Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 227 The ability to crush the red archbishop

The Zerg's ordinary combat units, like most of the divine species, have constraints.

For basic combat units such as springtails and cockroaches.

Like other divine species, their strength can reach up to half-gods.

Only ultimate units like Leviathan and Queen of Blades can raise the rank and psionic power beyond ten.

It is also commonly known as the god level.

For ordinary species, the shackles of rank are impossible to change.

But not for the Zerg,

As long as they have the right genes, the Zerg are omnipotent.

The genes of the gods can help the Zerg break through the shackles of rank.

At this moment, the two red archbishops were still in endless shock, unable to extricate themselves.

The demigod-level holy beast-level creature was instantly killed.

Anyone else would have been confused for a while.

Not to mention the aloof red archbishop.

How...is this possible?

Isn't your species only at level nine?

The two cardinals screamed in disbelief.

Demigod-level holy beast-level species can be instantly killed by the ninth-level Queen of Blades.

That can only mean one thing.

The Queen of Blades' psychic power is far above that of ninth-level species.

Hmph... brat! You will pay for this!

Don't forget, the power of our gods can be used in this place.

The two red archbishops spoke angrily.

Indeed, as two powerful upper gods with a spiritual power level of nineteen.

The combat power of the divine species can hardly cause any harm in front of it.

Yes! If you don't tell me, I will forget it.

Lin Hua chuckled, and all his divine power surged into the sky.

This is the first time Lin Hua has released all his divine power.

Terrifying divine power surged in the surrounding space.

The divine power of the two red archbishops was instantly suppressed.

Comparing the two, one is like the bright moon in the sky,

One is like a small star in the night sky.

This is not of the same magnitude at all.

How... is this possible? You are only a junior high god!

How is it possible to have such huge divine power?

The two red archbishops were shocked.

Asshole! I'm going to kill you!

The angry red archbishop controls all the divine power in his body,

The terrifying divine power surged out, instantly killing a large number of the surrounding Zerg troops.

Ding: The springtail is fatally injured, and the nine-tailed spiritual fire is activated to avoid death, and the number of times is reduced by one.

Ding: The cockroach was fatally injured...

System beeps sounded in my ears one after another.

Compared with the top gods, the Zerg are still too weak.

There is no way to compete with it, even a strong one like the Queen of Blades.

A 12th-level psychic level cannot defeat a 19th-level psychic god no matter what.

But Lin Hua is not afraid.

The Zerg are Lin Hua's dependents and followers, and are protected by Lin Hua's dominance.

Even if it's death, Lin Hua only needs one thought to give him a new life.

All it takes is a little bit of divine power.

Not to mention that every unit of the Zerg has a Nirvana Spirit with ten lives.

Divine power is very powerful, but it is also consumed very quickly.

Moreover, in the internal space of the Tower of Ascension, the replenishment of divine power is also very slow, far not as fast as the recovery on the planet of gods.

Therefore, participants participating in promotion trials generally do not fight.

For gods, once the divine power in the original divine head is exhausted, it will take a lot of time to replenish it.

After the divine power is exhausted, the gods can only rely on their physical bodies to fight.

Fortunately, the physical body of the gods is also very strong, unlike human monks who lose their spiritual power and can only be slaughtered by others.

He has so many bugs that we can't kill them all.

Asshole, why can these bugs be resurrected!

When the two red archbishops continued to consume their divine power to kill the Zerg.

They soon discovered why there were more and more of these bugs.

Initially there were only a few thousand, but later they slowly became tens of thousands.

So far, the number of Zerg summoned by Lin Hua has reached millions.

It is such a waste to use precious non-renewable divine power to kill these bugs.

Therefore, the two red archbishops decided to ignore the bug and came directly to Lin Hua.

The two gathered their divine power and transformed into two bolts of lightning, heading straight for Lin Hua.

Looking for death!

Lin Hua snorted coldly.

Zai Zai expected that these two people would come straight to him.


Lin Hua flicked his fingers, and an extremely condensed divine power spurted out.

Without any hindrance, it instantly penetrated the body of a red archbishop.

The speed is too fast, you can't even dodge!

Under the terrifying intensity of divine power, the red archbishop was instantly killed.

Even the body was reduced to ashes.

Lin Hua: ...

Is it so strong?

Lin Hua knew that his divine power was very powerful, but he never expected that a single attack could directly kill one of the most powerful red archbishops.

Even if he killed the red archbishop instantly, he also evaporated the opponent's divine body directly.

This is so embarrassing.

The corpses are all gone, and the Zerg still swallowed a hammer!


Lin Hua was suddenly embarrassed.

System, what is my psychic level?

Ding: It's being tested.

Ding: Host, your psychic level is 25.

The system beep sounded soon.

Lin Hua: ????


Is it 6 levels more than the 19 of a high-level god?

Am I so strong?

System, what is the spiritual power level of the True God?

Lin Hua asked curiously when he saw his level.

Ding: Different true gods have different levels of energy.

The general level of true spiritual power is level 100.

A high-ranking red archbishop was instantly killed.

It wasn't just Lin Hua who was confused.

The remaining red archbishop was even more confused.

The junior high-level god instantly killed the high-level high-level god?

Is this reasonable?

This is completely unreasonable!

Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, the remaining red archbishop of Gluttony knows it clearly.

He must run away!

immediately! immediately!

This is no longer a question of whether to test or not.

Today, Lin Hua has the strength to threaten the entire Western Alliance!

He must appear immediately to tell the Pope the news and start a war with the Eastern Alliance immediately.

Leaving Lin Hua in the Tower of Ascension was the final move against Lin Hua.

If the delay continues, even the Pope may not be Lin Hua's opponent.

But what the red archbishop didn’t know was that,

In the Tower of Ascension, Lin Hua is now stronger than the Pope of the Western Alliance.

It seems that we need to control the intensity.

Lin Hua murmured and raised his finger again.

But we can't have the same situation as before without leaving a body.

Otherwise, the Zerg race would not even have anything to eat.

Well... let's use 30% strength first!

With a thought in Lin Hua's mind, a burst of divine power shot out.

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