Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 257 The Difference Between All Heavens and Worlds

Why didn't I notice it before?

It just so happened that I had no intention of killing them!

Okay, get up!

Lin Hua waved his hand gently,

Yun Danfeng gently let the two people get up.

Yes, sir!

The two true gods said respectfully.

After a while, another wave of ripples appeared in the void.

The True God of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan are guarding Lin Hua in the void.

At this moment, the three of them were looking at the waves of light emanating from Lin Hua's body.

Everyone is feeling bad.

They could see that Lin Hua was digesting and absorbing something.

At this rate, Lin Hua may be able to improve his level after a while.

As for whether Lin Hua is afraid of these betrayals?

I don't care if it's good or not at all,

As long as you dare to betray and say nothing else,

Wouldn’t it be over if we just release the soul-eating insects first?

They will have nothing by then;

If you're honest, you're done being a dog.

If you're not sincere, just kill him.

Why bother talking so much?

As Abathur dismantles the True God of All Insects,

The Soul-Eating Insect also gradually fell asleep,

Now Lin Hua's power has reached a new level.

Psionics - Level 55.

This terrifying speed of improvement,

Directly defeated the True God of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan.

Imagine yourself, one by one, it takes thousands of years to improve the level of spiritual power.

Looking at Lin Hua again, they gradually understood,

How terrifying is Lin Hua's strength.

It's not comparable to him at all.


The two Frost Gods breathed extremely solemnly,

Originally, when they surrendered, they were still afraid that Lin Hua would kill him directly.

Naturally, these two people will not live under others for a long time.

He planned to take advantage of Lin Hua's inattention and look back.

Take Lin Hua directly.

But now they are watching Lin Hua break through here.

But he had no intention of making a sneak attack.

Lin Hua did not have any means to restrict their behavior.

In fact, the True God of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan can leave at any time.

Lin Hua will not stop them.

But seeing more and more soul power gathering around Lin Hua,

They have never seen such a powerful soul power in their history.

So they had a strange idea in their hearts.

If one day we adults are promoted to the True God and we are loyal to him, then we will be the True God's little followers.

True Frost God whispered.

The two looked at each other,

There is no doubt that the two people have exactly the same idea.

Unexpectedly, these two people had no thoughts of rebellion.

Now they wish they could stay with Lin Hua for the rest of their lives.

There is no gimmick at all.

What surprised them the most was Lin Hua's soul-eating insects.

I just had enough to eat and drink, and my belly is round.

Why have I lost so much weight and lost my appearance now?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that the Soul-eating Insect that stayed in their memories could be so powerful.

In fact, what they don’t know is,

The flow of time in Lin Hua's divine realm is very fast.

Since the last time I absorbed the True God of Fire Demon,

The flow rate is even faster.


In Lin Hua’s divine space,

In fact, a year has passed,

Earth-shaking changes have already taken place.

The strength of the Zerg has been greatly improved.

The key is,

The great killer weapon of soul-eating insects has also multiplied in more and more numbers.

The territory of the divine space is also getting larger and larger.

Completely surpassing the previous divine realm space.

When will Lilia's divine realm need to be moved up?

Lin Hua thought for a while,

We have to find time to move Lilia’s divine realm up.

After all, this divine realm cannot just raise soul-eating insects.

Currently, only this divine realm has an accelerated time flow.

Let Lilia come over first,

Coupled with Abathur's research, it is completely possible to build a good god planet belonging to the Zerg tribe.


After thinking about this, Lin Hua took a long breath.

See my lord!

Congratulations on your promotion, sir!

The True God of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan fell to their knees directly,

A look of surrender.

Have you spread the news about Jiuyao Divine Fire?

Lin Hua said without any expression on his face.

Before retreating, Lin Hua had asked the True God of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan to spread the bait of Jiuyao Divine Fire.

Lord Qi, the pseudo-true gods of the dozens of god planets around us all know this information.

They'll be here soon.

The True God of Frost said in a deep voice.

Before, when Lin Hua was in retreat,

I am still measuring the attraction ability of this Jiuyao Divine Fire.

After all, it is considered a fire element.

I don’t know if those pseudo-true gods will be interested.

It's almost time, let's go there.

Lin Hua counted with his fingers and felt that the time was almost up.

On the way, Frost True God also introduced Lin Hua to Lin Hua about this pseudo-true god plane.

That is, the affairs of all heavens and realms,

In fact, there is a true god on every god planet.

All believe in one true God,

Will gain part of the true god’s abilities,

There will also be false gods among them,

It can be regarded as a backup to the true god.

It means that as long as the true God appears,

False gods often become true gods.

Lin Hua can also be regarded as the true god successor of their god planet.

There is also the True God of the East and the True God of the West, who are also considered candidates for the True God.

And now, where they are,

It's called the Netherworld.

In the vast universe,

Several different regions have also been divided.

The Nether Realm was taken from the battle between the True God of the East and the True God of the West.

Because the fight between the two sides was too fierce,

The dividing line between this section and other regions was abruptly drawn.

This resulted in this becoming a new area.

But later, because of the fall of the True God of the East,

The true god of the West was suppressed in Lin Hua's god planet.

This has resulted in the development of the Netherworld being restricted.

Lin Hua's god planet is also like this,

Since there is no true God all year round,

Leading to lack of strength.

If Lin Hua hadn't been promoted to the pseudo-true god as the successor to the true god,

After the true body of the Flame Demon swallowed up the Jiuyao Divine Fire,

The next thing to be devoured is Lin Hua’s god planet.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hua took down the true form of the Balrog in one quick move.

Nowadays, there are several true gods sitting in the Nether Realm.

Of course, there are hundreds of false and true gods.

Although the false God is inferior to the true God,

However, the pseudo-true gods still have the right to speak in various divine realms.

For example, the True God of Flame Demon and the True God of Frost are under the command of the same true god.

The True God of All Insects and the True God of the Wu Clan are under the command of another true god.

As for Lin Hua, since there has been no pseudo-true god in his plane for a long time,

Therefore, the true gods of the Netherworld have forgotten his plane.

But now the momentum has changed. With the birth of Lin Hua,

After entering the Nether Realm, all the true gods will gradually notice Lin Hua's existence.

When the time comes, they will definitely come to win over Lin Hua.

Basically, the five major forces will come out and extend an olive branch!

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