Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 229 Get the True God’s Legacy

Because of this, unless it is necessary to be happy, the gods participating in the trial are still based on species.

You can still save what you can with your own divine power.

Not to mention too far, if you join the participating gods of the Eastern League, if all your divine power is exhausted, you will not be able to replenish it or the replenishment will be extremely slow.

The gods of the Western Alliance can kill you with just a snap of a finger.

For their own safety, the gods who participated in the trial of the Tower of Ascension would not take action personally unless absolutely necessary.

When he had just dealt with the two red archbishops, Lin Hua was worried that the spiritual energy in his body would be consumed too much.

After inspection, it was discovered that there was no sign of consumption at all.

The energy of the original godhead is still abundant and full.

Lin Hua roughly calculated that the divine power he had just consumed only accounted for one percent of the total divine power.

And the replenishment speed is also quite fast.

Calculated according to this consumption rate,

It seems that his magical power will never be used up.

This is normal,

When a normal god is promoted to a high-level god, he only needs to instill about 100,000 basic divine power points.

When Lin Hua was promoted to a higher god, he didn't know how many divine power points he had poured into his original godhead.

With the support of one hundred thousand planes of power, Lin Hua's divine power is far beyond what ordinary gods can compare to.

Even if he wasn't on the planet of gods, Lin Hua's divine power was already recovering very quickly.

This is very abnormal.

In other words, in the internal space of the Tower of Ascension.

The other people who participated in the trial had limited divine power, but Lin Hua had unlimited power.

What's more, Lin Hua's divine power far exceeds theirs.

Forget it, don't think about it so much.

Lin Hua withdrew his mind and quickly flew towards the space inside the Ascension Tower.

The interior of the Ascension Tower is a very special space.

The closer to the core position, the greater the suppression.

In the face of this powerful suppression, the power of divine species and gods was greatly weakened.

But if it were to be weakened, everyone would be weakened, so it would have no effect.

Plane fragments...

The flight didn't last long.

The Lin Hua family saw some plane fragments floating out from the core of the Ascension Tower.

At this moment, a fragment of the plane in front suddenly shattered.

Thousands of species' armies sprang out from the debris.

Lin Hua?

Why are you still here?

A mid-level superior god flew to Lin Hua's side.

Lin Hua recognized this person. He was a high-level official of the Eastern Alliance.

He is also a participant in the Tower of Ascension Trial.

It was rare to see this friendly soldier, so Lin Hua stopped flying.

Be prepared to have a few words with him.


How did you summon so many species?

The mid-level high god couldn't help but cheer when he saw the mighty Zerg army behind Lin Hua.

Uh...what's wrong?

Lin Hua was confused.

If millions were not enough, Lin Hua even planned to summon the entire Zerg army.

What's wrong, you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter yet!

This mid-level high-ranking god looked like he had seen a ghost.

Don't you know that summoning species into the interior of the Tower of Ascension requires a lot of divine power?

Do you need...?

Lin Hua felt the original godhead in his body.

Still full and full, with no signs of energy fading.

Intermediate high god: ...

Seeing Lin Hua's expression, he already understood everything.

Human physiques are indeed completely different.

He just summoned thousands of eighth-level species and consumed half of the divine power in his body.

The remaining half must stay to save their lives, lest they have no way to escape when threatened with death.

And Lin Hua actually summoned millions of Zerg, and he looked like nothing was wrong.

Well, no wonder Mr. Zhao values ​​you so much.

This mid-level high-ranking god was helpless.

Fragments of the plane are constantly shattering from the core plane. Hurry up and let your species enter it to find the fragments of the true god!

There's only one day left, so we have to hurry up.

He didn't know that Lin Hua had just eliminated the two high-ranking gods of the Western Alliance and wasted time.

I thought he was wandering around here.

Core plane? True God fragments?

Lin Hua frowned slightly.

Before setting off, I did hear Mr. Zhao talk about the fragments of the True God.

This thing can increase the level of a higher god.

But only for primary and intermediate high-level gods, the effect is very poor.

Lin Hua looked up and saw his spiritual thoughts traveling thousands of miles away.

In the core area of ​​the inner space of the Tower of Re-ascension, an energy ball emitting huge golden light floats in it.

Countless small plane fragments are constantly popping out of this huge golden energy ball.

In the inner core of the Tower of Ascension, there floats a huge energy ball shining with golden light.

All the pressure in the space is transmitted from this huge energy ball.

In addition, this huge energy ball is constantly splitting into countless small planes outside.

The purpose of the gods participating in the Tower of Ascension Trial is to obtain the fragments of the true gods hidden in these small planes.

Lin Hua, be careful. In addition to the small planes, the energy core of the Ascension Tower will also burst out some god-level creatures.

The middle-level superior god next to him reminded him.

A god-level creature?

Lin Hua frowned and thought.

Sure enough, in addition to the gods, there are other god-level species in this universe.

I see!

Lin Hua nodded.

In the distance, there are some dimensional walls that collapsed from the central core and will soon dissipate.

But at the same time, divine domain units can also enter it.

Before these small planes dissipate,

A very small amount of fragments of the true god must be found in it.

Since there are fragments of the True God, that means there is a high probability that the True God exists at the core inside the Tower of Ascension.

Lin Hua guessed and said.

That's right.

The middle-level superior god next to him nodded and said.

The Eastern Alliance once speculated that the ancient True God was sealed inside the Tower of Ascension. Due to the existence of the Tower of Ascension, the power of the True God is also constantly passing away.

These fragments of the true god are the best evidence.

In other words, the huge energy ball of light in the middle.

It is very likely that this is where the true God exists,

Lin Hua said this guess slowly.

However, he was immediately opposed by the middle-level high god next to him.

Don't try to get close to that ball of light.

He suddenly said seriously.

Historically, there was once a high-level god who was not afraid of death and tried to approach that place. As a result, he was directly strangled by powerful energy.

That's right.

The mysterious energy body in the middle is most likely the legacy of the true God.

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