Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 256 What should I do if I finish eating?

What is this?


Where did this weird thing come from? It's so ugly and so strong.

The extraterrestrial demons!!! The extraterrestrial demons have invaded!

Those gods have never seen such a powerful divine creature before.

I thought it was some kind of extraterrestrial demon.

It can be said that under the rule of the Flame Demon True God, no one has ever seen what the Zerg look like.

The divine world of the True God of Flame Demon must be a world composed of lava and mountains.

It is simply impossible for creatures like the Zerg that are afraid of fire to exist.

After growing into the True God of Fire Demon,

Then there are no Zerg anymore,

Coupled with the sneak attack by the True God of Ten Thousand Insects on the True God of Balrog,

The True God of Flame Demon chose to hunt down the Zerg.

Vow to kill all the Zerg,

So the Zerg no longer exist on this god's planet.




As the last person fell, the divine world of the True God of Flame Demon had been devoured.

At the same time, the True God of Flame Demon also knelt on the ground,

Unable to move.

Devoured for two full hours,

Only then did he swallow up the last bit of the Flame Demon True God.

I have to say that the planet of this God of Fire and Demon is really big.

At least it's much bigger than the god planet in Lin Hua's place.

After all, the Flame Demon True God has been a false true god for so long.

He was almost promoted to the position of a true god.

How could the planet of gods be so small?

This is also thanks to Lin Hua's Zerg army being strong enough.

If it were someone else, there might really be no way to swallow it directly.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for raising his spiritual power level to level 50.

As the strength increases, the psychic level becomes higher and higher.

Of course, the subsequent difficulty will become increasingly higher.

Okay, come back now?!

Lin Hua smiled knowingly, and his spiritual power surged.

Command the Queen through the Zerg's mental network,

The insect queen ordered everyone to retreat,

At this time, Abathur suddenly joined the chat between Lin Hua and the Insect Queen.

True God, the Zerg have completed their evolution?!

According to the hierarchy of the true god world, he has reached the level of a lower god.

Oh...that gene makes the Zerg palatable. You can consider letting the Zerg devour it.

Observe...upgrade and you will be stronger next time.

Abathur entered Lin Hua's mind and said.


Remember, Abathur hasn't spoken for a long time, why did this suddenly pop up?

Only then did Lin Hua realize that Abathur seemed to be studying how to upgrade the Zerg army recently.

When the Zerg army appeared this time, its intensity was really beyond Lin Hua's expectation.

Lin Hua thought that this time the Soul-Eating Insects were attacking.

The other Zerg armies are responsible for dealing with some minions.

I didn't expect the exact opposite.

Queen of Insects, come on, bring this True God of All Insects to the God's Domain.

Lin Hua ordered.

Obey my master!

Even if the Zerg army has finished its orders,

It's time to find the cute Soul Eater Bug.

Don’t you know if you are full?


Lin Hua looked confused.

I saw soul-eating insects one after another, with bulging bellies, not to mention how happy they were to eat.

Keep twisting there,

Looking very much enjoying it.

These foodies!

Lin Hua shook his head. There was nothing he could do. Shouldn't he be pampered by the one he chose?

After the soul-eating insects devoured all the power of the soul,

Obediently returned to the divine space that Lin Hua opened for them.

Since receiving part of the memory of the Creator God,

Lin Hua found that it became easier to control these soul-eating insects.

Now Lin Hua can control these soul-eating insects from suddenly appearing to devour the soul.

“Isn’t this a sign of recognizing the master?”

Lin Hua was slightly startled,

But this is pretty good,

You must know that this is the pet of the Creator God!

Being able to tame it yourself is already a top priority.



After the True God of Flame Demon and the True God of Ten Thousand Insects fell, there were still two true gods of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan.

The two of them were stunned, never expecting that this would be the case.

This is a planet of gods!

Even if these two people fight against such a divine planet, it will not be so easy!

The shock of these people is nothing to add to.

What strange creature is that? ?

Why is it so powerful? ? ? ?

Why? ?

The two people had questions on their faces.

When they saw Lin Hua's psychic level increased directly from 47 to 50,

The whole person was killed directly.

In their eyes, spiritual improvement is the most difficult thing.

It may take a hundred years of practice to reach level three.

Why is it so easy to get to him? ? ?

No wonder this guy looks down on Jiuyao Divine Fire.

Even if someone swallows the Jiuyao Divine Fire, it won't level up so quickly.

Just refining the Jiuyao Divine Fire would take a hundred years.

If Lin Hua had such an upgrade speed,

How could there be a need for something like Jiuyao Divine Fire?


They won't know why.

Because the only thing waiting for them is to be drained of their soul power by the soul-eating insects.


Lin Huagang wanted his soul-eating insects to directly devour the two frightened false gods in front of him.

But the Soul-Eating Insect walked back directly by itself.

He returned to his own divine realm and went to sleep.

Ah this?

Unexpectedly, the Soul-Eating Insect was so full this time that it collapsed directly.

Is there such a way to prepare a meal?

Lin Hua looked at the remaining two pseudo-true gods.

After thinking about it for a while, I thought it would be a pity to kill him.

There's no use in keeping it if you don't kill it.

If there is a planet of gods behind these people...

Lin Hua thought for a while,

But what's more uncomfortable now is that his soul-eating insects seem to be full.



Lin Hua looked at the True God of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan, his eyes a little confused.

This lord!

We are willing to surrender to you! We are willing to surrender to you!

The True God of Frost and the True God of the Witch Clan knelt on the ground and said.

They all saw it clearly just now,

Under the current situation, Lin Hua has no spare power to deal with himself.

Just beg for mercy and that's it.

As for resistance,

How dare these two eldest brothers? They really have no energy left.

That's because the creatures in the divine realm are full.

Lin Hua hasn't made a move yet.

Even the divine species are so powerful

How powerful would it be if Lin Huashang was that powerful!

If you really want to think about them, it will be easy. .

Not to mention anything else, just the Zerg devoured the True God of Fire and the God Planet,

If they were allowed to come, it would probably take more than ten days.

And if they are all swallowed, the psychic level will be increased by at least twenty levels.

Now Lin Hua has only been promoted to three levels.

What is this concept?

These two people are not fools. This obviously shows that their size is not at the same level as mine!


Lin Hua raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but he didn't expect that these two people were quite good. .

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