Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 267 The Three True Gods Appear!

Is this bug going to be untameable?

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for All Heavens and Worlds to directly mobilize all their manpower to kill the Soul-eating Insects.

This actually gave Lin Hua a bit of a headache.

But what Lin Hua didn't know was that he had inherited the mantle of the Creator God.

The Soul-eating Insect was originally the creation god’s pet.

And this kind of feedback ability is the soul-eating insect's cultivation of the future creation god.

Isn't it said that it will be very difficult to improve after reaching the mid-level pseudo-true god?

A middle god asked humbly.

After practicing for a hundred years, this median god has only improved his spiritual power by ten levels.

Lin Hua directly reached level 60 this day.

But Lin Hua felt that the amount given was still too little.

After all, that is the Pseudo-True God of Infinite Flame. How come it was promoted by two levels?

Such a powerful high-level pseudo-true god himself has only raised his spiritual power level by such a small amount.

What to do next?

Lin Hua has one head and two big heads.

But no, the False True God of Fire Demon is also at level seventy-five, and his devouring power has almost been increased by eight levels.

But now, a pseudo-true god of endless flames is at level 90.

It's only improved two levels.

Although he felt that his foundation in the divine space had increased a lot,

Strength doesn't matter, he doesn't take action anyway, he just thinks about it, it's so difficult to improve now,

Then wouldn’t he have to devour a true god for fun in the future?

I thought I wouldn’t have to run around for resources in the future.

It would be nice to have this soul-eating insect to raise.

But in the end, mom sells batches! Poorer.

Even the pants are gone.

In fact, Lin Hua didn't know that Hailiang's resources were not only needed to improve the psychic level, but also

Even the speed of time in the divine space requires Hailiang's resources.

Calculating it this way, a time flow rate of one to two hundred requires two circles of pseudo-true gods.

That may be a time flow rate of one to two hundred and one, which may consume two turns.

right! On the surface, it seems that there is no difference in improvement if it is a little bit worse.

But now Lin Hua's tassel has broken the limit of false gods,

Naturally, resource consumption cannot be the same.

However, Lin Hua didn't pay attention to this problem. He thought he was eaten by the soul-eating insects.

The imagination is right, it is a god-level one. The next time it will be a mid-level god-level soul-eating insect. Isn’t this a big consumption?

Two people, Frost and False God,

I felt numb after seeing this scene.

There is no more waves in my heart.

Is this still necessary?

This is not a basic operation. Sit down, please sit down for me. This is my boss, so there is no need to be so shocked.

They are used to seeing such scenes.

It's just an indifferent attitude, which is in sharp contrast to those who saw Lin Hua's magical skills for the first time.

On the other side,

I saw that in the endless void, endless void turbulence criss-crossed, exuding supreme destructive power.

Especially the swallowing vortex formed by the endless void chaos, which seems to be an endless abyss, enough to swallow everything in this world.

In this endless void turbulence, there is no false god who can persist for an hour.

Within an hour, even the pseudo-true god who was about to break through to the true god would be buried there directly.

But among all the heavens and worlds,

Although there is an endless universe, the world is firmly protected within the void barrier.

Like a protective shield for the world,

In the void, although there are many endless turbulent voids,

But it’s still an affordable segment.

But outside the void, it is completely impossible for the true gods to stay there for a long time.

Among all the heavens and worlds,

The lowest level is the countless planes, and some are the lowest planes. Perhaps their planes are the planes where ordinary people stay.

Not even a god,

The planes are also divided into lower, middle and upper planes.

Snapshots are just an accessory in the planet of gods and cannot be put on any stage at all.

In the eyes of the higher gods, it is just a slap in the face.

Not to mention the fake god!

As for the plane, there is the god planet above. There are three types of god planets.

The weaker one can be understood as an era of high martial arts. There were no gods, but with this spiritual energy, one could practice martial arts.

A medium-level god planet can cultivate gods, which is the era of comprehensive gods.

It can be regarded as the divine planet of Lin Hua.

As for the higher god planet, it gave birth to false gods and true gods.

The specific strength depends on the management of the respective pseudo-true gods and true gods.

If it is managed well, it will be a powerful plane.

If it is not managed well, it will be a weaker planet.

There is also the possibility that the resources will be robbed by those well-managed god planets.

Eventually it became a mid-level or even inferior planet of gods.

The powerful True God Realm space is already comparable to the planet of gods.

Of course, among all the heavens and worlds, there are three major realms.

Lower domain, ordinary domain, core domain.

Now the Nether Realm belongs to the lower realm.

I can't get on any stage.

Above the domain is the void!

In fact, it is also called void outside the planet.

There are usually some void demons and endless void turbulence inside.

The name Void Demon is still a bit unfamiliar.

But when Lin Hua was still on the planet of gods, he had a very special name.

It's called the Extraterrestrial Demon.

It was the one that corrupted Liu Yangyi in the first place.

At this time, three people were standing on the edge here,

It is the junction of the void and the domain, and I want to expand some of the territory of the void domain.

At this time, the three of them looked at each other with horrified expressions on their faces.

True God Lihuo, have you discovered the method of devouring souls?

A true god spoke, and his body emitted gas that could split space.

This person is the true god of space.

The power of space is not in the five elements of the original godhead.

But it must be strong.

It's a partial one.

A powerful side door.

In fact, strictly speaking, Lin Hua's space collapse depends on the power of this space.

It's just that Lin Hua's space power is not up to that level. Just talking about this space power,

At least for now, it is impossible to defeat the true god of this space.

Of course, when it comes to strength, it's hard to say.

The divine space of the True God of Space, because of the power of that space,

The time flow rate ratio has reached one to one hundred and ninety.

Although it is still a little worse than Lin Hua.

But at the level of a true god, it can be regarded as having reached the peak of a true god.

The normal flow rate of time in the divine realm space is only one to one hundred.

The false true god can reach one to one hundred and twenty.

And one to one hundred and fifty is considered a real God's fault.

But true gods who can exceed one hundred and eighty are relatively rare.

And the True God of Space has impressively reached 1:19,

In the core domain, he can be regarded as a top true god.

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