Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 226 The two red archbishops’ difficulties

No wonder the Eastern Alliance only allows high-ranking gods to participate in the trials of the Tower of Ascension.

Just as Lin Hua had just entered the interior and was still thinking.

Two strange laughters came from behind.

Little guy, you didn't give up after seeing the two of us participating in the trial. You are really brave!

Lin Hua turned around.

It is the Cardinal of the Western Alliance.

I am the Cardinal of Gluttony.

I am the Cardinal of Wrath.

The two people looked at Lin Hua maliciously.

Lin Hua also looked at them with an indifferent expression.

I was just thinking about how to find and deal with you...

Lin Hua spoke.

Huh? What do you mean?

I didn't expect you guys to come to my door yourself...

Lin Hua was very happy. He was still looking around just now.

Looking for two cute genes…

Oh, no! It's the cardinal,

Unexpectedly, these two eldest brothers actually came to find me.

After Lin finished speaking, his body suddenly became distorted.

The Zerg army appeared in an instant.

The inner space of the Tower of Ascension is a very special plane.

It is neither the void nor the world in the planet of gods.

Any energy body can appear here,

In other words, gods can summon species from their own divine domain into this plane.

And the gods themselves can also assist in combat.

In the Tower of Ascension, the combat power is clearly divided into energy waves.

Creatures of the first to ninth levels generally correspond to energy waves of the first to ninth levels.

Demigods are at the tenth level,

The first level lower god is the eleventh level.

The middle-level lower god is the twelfth level,

The high-level lower god is the thirteenth level.

And so on.

The energy spread of high-level gods is generally nineteen levels.

However, energy ripples only represent the energy value in living organisms.

This energy value can be magic value, chakra, spiritual power.

It can also be divine power.

The level of energy waves does not represent actual combat effectiveness.

For example, ninth-level humans and ninth-level holy beast-level creatures.

Even a genius girl like Mao Jingjing has already reached the tenth level when she is in the ninth level.

It is also impossible to be an opponent of a ninth-level spiritual beast-level creature.

Although they are both at the ninth level,

But the difference in physical strength is still too big.

The same is true for gods.

System, can you check the opponent's energy wave level?

After releasing the Zerg.

Lin Hua asked the system.

Ding: It's being tested.

Ding: The energy wave level of the Angry Red Archbishop has been detected to be level 19.

Ding: The energy wave level of the Red Archbishop of Gluttony is detected to be level 19.

Are they all level 19 psychic powers?

Lin Hua frowned slightly.

Leviathan's psychic level is level ten.

The Queen of Blades has a psychic level of twelve.

Compared with high-level gods, it is still far behind.

But the strength of the Queen of Blades is already equivalent to that of a mid-level low-level god.

Although it is weak compared to gods,

That's only relative to gods,

It's very abnormal for the species.

In this space,

Gods can assist in combat with divine creatures.

Therefore, Lin Hua directly summoned the Zerg army,

Preparing to release the Zerg army, they killed the two red archbishops.

The two cardinal archbishops obviously would not wait to die.

They also each summoned powerful species in their own divine domain.

I saw a red archbishop waving his hand.

A huge, foul-smelling fly appeared in the void.

Another red archbishop summoned a giant snake.

A demigod-level species...

Seeing the two behemoths appearing in the eyes,

Lin Hua couldn't help but feel tense.

As expected, the two red archbishops in front of them are the top red archbishops in the Western Alliance.

Their strongest species are all at the demigod level.

System, detect the enemy's attributes.

Lin Hua had a thought.

Ding: The system is detecting.

Beelzebub, the King of Flies (holy beast-level creature, demigod): a group of super demons who control diseases. The true gods of the West call him the one who avoids flies, and people call him the King of Ghosts and the Prime Minister of Hell.

Samael, the Demon of Anger (Holy Beast Level, Demigod): He was once a Seraph, but was corrupted by the power of the devil. He transformed into a snake and controlled the power of anger.

The system beep sounded soon.

They are all holy beast-level demigod-level creatures.

There is no doubt about this.

Next is the question of gene sequence.

System, check the gene sequence that can be swallowed.

Lin Hua asked the system.

We need to see if these two holy beast-level creatures have genes suitable for being devoured by the Zerg.

Ding: The system is checking.

Ding: Three gene sequences that can be eaten by the Zerg have been detected.

Ding: Nausea infection, God's power, psychic breakthrough.


Lin Hua couldn't help but froze when he saw the system prompt.

What the hell?

The genetic sequence of the gods?

The first gene is pretty normal.

What the hell happens when divine power and spiritual energy break through?

Isn't this the power that only gods can have?

Lin Hua was stunned on the spot.

At first, Lin Hua just wanted to see if these two holy beast-level creatures had genes suitable for the Zerg to devour.

Good guy, the system has included the two red archbishops.

What a system you have!

You brat, what are you still doing?

Are you ready to die?

The two red archbishops flying not far away let out weird laughs.

A large number of ninth-level species were already surrounding them.


Lin Hua, who was thinking about something, raised his eyebrows and thought.

The Queen of Blades bursts out of the void.

Psychic explosion!

The Queen of Blades clasped her hands,

The terrifying psychic storm quickly gathered together.

The bodies of Beelzebub and Samael, the demigods, seemed to be compressed in an instant.

Then it quickly expanded and burst like a balloon.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood were randomly scattered in the chaotic space.

Beside Beelzebub and Samael, the Lord of the Flies, the other species of the ninth level were also affected by the psychic explosion, turned into a pile of minced meat, and were instantly killed.

Cardinal Archbishop: “????”

Got killed?

A demigod-level holy beast-level species was wiped out like this?

And he was killed by an ordinary-looking ninth-level species?

Is this Nima really a ninth-level species?

The two red archbishops instantly fell into a state of doubt about life.

The Zerg army devours all the flesh and blood in front of it.

Then, Lin Hua focused on the two gene sequences on the panel.

This is the genetic sequence of a god...

The Zerg may be able to find a way to break through their shackles and upgrade.

After instantly killing two demigod-level holy beast-level creatures,

Lin Hua ordered the springtail army to devour the broken pieces of flesh and blood.

Ding: Congratulations to the host Zerg for swallowing the genes of the holy beast Beelzebub and acquiring a new gene - malignant pollution.

The system beep sounded soon.

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