is in the process of domestication, he cannot be anxious.

Slowly cultivated, at least now the relationship between Larva and Lin Hua,

But the relationship between the adult Soul-Eating Insect and Lin Hua is much better.

In the first generation, Lin Hua himself was too lazy to domesticate.

no need,

All that's left is to put some thought into it.

But after all, they are ancient beasts, supreme beasts that surpass all others, god-level pets, etc.

If you want to domesticate it, it will take hundreds of thousands of years, I'm afraid it won't be possible.

Lin Hua even suspected something.

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