Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 231 Isn’t this greedy? ? Go inside

Originally, a few people were wandering around in search of supplies.

Suddenly noticed the movement happening here,

Another more utilitarian reason is that Lin Hua's siege plan prevented many Eastern League teammates from finding the True God fragments.

As soon as they arrived here, they saw the scene of the Zerg devouring the bodies of the gods of the Western Alliance.

This image will shadow them for the rest of their lives.

Lin Hua, are you okay?

The Western Alliance has sent two high-level red-clothed archbishops this time. Try not to conflict with them!

A group of Eastern League teammates gathered around Lin Hua and said with concern.

The red archbishop? I have already destroyed him.

Lin Hua said lightly.

A group of teammates from the Eastern Gods: ???????

You said you killed the Red Archbishop of Anger and the Red Archbishop of Gluttony in the West?

A mid-level high god said in disbelief.

It's hard to accept, but it seems to be true...

According to the disgusting urinary nature of the Western gods, if those two high-level gods were still alive, they would definitely create trouble for the gods of the Eastern Alliance.

However, until now, none of the gods from the Eastern Alliance participating in the trial have met the high-level gods from the Western Alliance.

Then there is only one possibility. They were indeed solved by Lin Hua.

Thinking of this result, the gods of the Eastern Alliance looked at Lin Hua with even deeper respect.

Lin Hua...can you separate some plane fragments for us to find the true god fragments?

Another mid-level high-ranking god said in a humble tone.

Lin Hua's surrounding behavior has made the people on the periphery unable to even drink soup.

A mid-level high-level god is already a top-notch existence in the Eastern Alliance.

At this moment, he actually used such a humble tone to plead with Lin Hua.

If anyone saw it, their jaws would drop.


Lin Hua also realized that he seemed to be going a little too far.

You have to leave some soup for others to drink.

System, take out the fragments of the True God from your backpack.

Lin Hua used his mind to command the system.

True God fragments are not so much fragments as they are extremely pure energy.

This ray of energy is extremely powerful, exuding the brilliance of top divine power, and can be directly absorbed by the original godhead.

Lin Hua did not count how many of these true god fragments there were, and directly integrated them all into the original godhead.

This ray of power from the true god touched the original godhead and immediately merged with the original godhead.

After absorbing the energy of this true god fragment, the originally radiant original godhead became even more dazzling.

The breath is rising steadily.

Just a few breaths,

Lin Hua's divine level was promoted to the intermediate level of high god.

This lifting process is very natural and does not cause any discomfort.

Is this the power of true God?

Lin Hua couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Just a fragment of the true god's power directly raised his divine level by one level.

If you can get all the inheritance of the True God, wouldn't you be able to directly inherit his mantle and transform into the True God?

Lin Hua looked at the golden energy core in the center.

It's almost certain now.

The inheritance of the true God lies within it!

Ahem, I'm sorry everyone.

Looking at the dry and envious eyes of the Eastern League teammates around him.

Lin Hua couldn't help but coughed twice.

He absorbed the power of a ray of true god fragments and upgraded his god level to a mid-level high god.

The teammates on the side couldn't eat anything.

This is not good, this is not good.

Let's do this, I will expand the area surrounded by the Zerg.

Lin Hua said.

Then he ordered the Zerg to surround the central energy core of the Tower of Ascension and spread it outwards.

There is enough space left for these teammates to collect the fragments of the true god.

On the contrary, the species energy that these teammates can summon is also very limited, and they can only intercept a small part of the plane fragments.

The remaining plane fragments from the ruins still belong to Lin Hua.

So good!

Thank you Lin Hua!

After hearing this method, all the Eastern League teammates nodded in agreement.

In their opinion, Lin Hua did a great job!

Such a good thing as the True God Fragment, if someone else had the ability to swallow it up.

It is simply impossible to share it with others.

So what if you are a teammate? Is it as important as becoming a true god?

With tears in their eyes, these gods of the Eastern Alliance hurriedly took their species to collect the true god fragments from the plane fragments.

These fragments split from the energy core of the Ascension Tower have no dimensional walls.

It is in a state of constant collapse.

In other words, if they are not searched in time, these plane fragments will completely disappear into the void before long.

And the breath of true god existing in the fragments of the plane will also dissipate.

This thing is extremely difficult to save. Thanks to Lin Hua’s system space,

Only then can it be preserved for a long time.

If other gods obtain true god fragments, they can only use them on the spot.

Therefore, it is impossible to bring the fragments of the True God out of the inner space of the Tower of Ascension.

Moreover, the task of entering a small plane to search for fragments of the true god can be completed by species from the divine domain.

Those small planes are inherently unstable, and they are even less likely to be able to withstand the spiritual powers of the gods, which are at least a dozen levels.

After a group of Eastern Alliance gods left.

Lin Hua set his sights on the golden energy ball in the inner space of the Ascension Tower.

According to the system, this golden sphere is a special plane.

Since it is a plane, there is a possibility of entering.

Moreover, the energy coming from this plane is extremely coercive.

Even for high-level gods, it is very difficult to get close to this plane.

As we all know, the lower the level of the plane, the lower the energy intensity it can accommodate.

The higher the intensity of the plane, the greater the pressure.

The higher the level of the gods living in it, the higher they must be in order to be able to withstand the pressure from the plane.

Just like a demigod creature from the divine domain cannot enter the planet of gods.

The level difference is too big. If you enter forcefully, you will be crushed into powder in an instant by the huge rules of the God Planet.

And this special plane inside the Tower of Ascension,

It is a special plane with higher intensity than the planet of gods.

Even high-level gods can hardly resist the pressure released by this plane.

It's hard to imagine how high the pressure in this plane must be.

Perhaps only the level of a true god can withstand the pressure of this plane and survive.

In other words, the plane in front of you is the plane of true God.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua's eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

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