Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 230 Crazy, right? Kill the remaining bishops of the Western Alliance!

But you have to take your life, right?


Are you listening to me?

Seeing Lin Hua's eager expression.

This mid-level high-ranking god knew that his words were in vain.


Lin Hua couldn't help coughing twice, and then spoke,

Let's search outside now.

The mid-level high god sighed helplessly.

There should be gods from the Western Alliance searching around. Try not to fight. Our purpose is to search for fragments of the true god. It is important to preserve the divine power.

After giving a few final warnings, he led his army of thousands of species and left here.

Resources are limited, and all the floating planes nearby have been occupied by Lin Hua's Zerg.

Just go to other places.

System, check the energy wave level of the energy body in the middle.

After the mid-level high-ranking god left, Lin Hua spoke.

Ding: The plane cannot detect its energy wave level.


Lin Hua was stunned for a moment.

The golden energy sphere in the middle is actually a plane?

The light sphere plane in the plane within the Tower of Ascension in the world of gods and planets.

This is the legendary infinite matryoshka doll.

Creating an ordinary divine realm is very simple for the gods;

But it would be very difficult to create a plane within a plane, or even the three planes in front of us.

This requires a strong ability to control the rules of space.

At least not ordinary gods.

What is hidden in this plane?

Lin Hua was thinking about this question. Maybe he could only know the answer to the question by going in personally.

With Lin Hua's current level 25 psychic strength,

You should be able to barely resist the pressure and enter it.

But it will be very difficult.

Forget it, I don't want to think too much about it, let's collect the fragments of the true god first.

Lin Hua came to his senses and made up his mind.

Godhead fragments can help gods increase their divine level.

Enhance the strength of the original godhead,

It is also of great benefit to Lin Hua.

Since the divine power can't be exhausted, let's continue to summon some Zerg.

With a thought, Lin Hua summoned tens of millions of Zerg from the divine realm.

Then, Lin Hua asked the Zerg to conduct a 360-degree surround mode on the energy ball.

Any small planes that break away from this sphere of energy will be intercepted by the Zerg,


Ding: Congratulations to the Zerg for finding a fragment of the true god.

Ding: Congratulations to the Zerg for finding a fragment of the true god.

The system's beeps sounded one after another.

Others search one plane at a time, and at most they can find two or three small planes at the same time.

Good guy, Lin Hua directly included all the resources.

It's strange that this efficiency is not high.

They hurriedly used their spiritual thoughts to explore what was going on.

It would have been okay if he didn't probe, but when he probed, he was almost scared to the point of peeing.

Tens of millions of densely packed bugs are surrounding this energy sphere, and any small plane separated from the golden energy ball has been intercepted by the bugs.

Leave no one behind.

It's Lin Hua's species!

How the hell did he release so many species into the inner space of the Tower of Ascension.

You bastard, if this continues, we won't even be able to drink soup.

A group of gods from the Western Alliance participating in the trial gathered together aggressively.

The purpose of everyone coming to the Tower of Ascension is to get the True God Fragments.

Now, good guy, Lin Hua has finished drinking the meat soup.

This made the gods of the Western Alliance extremely angry.

Huh? Have you seen the Archbishop of Anger and the Archbishop of Gluttony?

As soon as I came in, I just went straight to the core. I didn't see the two archbishops.

The gods of the Western Alliance have only now discovered that their Cardinal is missing.

If they knew that they were killed by Lin Hua with a snap of a finger, their expressions would be so wonderful.

In just a short moment,

Lin Hua's Zerg were in place. Lin Hua collected a large number of true god fragments.

Lin Hua temporarily put it in the system backpack, but his behavior angered many gods from the Western Alliance who participated in the trial.

Good guy, all the plane fragments have been intercepted by you alone, what else can we eat?

The eight gods from the Western Alliance who participated in the trial quickly locked onto Lin Hua's location.

They met together and teleported in front of Lin Hua.

Lin Hua! What are you doing!

Aren't you going to swallow the fragments of the true god for yourself?

These high-ranking gods of the Western Alliance were full of anger and menace.

Little did he know that their two red archbishops had been killed by Lin Hua.


How did you summon so many species?

At this time, a Western god discovered,

Lin Hua actually summoned an army of tens of millions of Zerg.

Isn't he afraid that the divine power in his body will be exhausted?

In the inner space of the Tower of Ascension, the recovery speed of divine power is extremely slow.

However, Lin Hua did not offend them.

Instead, he concentrated on looking at the golden energy core in the distance, thoughtfully.

Hmph! That's so arrogant!

A middle-level Western god snorted coldly.

It actually summoned so many divine species. It's really a thing that doesn't know whether to live or die.

That's right!

It must be Lin Hua's first time participating in the Tower of Ascension, and he doesn't know the importance of preserving divine power here.

The divine power in his body must have been exhausted. Let's go together and kill him!

A god from the Western Alliance spoke.

The rest of the people nodded in agreement, even showing expressions of joy and greed.

Lin Hua is the number one threat to the Western Alliance,

It is a serious problem for the Holy See.

If Lin Hua could be killed here.

After we return, the Western Alliance will definitely reward us heavily.

It is not even impossible to be directly promoted to Cardinal Archbishop.

Think of this.

The faces of these gods of the Western Alliance showed extremely greedy dark colors.

Great, simply great,

Taking advantage of Lin Hua's lack of divine power, he killed him in one fell swoop.

What a godsend!

Thinking of this, these people tacitly used all their divine power and at the same time aimed their eyes at Lin Hua in front of them.

However, this is the moment.

A huge white light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and their pupils expanded rapidly.

The huge white light turned into several silver chains and flashed past in the air.


In an instant, all eight heads were broken like mirrors.

Blood gushed out like a fountain.

Just do it, don't think so much.

Lin Hua glanced at these people with cold eyes.

Then he ordered the Zerg army to devour their corpses.

Just after Lin Hua casually killed all the trial personnel of the Western Alliance,

Everyone from the Eastern Alliance quickly arrived here.

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