Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 254 The memory of the handed down god has been inherited!

And it's because Lin Hua, a god who doesn't look so fierce.

I advise you all to think carefully about it, why not come together?

Lin Hua was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

It is impossible to be afraid,

It is impossible to be afraid in this life.

Haha? Just you, how can you compare with so many fake gods like us?

The True God of Flame Demon couldn't help laughing.

What's the meaning?

Look down on us?

Don't you have some ABC numbers in your mind at any level?


Of course it's not...

Did you tell me that I would show you the baby?

After Lin Hua finished speaking,

The Flame Demon God looked behind Lin Hua and said,

There was silence and no one around.

Hahaha, boy, you don't know what you are capable of!

They thought that several true gods or pseudo-true gods would appear behind Lin Hua to surround and suppress them.

But there was no one behind Lin Hua.

These gods didn’t know what to say.

Is it possible that I really think too much?

For a while, these true gods couldn't deal with it.

What's the meaning?

I said it's a little baby...go my gluttons!

Lin Hua looked at these not-so-smart Yazi,

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense anymore.

Damn it! Do you really think we are scared by you when you are playing tricks on us like this?

The True God of Ten Thousand Insects, the True God of Flame Demon and several other true gods,

All are angry,

This abominable god came out of nowhere,


How dare he?

I am going to kill you!

The true god of flames controls flames, and his temper is naturally explosive.

The forbearance just now was like the silence before a volcano erupted.

He ran directly to Lin Hua.


No! Something happened...

Why is the power of my soul trembling violently?




The three True Gods of All Insects and the True God of Flame Demon were also extremely puzzled for a moment.

They all felt that the power of their souls seemed to have encountered some nemesis,

I can't help but run out of my body.

And no matter how they suppress it,

It's no use,

Each and every one of them was shocked beyond measure.

How come this feeling occurs?

You know, they are true gods,

The power of the soul is sealed within one's own godhead.

How could it be easily shaken?


Suddenly, the faces of the three True Gods of Ten Thousand Insects and the True God of Flame Demon became extremely solemn.

Unless he is the true God!

Several pseudo-true gods all came to the same conclusion.

Looking at Lin Hua, his eyes were also filled with fear.

Naturally, I didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

They have never felt such a crisis.

Even the True God of Flame Demon is the same,

When I was attacked by three gods,

I have never had such a feeling.


Suddenly, they saw a dark insect flying out of Lin Hua's divine space.

This is...a soul-eating insect????

Looking at the appearance of the soul-eating insect,

Several people reacted immediately,

Especially the Flame Demon True God recognized him at a glance.

There is no false god in the entire world who has not heard of this soul-eating insect.

Soul-Eating Insect?

It turned out to be...a soul-eating insect!!


No, you can't be alive?

Were you swallowed?


You were not devoured by the soul-eating insects!



How is that possible? Isn't this a pet that only the Creator God, the Lord of all worlds, can control?

The True God of All Insects and the True God of Flame Demon looked at this scene,

The corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Is it the pet of the Lord of All Realms?

Lin Hua listened to what the True God of All Insects and the True God of Flame Demon said,

I have some doubts in my heart,

Suddenly, he felt dizzy, and a wave of memories poured into Lin Hua's mind.

In fact, Lin Hua suddenly changed his perspective.

An old man was looking at him, and Lin Hua also looked at this old man.

One glance is worth ten thousand years.

In fact, most fake gods,

After inheriting a certain priesthood and increasing the level of spiritual power to the pseudo-true god,

Some memories of their superior true gods will appear.

Why are soul-eating insects despised by all worlds?

Lin Hua could only know some things about the evil deeds of Soul-Eating Insects from the system.

But what the system doesn’t know is,

This Soul-Eating Insect was the pet of the True Lord, back then.

In ancient times, there was a true god who created all the heavens and worlds.

His dream in this life is to hope that all worlds can live in harmony.

But what he didn't expect was that,

The True God of Fire Demon whom he cultivated took the lead in leading his troops to rebel.

As the creator god of all worlds, facing so many true gods he created, they all rebelled against him.

He did not choose to resist, but chose to use all his divine power to

Turned into a planet, among the many gray planets,

That's a blue...

sky blue planet,

Lin Hua knew this planet as the Blue Star where he lived in his previous life.

The true God of Creation divided his memory into twelve parts.

Integrated into some creatures,

One of the memories was integrated into the soul-eating insect.

So that's it.

Lin Hua finally understood this question, why did the Soul-eating Insects want to destroy all realms?

Because the soul-eating worm inherited the memory of the death of the Creator God,

The memory of the God of All Realms betraying him.

“It turns out to be like this”

Lin Hua understood why the Soul-eating Insect regarded this place as its home in his own divine space.

And why is the power of my soul so delicious?

But the Soul-eating Insect would rather go hungry than devour the power of its own soul.

It seems that he regards himself as the creator god.

Lin Hua naturally understood why his godhead became the god of dominance.

I have enough planes, and each plane has more or less the power of the soul of the Creator God.

Regardless of the species or elements in the plane, every plane still has the power of the soul.

The god of domination is the godhead who becomes a god by the power of his soul.

Lin Hua shook his head. The old man in front of him seemed to want to say something.

But then he shook his head.

Lin Hua also woke up from the chaos.

Who are you...who can control this soul-eating insect?

The three True Gods of All Insects and the True God of Flame Demon said almost in unison.

Watching the soul-eating insect fly out of Lin Hua's divine space,

He didn't turn around and try to devour Lin Hua at all.

They were afraid that Lin Hua in front of them was that person.

The kind of person I have always been afraid of in my memory,

This may be bloodline suppression.

I'm tired too, it's time for you to disappear!

Lin Hua said coldly,

Obtained part of the memory of the Creator God,

unusually angry,

Traitors deserve to die!

This is the conclusion Lin Hua has come to all along.

Ah! Ah!

The True God of Flame Demon and the True God of Ten Thousand Insects could not help but kneel down.

This is not because they want to kneel down,

But they all know that as those who inherited Nodana's memory,

The terrifying power of the Soul-eating Insect,

How powerful is it?

Another reason is that the soul-eating insects continue to absorb the power of their souls.

Make their legs weak.

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