Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 258 Lin Hua is waiting for me, I’m back!

The Nether Realm is just a small area in the vast universe.

In the universe, there are three levels.

The weaker ones are like those in the Netherworld.

It’s called a wasteland,

Under normal circumstances, there are only about ten true gods.

A place that can be called a wasteland must have insufficient resources.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have cultivated only a few true gods.

As for a relatively powerful place, it must at least be a place where more than two digits of true god powerhouses are stationed.

Generally called the normal domain,

That is to say, ordinary.

I can't say it's particularly powerful, but at least it's much better than this wasteland.

Barely able to protect his own safety.

And the last core place,

It’s called the core domain.

The core domain can be said to be where the true god travels everywhere.

Some of them were sent by the true gods from the surrounding areas,

Some are true gods born and raised in the country.

You heard me right,

He is the true God who was born and raised here!

At a time when it is extremely difficult for a false god to appear on a god’s planet,

If someone is born in the core area, he will be a true god.

It can be said that he was born into the second generation of gods!

Naturally, their power is extremely powerful.

And the most important thing is these and credibility,

The true god may have reached thousands of people.

False gods are as common as villagers,

To be honest, the two Frost Gods also have the idea of ​​​​going to the core area.

This is why they follow Lin Hua wholeheartedly.

It was entirely because they saw in Lin Hua the hope of entering the core domain.

And most importantly,

Lin Hua's growth is only in the short term.

At least in the understanding of the two true gods of Frost,

It is during this thousand years,

You can definitely go to the core area.

It is rumored that this true god exists in the core domain...

For this kind of news,

The three Frost Gods are not sure.

As the saying goes, if you are not in your position, you will not seek to govern yourself.

If not for meeting Lin Hua,

Their chances of going to the core domain in this life are slim.

After all, the journey to the core domain is full of difficulties and dangers.

It's simply impossible to get over it easily.

And, most importantly,

In today's world,

Without the power of the True God, there is no way to cross the void and go to the core area.

The power of the false true god is not as powerful as the true god.

If we really let them stay in the void,

Soon they will be swallowed up by the endless void turmoil spreading out from the void.

Therefore, you need to use the huge power of the true god’s soul to protect yourself.

Although, on the surface, there are true gods in their Nether Realm,

But how can their true god be called a true god?

I just can’t get on the stage at all!

Their strength is vulnerable in front of others!

Even if the Frost God has gotten to that point,

You can convince yourself that the true god of the Netherworld will let you go to the core realm you dream of.

Without a strong leader, they would die directly in the ordinary realm.

After all, there are many crises in the ordinary domain.

It's not as safe as they imagined.

So they expected Lin Hua to take them there.

It’s not that these two people have never seen the world,

Even the True God of the Netherworld, the three of them have never been out.

I have no idea what the outside world is like anymore.

They spend their entire lives staying here in the Netherworld.

How can I get out?

Lin Hua has brought the two True Gods of Frost here.

Quietly went to the Jiuyao Divine Fire.

And on the other side,

In that divine planet,

Each of the gods looked up at the sky curiously.

They had no idea what was going on,

Nowadays, many people

Everyone knew that Lin Hua had left.

Each of them was more or less afraid.

These people knew what Lin Hua was going to do.

I also know that the suppressed True God of the West still exists in this world.

Once the true God of the West is born,

Can this planet still exist?

If Lin Hua was not a true god, they would not have such hope.

But it's completely different now,

Lin Hua and everything on the planet of gods are closely related.

Ever since the entire planet of gods took Lin Hua as their faith,

As Lin Hua's strength continues to increase,

The foundation of the entire world is also constantly increasing,

Nowadays, this god’s planet is continuously expanding.

Everyone in the Eastern Alliance also came to the borderland of this planet.

One by one, they looked at the scene in the distance,

It can be said to be breathtaking.

I have never seen such signs of creation.

This is because as Lin Hua improves, more and more magical power is fed back to them.

Just like the divine space,

However, the divine space cannot be compared with the divine planet at all.

As the main god’s strength increases,

It is also possible for the divine space to evolve into a divine planet.

Lin Hua's divine space is constantly improving.

Similarly, the planet of gods here is also constantly improving.

All the powerful men of the Eastern Alliance,

Seeing this unprecedented scene,

It was very similar to the scene when they had just opened up the divine space.

Everyone's face showed joy,

Territory expanded,

A new race may emerge,

Or endless opportunities.

No matter which stage it develops in the end, there are endless opportunities!

Everyone also understands,

This is Lin Hua's adventure into the universe.

Among them, a woman with a better face,

Holding his hands tightly, he gritted his teeth and said, Lin Hua, you have to wait for me and don't let anything happen!

On the other side, a group of people went to explore new wilderness areas,

I feel that the entire planet of gods is being shaken up by a powerful force,

New resources, mineral veins, etc. are constantly appearing in this world...

Each one exudes the vicissitudes of ancient power, rippling in everyone's hearts.

Some talented people directly comprehended some upgrade auras.

He sat directly on the ground and muttered silently.

Thank you, Lord True God!

Thank you, Lord True God!

Waves of power of faith emerged from the bodies of the gods,

A steady stream of water entered Lin Hua's body.

And on the other side,

Lin Hua took the three Frost True Gods to a hot environment.

very hot,

The void seems to have begun to deform under such terrifying temperatures.

The Nine-Yao Divine Fire emanates.

At this moment, this land is already overcrowded.

All the false and true gods are gathered here.

As soon as I heard the news that Jiuyao Shenhuo was born,

Every god wants to come and take advantage of it,

After all, if you swallow the divine fire, it can increase your spiritual power to level ten.

This is something they will never refuse in their lifetime.

That's a tenth-level improvement.

Although refining takes some time,

But if you get it, you get it,

It is impossible to live without it in this life.

Everyone came quietly,

I thought I would be the first one to arrive here,

As a result, look left and right,

These are all old acquaintances!

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