Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 225 Entering the Tower of Ascension, the Treasure of the True God!


Is this how powerful the leader of the Eastern Alliance is?

Everyone present was shocked.

Long time no see, Mr. Zhao’s magical power has improved again.

We are here to gain benefits from the Tower of Ascension, not to fight.

Mr. Zhao spoke slowly and calmed the audience with his powerful aura.


Well said.

The Pope waved his hand, signaling to the red archbishop behind him to calm down.

It's just that over the years, only high-ranking gods have been allowed to participate in the trials of the Tower of Ascension.

Do you want to break this rule?

The Pope said with a groan.

He didn't believe that Lin Hua had the strength of a high-ranking god at such a young age.

No matter how fast it is, it will still take three or four years to condense the original godhead.

How long has it been since Lin Hua became famous?

Even thinking about it with his buttocks, he knew that Lin Hua could not be a high-ranking god!

But the Pope was wrong;

Lin Hua, with a hidden aura, released his divine power,

The terrifying pressure of divine power suddenly filled the entire scene.


What's happening here?

The breath of a higher god?

The gods of the Western Alliance were suddenly confused.

It was the same reaction as Mr. Zhao and the others had at the beginning.

A higher god? How is this possible?

And looking at the aura exuding from his body, it is even more powerful than the red archbishop's divine power.

Everyone in the Western Alliance never expected that,

Lin Hua is actually already a junior high-level god.

This speed is too terrifying.

Even for the best geniuses in the Western League over the years, it would take six or seven years to go from being a demigod to a high-level god.

And there are still countless resources thrown into it.

Although they were shocked, they also completely blocked the mouths of all the high-level gods in the Western Alliance.

The Western Alliance looked ugly and winked at the surrounding red archbishops.

Then, the Pope slowly spoke.

In that case, let's keep an eye on our participants in the trial.

As soon as the words fell,

Ten people from the Western Alliance walked out,

There were actually two red archbishops among them.

And they are all high-level gods.


What the hell?

The Western Alliance dispatched two high-level gods for this upgrade of the tower.

This shocked everyone in the Eastern Alliance.

I've heard it all before,

Although the Ascension Tower did not say that high-level gods would not be allowed to participate, usually neither party would do so.

Because the efficiency is too low.

Compared with steadily promoting a mid-level high-level god to a high-level god.

No one would be willing to bet on the one-in-a-million chance of being promoted to a true god.

Unless they have another purpose.

Everyone present looked at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua: ...

Is this meant to be directed at me?

Lin Hua directly expressed his speechlessness.

Are you sending two of the strongest red archbishops to deal with you?

However, it doesn't matter at all.

The purpose of entering the Tower of Ascension is to find the legacy left by the true God.

There are enemies seeking death,

Sorry, let’s just send them all to heaven.

Lin Hua is not in a hurry at all.

On the contrary, Mr. Zhao and the others were a little angry.

I never expected that the Western Alliance would be so shameless and directly sent two red archbishops.

The purpose of these two red archbishops is easier to guess.

He came completely for Lin Hua.

Is Lin Hua now a rival to the two high-ranking red archbishops?

If one can fight, what about the other two?

No problem. The Tower of Upgrade is the most important thing now.

Lin Hua couldn't help but speak when he saw the tangled expressions on everyone's face.

But...is there really no problem?

If everyone has no objections, then open the Tower of Ascension.

The Pope sneered and said.


The commander snorted coldly.

Do you think we are afraid of you?

It’s now time, so we can’t be timid.

Can't we just open it and be done?

Lin Hua said calmly to everyone.

Lin Hua still looked down upon the two high-ranking red archbishops.

Zhao Lao saw Lin Hua's confident look and thought of his previous record of killing the red archbishop in succession.

Okay, let's work together to open a passage outside the Tower of Ascension!

Mr. Zhao finally nodded.

Immediately afterwards, a group of high-level gods from the Eastern Alliance released their powerful divine power and gathered them at one point.

The popes and red archbishops of the Western Alliance also released the divine power in their bodies,

Seven or eight of the strongest gods on the god planet jointly release their divine power.

Attack a point.

The energy waves gathered were so powerful that it was unimaginable.

Lin Hua is a contestant, so he does not need to contribute.

However, feeling the intensity of this energy,

Lin Hua, who was standing aside, couldn't help but have the idea of ​​90% off in his mind.

If Lin Hua releases all the divine power in his body.

The energy intensity it can produce is enough to match the combined strength of high-level gods such as Mr. Zhao and the Pope.

This is outrageous.

However, although Lin Hua discovered this, he still couldn't really expose it.

At the very least, we have to wait until the trial in the Tower of Ascension is over.

Several top high-level gods worked together to gather huge divine power at one point.

The sealing rune on the Tower of Godhead actually had a small crack.

The originally smooth appearance of the Ascension Tower seemed to be cracked, with dense small cracks appearing.

Although these cracks are not big, they are just enough for Lin Hua and other gods to enter.

The crack has been opened, hurry in, you only have a little time.

Mr. Zhao said to Lin Hua and others.

Ten days on the outside, one day on the inside.

During this period, Mr. Zhao and other high-level gods must continuously provide energy for the Tower of Ascension.

Otherwise the crack will close.

And the contestants will also get lost in it, which is very dangerous.

As the cracks opened, the entries from the Eastern League turned into streams of light and entered.

The gods participating in the trial from the Western Alliance also entered.

After Lin Hua hesitated for a moment, he followed the others and teleported into the Tower of Ascension.

While walking through the rift, Lin Hua could clearly feel a huge sealing force.

If you are trapped in the Tower of Ascension and there is no external force to break the seal.

I am afraid that except for the true God, everyone will perish in it.

Inside the Ascension Tower is a world of boundless chaos.

Nothing can be seen, and divine power cannot penetrate it.

Strong pressure fills this place,

If he had entered here rashly without the strength of the higher god, he would have been killed by Bei's powerful pressure very quickly.

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