Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 245 1 The horror of soul-eating insects is full

I don’t know if it was Lin Hua’s illusion.

This time the system no longer uses those skilled mechanical voices.

On the contrary, it is a bit like human beings, or the language of gods.

Let go of the control of the Divine Realm, open the Divine Realm, and the breath of the power of the Divine Soul will spread automatically.

The soul-eating insects will naturally come after hearing the news.

Remind the owner that this is very dangerous!

The sound of the system came out.

Okay, open the divine realm!

Lin Hua automatically ignored the sentence behind the system and just didn't care at all. Isn't this nonsense?

The power of faith has all been redeemed.

How can we not regard them as human beings?

Isn't this funny?

And Lin Hua is bound to win!

He clearly knew that there was a cliff ahead of him, but he still chose to move forward.

After all, he has to face a person like the True God.

You must know that there is no precedent for fighting against the true God on the entire planet of gods.

If one day it really comes to that point,

Lin Hua didn't want the people he loved to be caught in the flames of war.



The space barrier of the divine domain slowly opened, and in an instant, the huge power of the divine soul was seen escaping.

Exuding endless divine power.

Lin Hua waited quietly and was not in a hurry.

Just stick to this situation now.




Suddenly, the harsh and heart-rending sound emanated from the void.

bring it on!

Lin Hua's body froze.

His eyes were slightly narrowed, which could be described as extremely solemn.

This is his combat creature,

And the most important thing is that the system prompts again and again,

So it's impossible not to be nervous.

But more importantly, excitement!



In a short time, I saw a dense group of dark insects flying in the distance!

Each one has a petite mouthpart,

Not very big either.

Only the size of a fingernail.

But it exudes an extremely terrifying aura,

Looking at them, Lin Hua only felt the power of his soul,

As if somewhat afraid of their existence,


The speed of the Soul-Eating Insect was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Lin Hua.

Three thousand, one is not too many, and one is too few.

They filed in one by one and entered the divine realm.

One by one, they are rippling in the sea of ​​souls,

When they entered it, they instantly felt the richness of the soul’s intelligence.

He was out of control, frantically sucking in the power of the divine soul in the divine realm.

Suddenly, one-tenth of it was absorbed.

In less than a quarter of an hour, these Soul-Eating Insects had eaten their stomachs one by one.

It’s like I haven’t tasted such delicious soul power for a long time,

One by one, they lay contentedly in the divine realm.

And in the process of the soul-eating insect devouring the power of the soul.

However, Lin Hua deeply felt the power of the soul-eating insect.

It is extremely powerful,

He can even feel that if he fights these soul-eating insects directly,

If the power of annihilation is not used,

I was afraid that I would be swallowed directly.

What shocked Lin Hua the most was that,

These soul-eating insects seem to have the power to directly penetrate the space barrier of the divine realm.

He just opened a hole.

But those soul-eating insects were surrounding them from all directions.

Coming immediately.

It feels a bit like the Supreme Mage in a movie from a previous life.

The ability to tear apart the fortress of time and space.

Even Lin Hua was surprised by this scene.

He didn't even know how these soul-eating insects appeared in his divine domain.

As for the power of the soul,

In fact, it is a more condensed form of divine power.

On today's god planet, it is basically useless.

Just like ten yuan is considered a big bill when buying groceries.

Wouldn't it mean that just throwing a bank card in there would lead to crazy ridicule?

Although he said that, Lin Hua could also clearly feel that

When the soul-eating insects devoured the power of his own soul,

There is a stronger force protecting your soul.

Lin Hua also went out of his way to find out whose power it was.

In the end, I found several totem fragments from my own system backpack.


It seems that we have to look for these disappeared Eastern holy beast-level creatures.

At first, Lin Hua didn't care much about this small force.

Just when he thought that his defense, or spiritual power, would be eaten away by the soul-eating insects.

The soul-eating worm seemed to have eaten and drank enough, lying quietly in the divine space.

And the power of his soul is in a sufficient range,

Didn't suffer too much devouring.

That is to say, obtaining totems from holy beast-level creatures is the key to promotion!

Lin Hua came to a conclusion.

System, I have a question, how long does this soul-eating insect plan to sleep for?

An hour!


Lin Hua went numb when he heard the news.

no? Will you continue eating after an hour?

You treat me like a free buffet.

Really? Don't lie to me!?

Lin Hua asked with some suspicion.


The system said.


Eat one meal in an hour!


Are you sure I can afford it?

Lin Hua smiled coldly. He was completely stunned now.

Before, he used all his divine power to exchange for the power of the divine soul.

Now the soul-eating insects have actually swallowed up so much divine soul power.

The problem is that you told me that you will still be devouring it in the next hour.

There are twenty-four hours in a day, twelve o'clock.

Devoured about once every hour.

The power of the soul that is devoured every hour must at least look like a pseudo-true god.

Twenty-four hours is twelve false gods.

In other words, these little bugs can eliminate twenty-four planes!

Tsk tsk!

Lin Hua calculated carefully and was instantly shocked!

I didn’t expect it to be on such a level!

This is a bit embarrassing!

There is no problem with your own ideas.

But these soul-eating insects are terrifyingly strong!

The key is that this thing doesn't have any emotions yet.

Just follow your instinct!

Even communication is not possible.

On the other side, I saw the Zerg races in other divine spaces,

Everyone was trembling a little.

They naturally felt the powerful aura of the Soul-eating Insects.

Logically speaking, the Zerg would not express fear towards alien species.

That can only mean that the soul-eating insect is probably at the same level as Lin Hua at that time. .

That is, the level of a primary high-level god.

This will cause so much panic among the hierarchical Zerg army.

It seems that a nail-biter has arrived in my divine domain.

If we want to let the Zerg devour them,

Orders can be given, but they are not necessary.

There is too much divine soul power in the soul-eating insect's body.

If it can be swallowed by force,

Lin Hua didn't even need soul-eating insects, he could just give the power of the soul to the Zerg army.

Is it still necessary to do this?

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