Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 265 It’s over, Lin Hua pretended to do it again

But unexpectedly, Lin Hua seemed to be calm.

It's like this didn't happen.

This guy is too cowardly.

Why should I be angry?

Lin Hua was stunned.

Looking at the pseudo-true god of infinite flames with a puzzled face, he should be grateful to this pseudo-true god of infinite flames.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to make such a request,

It is still a bit difficult to release these soul-eating insects without anyone noticing.



The God of Infinite Flame looked at Lin Hua,

I instinctively felt something was wrong.

Isn't Lin Hua's eyes just playing tricks on him?


The next moment the voice of the soul-eating worm sounded,

The body of Wuji Flame Pseudo-True God was startled, and the light ball rushed directly into his mind,

The light group shattered in an instant,

Nearly five thousand soul-eating insects, in an instant,

That covered his divine space,

A huge devouring force instantly swept through the entire divine space.


The eyes of Wuji Flame Pseudo-True God widened,

In an instant, I understood what this so-called devouring power was.

Even though he was a high-level pseudo-true god, he only persisted for that moment, and soon he died without a burial place.

Hit the streets directly.

He wanted to shout out loud,

But there is no such chance at all.

It has been swallowed up completely,

The huge power of the soul, under the mouth of the soul-eating insect,

There's not even enough food for one tooth.

There are too many and the level is high,

He also has a great appetite,

Rao is the power of the soul of a high-level pseudo-true god.

It's no use,

It doesn't work at all.

Directly plunder his divine space,

Everything inside, including the believer's power, was instantly destroyed.

Nothing will exist anymore,

In the divine domain space, corpses stood on the spot one after another.

The look of fear still remained on his face,

Extremely dull and dull.


The two eyes of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God were round and wide,

He pointed his finger at Lin Hua, wanting to say something.

It's a pity that there is no power left.


Accompanied by a hoarse scream from the throat of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God, he immediately let out that blood-curdling cry,

It can be said to be extremely miserable.

what happened?


what happened?

I saw one of the pseudo-true gods present looking at this scene with doubts on their faces.

Completely confused,

I simply can't figure out what happened.

The Pseudo-True God of Infinite Flame wasn't very good before.

What kind of hysteria happened all of a sudden?

One by one, you looked at me, and I looked at you, with a blank look in my eyes.

I'm a little confused about the situation.


Suddenly the sound stopped abruptly, and the body of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God seemed to be drained out in an instant.

His face was extremely pale,

It’s so bloodless that people who don’t know it might think it’s a mummified corpse?

Immediately, the body of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the soul-eating insects were once again enveloped by the light group,

Not even a breath comes out,

And the Soul-eating Insect also emerged from the mind of Wuji Flame Pseudo-True God,

Returned to Lin Hua's body.


Look, I told you everything, but you don't believe it!

Can you blame me?

Lin Hua's eyes were indifferent, as if he had done something insignificant, and he said calmly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the old Versailles was stunned.

I don’t want this one from Versailles.

It is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

Originally, Lin Hua didn't think about taking action at this time.

After all, if you directly release the soul-eating insects in front of so many people,

Wouldn't that be recognized by everyone directly?

Before sending this news out,

Isn't it better to be as low-key as possible?

Isn’t it delicious to make a fortune in silence?

But if nothing else, the growth of this Soul-Eating Insect is quite good.

Lin Hua did not expect this result.

This is too...

Looking at the expression on the face of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God before his death,

The False True God of Frost was filled with awe and joy.

Fortunately, I knelt down very early and accepted a father-level mission.

Awe is that Lin Hua's strength has become stronger again,

Originally, I felt that following Lin Hua would make me feel good.

Now they have completely become Lin Hua's followers,

Could this be the bloodline suppression of the Creator God? ? ? ?

Although they didn't know that Lin Hua had inherited part of the mantle of the God of Creation.

But it will not delay their submission to the future Lord of the Netherworld!

If you leave, aren't you kidding me?

Who can give up on potential stocks?

Naturally, you can maximize your potential as a dog licker!

The most important thing is that the power of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God is much stronger than that of the Flame Demon Pseudo-True God.

But when encountering the Soul-eating Insect, he immediately becomes weak.

No strength can be exerted.

One can imagine the strength of this soul-eating insect.

Now the Frost False God only prays that Lin Hua must not feed the two of them to the soul-eating worm.

The rest doesn't matter.


The next moment, the corpse of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God was covered with dense Zerg.

I don’t know what materials the Zerg’s mouthparts are made of.

It stands to reason that the body of the pseudo-true god is not indestructible, nor can it be bitten by some small insects.

In the blink of an eye, the Wuji Flame Pseudo-True God was chewed up, leaving only a pair of bones.

Lin Hua looked at the shocked eyes around him,

He scratched his head and said sheepishly.

Well, I'm sorry, the bugs are a little hungry, I just let them have a meal!

Lin Hua showed a harmless smile.

He didn't care at all, and with a flick of his finger, he instantly killed a false god.



For a moment, the true gods present could not help but swallow their saliva.

His eyes were filled with endless horror.

Even the high-level pseudo-gods looked at Lin Hua warily.

There was some fear in his eyes.

But not?

They all know that the Pseudo God of Infinite Flame is almost as powerful as them, or even a little higher than them.

The Infinite Flame False True God effortlessly,

Just gone?

What's next?

Can they withstand it?

Everyone was silent for a moment, not daring to say a word.

Even though they have been practicing for so many years and are used to the ups and downs,

Big and small battles,

I don’t know how much I have gone through.

But to be honest,

They have never seen anyone who can instantly kill a high-level pseudo-true god.

Moreover, the attack methods used can be said to have never been seen by this group of people.

This is the most irritating thing.

If you know what others are using,

They can also put on a defensive stance in a targeted manner.

But now they only know the name of a soul eater,

Apart from a group of light, I saw nothing else.

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