Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 247 The Soul-eating Insect is the Experience Silkworm Baby?

System, am I not the godhead who is the master of all things? Why can't I command it?

Because the host is not a true god, it cannot give orders.

Lin Hua asked on a whim.

All right,

It seems that there are only two ways to tame this soul-eating insect.

The first is to build a nice nest for these little babies.

The second is to get the totem and see if it can be promoted to a higher level of true god.

But the second one is obviously unreliable.

First of all, I can't race against time.

Then we can only take the first path.

Soul-eating insects usually find a safe place to breed.

And their hatching is different from other Zerg hatchings.

All the other Zerg races come online with just one Zerg Mother!

Then open the road to unlimited incubation.

As long as the Zerg Queen is given enough resources, one of them can evolve, but now the evolution has stagnated.

The enemy is too strong and can't be swallowed up.

But these soul-eating insects are completely different.

Among their races is a strict pair-wise union.

Each time only one hatches out,

Therefore, this larva is extremely precious.

Perhaps it is because God has given them great power,

Even letting them reproduce is extremely difficult.

As far as Lin Hua knows, the same goes for those holy beast-level creatures.

But they are not a monogamous system,

But their children need more powerful soul power to feed them,

However, the growth attribute is also extremely high.

In fact, holy beast-level species are the only ones that can break through the shackles of the plane and come to the god-level plane.

Of course now Zerg can do it too.

In other words, can the soul-eating insects be extracted and placed in the god's planet?

Lin Hua said to himself


Before Lin Hua finished speaking,

A larva emerges from the cocoon.

This is an opportunity!

Lin Hua asked the Insect Queen to bring her own soul power,

Get close to those young soul-eating insects,

Keep feeding them.

The insect queen is very cautious;

Approach them slowly and let them react to the first creature they see.

Gradually you will be able to control their actions.

This is like taming an animal,

There's no point in trying to reason with them;

It’s just for training.

If it weren't for the fact that adult insects are difficult to tame,

Lin Hua even wanted to take down the adults directly.

In this way, the risk is actually relatively small.

After all, although the Insect Queen is a member of the Zerg tribe,

But after all, this is the stepmother!

What if you meet your biological mother and rebel directly?

First time failed!

Second failure...

the third time……

In repeated failures,

Lin Hua summed up his experience and continuously fed out the power of the soul.

During the process of domestication, he discovered that these Zerg or spiritual beings were indeed not flattering.

Or rather there is none.

Compared with other Zerg races, they are not much smarter.

Everyone is stupid!

It's simply not as smart as a mythical beast.

And it seems that they are just dull,

Only then can I have such a strong sense of power,

If these guys are smart,

If you know how to escape,

Doesn't that mean that all the heavens and planes must have this thing?

I don’t know how long has passed,

The power of the divine soul in the divine space.

Three tenths are left.

But the results achieved are pretty good!

Lin Hua found that he could easily control the preferences and actions of these soul-eating insect larvae.

Initially, they can be ordered to stay in this divine space.

As for letting them attack a specific person or the true god.

That basically means there is no need to discuss it.

I can't control it at all.

It seems that telling them something is like playing the piano to a cow.

do not understand at all.

And the order Lin Hua gave through the Insect Queen was,

As long as you little cuties don't go out, there will be generous rewards.

This cost Lin Hua a lot of effort.

After all, these foodies still prefer to go out and play.

As for the Soul-Eating Insects, they don’t really like eating the same flavor of Soul Power.

Moreover, this place has been used as a nest by them, which means that they are now preparing to hatch here.

They only eat everything in this lair when they are in great need.

Lin Hua was also shocked when he discovered this.

Good guy, call you stupid, you are pretty damn smart!

As long as it's related to reproduction, these soul-eating insects really understand everything.

Others are really speechless!

‘Open the system panel. ’

Lin Hua wanted to see how many divine power points he had left.

My wallet was probably eaten by these cute soul-eating insects.


That's not right! Isn't my spiritual power level 45?

Why did you reach level 46 in such a short time?

Lin Hua felt that happiness came too suddenly.

This is when I thought about it, I looked around and found that due to the hatching of the soul-eating insects, the entire space of the God's Domain had expanded in a circle.

Before, he noticed that the space in the Divine Realm seemed to have become larger, and thought that it was because the power of the Divine Soul had disappeared.

After all, the size of space is relative.

But I never thought that in the process of domestication,

It can be upgraded directly.

Originally, this divine realm was just a new divine realm that had just been devoured by the Zerg.

No expansion cards have been used yet, and the size has not grown yet.

But now, we are almost catching up with those old gods,

This speed made Lin Hua feel comfortable instantly.

Isn’t that just how much you eat?

Can't I afford to support you even though I'm selling everything?

But what Lin Hua didn't expect was that the Soul-eating Insects had no hierarchy.

It seems that they can only let the insect queen be their stepmother first.

But there are still three thousand in here. We can't let them go out or throw them out.

This is obviously unrealistic!

People can freely travel to and from his divine space,

This defense is looser than some football players!

But Lin Hua didn't have any good ideas for a while.

While flying towards the place where the true God of Balrog is,

On the other side, they were observing the habits of this soul-eating insect.

Of course, the system has already been introduced a lot.

But there are some things that you still have to infer yourself.

The system is not omnipotent. At least, when facing this soul-eating insect,

I just can’t come up with a specific charter.

After all, the system is a thing without thinking ability.

In other words, he is a tool man.

What he told Lin Hua were all things that existed before.

But what Lin Hua has to do is tame the soul-eating insects.

Something no one has ever done.

Moreover, by taming the Soul-Eating Insect, one's psychic level can be increased linearly.

Why not do this?

The key is that the improvement in this effect is greater than that of all previous Zerg races combined.

You want to know how many Soul-Eating Insects there are?

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