Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 255 The long-lost attack of the Zerg army


He can't be the God of Creation!

He is obviously dead.

At this time, the True God of Ten Thousand Insects said.

Not only the True God of Ten Thousand Insects and the True God of Flame Demon know about this matter,

Basically, all the false and true gods in the universe know that,

They inherited part of the memories of their respective true gods,

Naturally, you will know the origin of the Soul-Eating Insect,

In fact, the Soul-Eating Insect had already gone berserk a long time ago.

All the pseudo-true gods suppressed the Soul-Eating Insect together.

There are also some pseudo-true gods who don’t know whether to live or die and want to take back the soul-eating insect.

But in the end, no strong person can control the Soul-Eating Insect.

It is extremely difficult to control even one.

As a result, someone suddenly took control of this soul-eating insect that only the God of Creation could control.

Then you say he didn’t inherit the mantle of the God of Creation, then what is that?

Why on earth do you want to kill us?

We have no enmity or grudge against you.

I never hurt you! What do you mean?

The three True Gods of All Insects and the True God of Flame Demon blurted out at the same time.

They are doing their final test,

They were afraid of hearing that answer from Lin Hua.

An ordinary pseudo-true god who controls soul-eating insects? ? ? ? ? ?

How can it be,

It must be related to the Creator God.

So they naturally have to ask clearly,

At the same time, they cannot just let the soul-eating insects eat them.

Resistance must be resisted.

Several people released all their strength to stop this soul-eating insect.

But they made a mistake,

That means they know about the existence of Soul-Eating Insects,

But the Creator God did not tell them the attack characteristics of the Soul-Eating Insects at the time.

In other words, the God of Creation just keeps the Soul-Eating Insect as a pet.

He was not considered a weapon at all.

It was not expected that the soul-eating insect would become the creation god of the ancient ferocious beast.

Unexpectedly, after his death, a pet would almost kill the person who betrayed him on his behalf.

Several people frantically released the power of their souls,

They believe that as long as they use their most powerful moves, they will definitely be able to defeat the Soul-Eating Insects.

But when the power of the soul hit the soul-eating insect, it only caused ripples in circles.

There is no way to cause any harm to these soul-eating insects.

The power of the divine soul is the best nourishment for soul-eating insects.

The reason why all the pseudo-true gods in the world did not eradicate this soul-eating insect back then was also because of this.

As long as a little bug escapes and hides in a place with the power of the soul, it can reproduce wirelessly.

Until destruction.

What's the meaning?

Have you forgotten what you have done?

If you forget, I don't mind letting you experience it!

Lin Hua said with a smile.

It's just that this smile is no different from a devil in the eyes of other people.


The True God of Ten Thousand Insects and the True God of Flame Demon vomited out a mouthful of old blood in an instant.

The answer they least want to hear,

It still appeared in their ears,

What did you do back then? ?

Isn't that the return of the Creator God?



Don't kill us?!

We know where the Jiuyao Divine Fire is.

Yes! After being swallowed by the Nine-Yao Divine Fire, it can directly increase the spiritual power level by ten levels.

The Flame Demon True God rolled his eyes and said hurriedly.

Excuse me!

I will find the Jiuyao Divine Fire myself. As for you, you should go down early.

And tell the masters behind you, I will find them!

At this time, streaks of white gas appeared behind Lin Hua.

Uh! Have mercy! We are just ordinary fake gods!!

Really! We didn't do anything!

The True God of Fire Demon said everything he could.

No longer caring about your own identity,

Now he just wants to survive.

As for the Jiuyao Divine Fire, Lin Hua really doesn't value it very much.

What he values ​​more is the future development of the Soul-Eating Insect.

And it’s just a Nine-Yao Divine Fire,

This can lead to the fight between these people,

This thing can be said to be a good thing to lure you into the urn in the future.

At that time, as long as we wait and wait for the soul-eating insects to be released, wouldn't the harvest be greater than this!

Besides, I have Soul-eating Insects and am afraid I won’t be able to find the Nine-Year Divine Fire?

Jiuyao Divine Fire was also produced by the God of Creation.

Buzz buzz!

Buzz buzz!

Buzz buzz!

A white wave rose in the sky,

In the blink of an eye, the Soul-Eating Insect directly entered the mind of the Flame Demon True God.

No matter how hard they tried, it was to no avail.

They watched helplessly as the soul-eating worm directly penetrated their defenses.

And they could only watch as their soul power was swallowed up completely.


Please! Give me a pleasure!

For a moment, the Flame Demon True God howled in pain.

The pain of having the soul's power swallowed up is simply not something a pseudo-true god can bear.

It was ten thousand times more painful than being swallowed by the power of the soul of the Creator God to be split apart alive.

The violent screams echoed in the planet of gods who believed in the True God of Flame Demon.

For a time, the gods of the entire god planet,

They all felt the pain that the Enma Shinshōu endured.

What happened!

Lord True God, has something happened?

Lord True God, you must be safe and sound!

I am willing to dedicate ten years of my life. I hope nothing happens to the True God!

The believers in the True God of Flame Demon all knelt on the ground.

Praying that his True God of Fire could turn around and be at peace.

But they have absolutely no idea,

The person they pray for and the person they want to protect are the same person,

Isn't this a contradiction?

But the people on the planet of gods didn’t react at all.

They thought that this time, the Flame Demon True God would still save the day.

After all, it can be said that the True God of Flame Demon has experienced so many dangers before.

But every time, disaster turned into good fortune.

But this time, what fate awaits them.


Just when the Flame Demon True God was corroded by the soul-eating insects,

Lin Hua directly separated some soul-eating insects to devour the divine planet of the God of Fire and Demon.

Behind is the dense Zerg army.

They poured into the divine planet of the Flame Demon True God.

The Insect Queen reappeared with her mighty Zerg army,

They long to devour these creatures,

Only in this way can we fight against the gods we believe in in future battles.

Fight side by side.

The Queen of Blades directly exploded with psychic energy, opening a gap.

Immediately afterwards, the cockroach adjusted its mouthparts from behind and continuously shot out dense lightning power.

The Brood Lord was flying in the sky, constantly throwing explosive bugs.

Mammoths clear the way ahead,

Leviathan carries the Queen of Blades to constantly challenge the strongest gods in this world.

Springtails directly fought with the lower gods.

The soul-eating worm absorbs the power of the divine soul.

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