Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 246 Raising Soul-eating Insects!

System, how can the Soul-eating Insect use this place as its lair!

Lin Hua asked in a deep voice.

Wait for them to hatch the next generation!

The growth of the next generation also requires a huge amount of soul power!

They will place the next generation in a world, or in a place where the power of the soul is abundant.

Let's raise larvae!

After the larvae have swallowed up all the power of the soul in this world, they will leave automatically!

The system said.



Lin Hua suddenly felt a little regretful.

How to drive the Soul-eating Insects, or just release them directly?

Waiting for them to devour them automatically?

No distinction between friend and foe?

In other words, the nest will not be swallowed up easily!

But this also means that they will give birth to a litter whenever they are happy.

If you are happy, you will have another litter.

What about the future?

Although the power of my soul can be said to be higher than that of all gods,

But it’s not like this little guy can eat them all up.

If you don't come back here, you can't even afford it.


No, it seems we have to fight now!

Lin Hua said attentively,

Improving your own strength also requires constant fighting and devouring.

Not to mention the soul-eating worm,

Eat it right after you wake up.

After eating, go to sleep!

This thing is magical enough.


In the void, circles of ripples appeared, and I saw the vast divine light under Lin Hua's feet.

He rushed towards the place where the True God of Flame Demon was.


This time, it's really a race against time.

Perhaps I had attached great importance to the divine sequence of the True God of Fire Demon before.

But what is more important now is his own life.

Two hours later,

When the soul-eating insects wake up, they will undoubtedly eat them all again.

Lin Hua's face kept twitching,

Did so much of the power of the soul go into the dog's belly and leave?

If it weren't for the introduction of the system, all the energy of the soul-eating insects he raised would have been used for reproduction.

Lin Hua even wondered if the system had deducted his divine power points.

However, fortunately, it seems that these soul-eating insects did not increase their strength because they were relatively hungry.

It seems like something is going on.

This is the soul-eating insect that is breeding offspring!

When they feel that their race is scarce, they will automatically breed the next generation and give up their own promotion.

The system prompt sounds.

At this moment, there is a lot of divine power in Lin Hua Divine Realm.

There are only eight copies left.

Then I saw the soul-eating insects, two by one, stuck together.

But fortunately, they have already begun to bond,

This means one thing, this is a good sign!

What a pleasure!

I originally thought that these soul-eating insects would have to be eaten several times.

I didn't expect to see results so quickly.

This result can be said to make Lin Hua's heart almost beat out of his chest.

But otherwise, raising a group of big ones is already a bit overwhelming for him.

I haven’t waited to fight yet!

As a result, he couldn't even support himself.

Now if we wait until this little one comes out, what kind of scene will it be.

Lin Hua couldn't even imagine it.

Suddenly there was a surge,

I feel like my stupid son has made me poor.

Although there are deity planets and other planes, Lin Hua is constantly provided with divine power.

The exchange ratio between divine power points and divine soul power is 1:10,000.

No matter what you say, you can't stand these stupid boys eating like this!

How does this make.

However, Lin Hua soon relaxed his worries.

He discovered that the soul-eating insects did not continue to devour them after they hatched.

But waiting one by one,

Although in Lin Hua's divine domain, it can be felt that these soul-eating insects are already hungry,

But they did not continue to devour.

Instead, each one directly began to explore the outside environment.

Looking for anything to devour.

As the master of the Divine Realm, Lin Hua was naturally excluded by them.

Even some soul-eating insects have already spent their time and left the divine space, seeming to go to forage farther away.

However, Lin Hua is not worried. These guys,

As a Zerg, they can naturally find their way back.

However, Lin Hua is not worried. These guys, as Zerg, can naturally find their way back.

Moreover, he had a feeling that no matter where he went,

These soul-eating insects are able to find his hiding place with incomparable accuracy.

These little guys are pretty cute.

Lin Hua's eyes flashed with curiosity.

If he was really messing around, he wanted to reach the place where the Flame Demon God was in ten hours.

This is simply an impossible thing,

It was simply not as Lin Hua expected.

I saw that the power of the divine soul in the divine domain space was completely beyond Lin Hua's control.

A steady stream of eggs poured into the soul-eating insect;

Ripples appeared in the air, and white silk threads appeared!

That's because the power of the soul is condensed together. It is originally invisible and colorless.

But they gathered together to form a milky white thread.

Lin Hua hesitated for a moment, but chose to speed up the tassels in the divine space.

Originally, when the soul-eating worm was sleeping, it was running at a speed of one to one. After all, one to a hundred was just a joke.

It doesn't work at all!

But now Lin Hua wanted to see what the larvae of these soul-eating worms were thinking.

He is a little heartless person who just leaves after eating, but he really considers himself his home.

If he was raised from an early age, maybe it would be possible for this Zerg to become his own child?

Lin Hua made a bold idea, that is, he should learn to control these soul-eating insects.

He can't be devoured by soul-eating insects wherever he goes in the future.

Still needs to think about it.


As time went by, the larva gradually began to be corrupted,

One by one, they started to prepare rice again.

For a moment, all the Soul-eating Insects left behind stared at Lin Hua fiercely.

There was an extremely vigilant look in his eyes.

However, it seemed that Lin Hua had similar aura to the one in the middle of this divine realm.

There was a look of longing in every eye.

Apparently they only have food in their eyes.

Soon, the Soul-eating Insect discovered that Lin Hua, as a breeder, was not hostile at all.

Ignore it,

Lin Hua also felt much more relaxed.

According to what the system said,

There must be a suitable nest,

Otherwise, your own divine realm will be swallowed up by this little thing and nothing will be left.

Although the Soul-Eating Insect is powerful when it reaches adulthood,

But the larvae are very weak, of course this is relative.

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