Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 259 Which bastard revealed the Jiuyao Divine Fire?

The false and true gods are not fools;

Obviously, these messages were released deliberately.

But all of them feel that they are the proud ones of heaven.

How could it be possible to miss the Jiuyao Divine Fire.


Who is it that leaked the news?

Why are there so many people!

It's a shame that I came here quietly, lest other people know about it.

Mad, if I had known this, I would have called more people. Isn't this just a comparison between brothers?

I saw a big man with a sinister face,

His whole body exudes a powerful aura,

He is obviously a powerful man with seventy-fifth level of spiritual power.

For a moment, I looked at the crowd of people in front of me and didn't know what to say.

In fact, it's not just him, almost everyone here,

It's all like this,

I didn’t know where I received the news before.

I heard that Niu Jiuyao's divine fire is about to appear.

If the spiritual power is above level 75,

It means that the divine fire can be upgraded to eight or nine levels.

And if the spiritual power is lower,

Maybe it will exceed level ten.

Of course, this depends on their respective strengths.

The lower the strength, the more it improves.

Of course, a strong person can also increase his power quite a bit.

Otherwise, nearly three hundred false gods would not have come here.

No, when they came here, everyone was dumbfounded.


It was obvious that someone had tricked them!

Otherwise, how could it be possible that everyone would know the news.


If I knew who spread this information, I would have to cut him into pieces today.

Made, do you dare to play with me? Don't you want to be around anymore?

I saw another false god, with a murderous intention in his eyes.

Anger radiated from every part of his body.

Who is this person? He directly deceived everyone in the Netherworld.

It can be said that there are only three people in the entire Nether Realm who have not come.

Those are the three true gods.

Is it possible that the three true gods are trying to trick us?

A false god raises the possibility.


I don't think so. The Nine-Yao Divine Fire used by the true gods is of no use at all!

I said, forget about the True God now. None of the three of them are here. Let's just talk about the Jiuyao Divine Fire.

There is only one Jiuyao Divine Fire. There are so many of us, how should we divide it?

I see, this shows that someone wants to divide our Netherworld.

Yes, there must be a traitor among us.

Look around, are you aware that no one you know is here?

If there is, we will definitely settle the score with him later!

With such a huge appetite, it's obvious that he wants to catch us all in one go!

I saw an old man next to me saying angrily.

Also extremely angry,

If the person who deceived them appeared in front of them at this moment,

They will definitely kill that person directly.

Now it’s people from the entire region,

They all came here,

How to divide the Jiuyao Divine Fire?

Doesn't this just make them kill each other?




There was a sound of shaking heads left and right in search of something,

Everyone looked around,

Look at this, look at that.

This kind of thing is usually committed by acquaintances.

Every one of them has a burning gaze,

Staring at the person next to him for a while,

But after looking at it for a long time, I still couldn’t figure out why.

However, the two Frost Gods did not look at it much.

At this moment, they were in a state of confusion.

My heart is like a bright mirror,

know what is about to happen,

But they can't help but be a little worried,

Can Lin Hua kill them all by himself?

If one of them escapes, then what happens next?

It will be difficult to handle,

It is very likely that by then, all heavens and all realms will

Even the core domain knows about the existence of this soul-eating insect.

Facing the Soul-Eating Insects, the entire field was surprisingly consistent.

No matter what kind of life and death enemies we have been,

But when it comes to Soul-Eating Insects, they must share the same hatred.

Strict control,

There is no need to kill them all.

Although that battle in ancient times has long passed now,

No trace can be found in all the heavens and worlds.

Everyone who knows the inside story is trying their best to erase this trace.

Trying to make everyone forget that history.

But the Soul-Eating Insect devours them forcefully in order to take revenge.

The strength is undoubtedly demonstrated,

It is no longer possible to erase it,

So the true gods all stood on the moral high ground and criticized this creature one by one.

They don't care that Soul-Eating Insects are actually creatures that save people.

rather than a murderous creature,

However, under their vilification, the Soul-Eating Insects became an invisible weapon for killing people.

Everyone kept the Soul-Eating Insect secretive.

The True God of Frost is also very aware of the power of Soul-eating Insects.

One thing is, after all, the Soul-Eating Insects now are completely different from those back then.

Now he has not grown to the point of destroying gods at all.

Although he had killed the Flame Demon True God before,

It didn’t consume too much power,

But Frost God and the others know clearly,

If you meet the true God, it won't be that easy.

As long as there is one person here, escape, when the time comes,

There will definitely be a fuss.

It can even be said that it will attract the siege of the true god.

In other words, it alarmed the people in the core area.

Although the Frost God is very aware of Lin Hua's power,

But they did hesitate a little,

I always feel like it’s too much to kill these people completely?

Anyway, the two Frost Gods are still a little worried.

at the same time,

Everyone watched for a long time, their former friends, and the fake true god they knew.

Basically they all came here.

One is not too much, the other is not too little!

There are also some unfamiliar faces among them,

But this was naturally ignored by them!

After all, there is no guarantee that a false god will appear on any small god planet.

This is also very normal.

Looking at the confused expressions of everyone,

The two Frost Gods felt at ease instantly.

Yes, after all, when I was on the planet of gods, in order to improve myself,

I often get involved in some intrigues,

After all, there is no shame in trying to improve your own strength!

But after coming here,

On the contrary, I have experienced less of these things.

Anyway, in the planet of gods,

Everyone will definitely not disobey their orders.

In the outside world, all the fake gods are even more precious about their lives.

And there will also be the support of true gods behind me,

Take action?

That was naturally impossible, and everyone gradually became civilized.

Everyone practices peacefully and peacefully.

Eat the dividends from your own god’s planet.

If it weren't for the fact that this Jiuyao Divine Fire can increase the strength too much,

According to the urine properties of these people,

At this moment, he should be leveling up in his own territory.

Then why does everyone covet this thing.

Also because there is absolutely no

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