Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 248 Home of the Soul-eating Insect, the first step is completed!

Proportionally speaking, the Soul-eating Insect is still much stronger.


Followed by another soft sound.

I saw that Lin Hua's spiritual power level increased by another level, reaching level 47.

This time, the whereabouts of the Soul-Eating Insect changed again.

Some Soul-Eating Insects went out searching,

He actually absorbed a lot of divine soul power.

The belly is round and bulging.

Moreover, they also brought an incredible divine soul light group.

The Divine Soul Light Group is something that further refines the power of the Divine Soul.

The power of the soul-eating insects that forage for food has been improved.

Although each one looks unchanged,

After returning, he threw the divine soul light ball next to the larvae, and then Chenchen fell asleep.

I estimate that it will take about an hour to wake up.

But it does make this divine space,

A little bigger.

Lin Hua was shocked by such rapid growth of the divine space.

No matter what happened, Lin Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as these Soul-Eating Insects can also raise small bugs, it will be fine.

In this way, the pressure on myself will not be so great.

After all, Lin Hua now relies on divine power to refine the power of his soul.

over time.

Lin Hua was not idle either.

He quickly studied the habits of the soul-eating insects.

Half of these soul-eating insects go out to look for food.

Half stayed behind,

After half of them come back, the other half will go out.

However, I brought back some divine soul light groups,

There are all kinds of people, and some can even see the ferocious state of the soul.

As for how to gather the power of the soul,

The current Lin Hua doesn’t know.

Lin Hua is used to this coming and going.

But every time I go out, the time is different.

Sometimes it’s a day,

Sometimes it's two days,

Even this is possible within a week.

But what surprised Lin Hua the most was that Lin Hua had never seen them injured.

Or maybe he won’t come back,

The longest time was about a month.

At that time, Lin Hua thought that these soul-eating insects would not come back.

I didn't expect to see these little bugs in my own divine domain in the end.

In this way, in the rotation again and again, the larvae gradually began to grow.

I have to say that these soul-eating insects seem to be quite resistant to hunger.

After all, if I hadn’t given him so much soul power,

These little soul-eating insects don’t have such good nutrition.

Being able to live for thousands of years, the ability of these little guys to resist hunger is not that simple!

After discovering this, Lin Hua didn't have anything to say. He just didn't know why these people were so resistant to hunger, but yet they ate their own soul power so uncontrollably.

Can't you save some money?

As for the replacement of soul-eating insects,

Lin Hua couldn't find it either.

During this period, Lin Hua also asked the insect queen to use the Zerg language.

But I can't communicate either.

In other words, these Soul-eating Insects simply cannot think at the level of communication.

Everything seems to be a given.

In other words, only the instinct of creatures is used to achieve villager speed.

Originally, Lin Hua in the Divine Realm space set a time flow rate of one to one hundred.

But as the soul-eating insects came in and out, he found that it had reached 1:150.

The flow rate of time, which had never changed, changed directly at the Soul-eating Insect.

And the most important thing is that Lin Hua's psychic level has also increased.

Thank you for raising these bugs...

Lin Hua said with mixed feelings.

Faced with this sudden benefit,

Without thinking, Lin Hua directly increased the spatial flow rate to the maximum.

To be fair, there has not been any progress in the breeding of soul-eating insects.

But the adult Soul-Eating Insect is completely different from the Zerg that was raised before!

In the past, as long as the Zerg had enough resources,

Under Lin Hua's orders, they can continue to reproduce.

But the current soul-eating insects have only multiplied in a wave.

There was no other movement after that!

Even after a lot of Soul-eating Insects went out, they all came back with a round belly after eating them.

There is still no change.

I just don’t know that among the various planets around me,

How many areas have been overrun by soul-eating insects?

Lin Hua could vaguely feel that these soul-eating insects seemed to look down on the planet of gods he was on.

He didn't choose to devour everything on the god's planet.

Perhaps he felt something similar to Lin Hua from it.

Or maybe they feel that Lin Hua is still a continuous gold mine, and they can't bear to swallow up their own gold mine.

Because people's reproduction depends on their mood. ,

Don't look at the bride price or anything like that.

This left Lin Hua with no choice but to wait and see what happens.

But it doesn't matter,

The fact that the soul-eating insects did not reproduce the next generation also reduced a lot of pressure on Lin Hua.

And the Soul-eating Insect looked at this posture,

It is estimated that the next one or two years will be difficult.

Although the spiritual power has increased by one level,

There are no new stories happening,

However, Lin Hua's divine space and actual space flow rate are getting bigger and bigger.

It used to be one to one hundred, but now it's one to one hundred and five.

And Lin Hua gradually got closer and closer to the material of the true god of flames.

In this way, Lin Hua didn't know how long he had been wandering.

The Soul-Eating Insects finally produced their second brood.

This has been the past three years,

Even in the outside world, nearly a month has passed!


Along with a mysterious white light descending, rippling in the divine space,

He clearly felt that his divine space had doubled.

Compared with the other divine realm spaces in his body now, they are much larger.

Moreover, the time flow rate has also reached an astonishing one to two hundred.

This terrifying increase in strength is extremely astonishing.

When there is no secret book for true god cultivation on this planet of gods,

Lin Hua has reached the forty-seventh level of spiritual power.

Buzz buzz!

With the birth of the second brood of larvae.

Lin Hua has gradually been able to control the actions of these Soul-Eating Insect adults through the Insect Queen.

He can simply control where the soul-eating insects enter or exit.

In the beginning, whenever these soul-eating insects wanted to go out, they would just go out.

Whether or not to go out now depends entirely on Lin Hua's wishes.

Of course, if the Soul-eating Insect is extremely hungry, it cannot be stopped.

But this thing will not happen to Lin Hua, because Lin Hua also has the power of the soul.

The worst thing I can do is feed him myself.

This makes the Soul-Eating Insect very useful.

Although he only briefly controlled such a small amount of actions,

But this is already the first step.

As long as he gives some guidance later, he can gain control of the Soul-eating Insect.

This is the same as whether you can break through the defense in the first place.

As long as the defense can be broken, the rest is the accumulation of quantity.

However, Lin Hua is really afraid that if he gives too much power to his soul, these soul-eating insects will become lazy insects.

Being lazy about eating is not a long-term solution.

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