Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 224 The Pope appears and is different from what he looks like!

On the tower, countless wonderful runes and curses slowly flowed.

Although it is in the shape of a pagoda, there is no entrance to the Tower of Ascension alone.

Like a natural barrier, it isolates any living beings who want to enter it.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for gods to break through the barrier of the Tower of Ascension and force their way in.

Only the two strongest gods from the Eastern Alliance joined forces to bombard with huge divine power.

Only then could he barely blast out a small gap.

Now, the gods of the Western Alliance have not arrived yet.

Everyone was taking a rest on the ground in front of the Ascension Tower.

There is actually another dimension inside this upgraded tower.

Taking advantage of this break,

Lin Hua took the opportunity to carefully look at the tower in front of him.

This is Lin Hua’s first time here.

Lin Hua had never left the ancient city and the capital city before.

This upgraded tower is also the territorial junction between the two Eastern Alliances.

Going further is the territorial scope of the Western Alliance.

Can the system determine what material this is made of?

Lin Hua asked with his mind.

Lin Hua has developed a good habit of asking the system when he is in doubt.

Ding: The building materials of the Tower of Upgrade are god-level seal materials.

The system prompts a prompt response.

God-level sealing material?

Lin Hua's frown deepened.

Materials, like species, are also hierarchical.

Ordinary divine domain materials are divided into four classes.

Lower level, middle level, high level, top level.

The species level corresponding to lower-level materials is generally from level zero to level two.

The species corresponding to intermediate-level materials are generally third-level to fifth-level.

The species corresponding to high-order materials are generally from sixth to eighth order.

The species corresponding to top-level materials are generally ninth-level and demigods.

The materials of the Zerg buildings built in Lin Hua's divine domain are all top-notch.

However, above the top materials are also god-level materials.

God-level materials are easier to understand.

That's God's material,

Like God Realm materials, God-level materials are also divided into lower-level, middle-level, high-level and top-level materials.

The materials used to build buildings on the planet of gods are actually of this top quality.

It's just that they use the lowest level lower-level god-level materials.

Those species seal cards and resource seal cards are also a type of god-level materials.

Just like the realm of gods,

Lower gods correspond to lower-level god-level materials.

The intermediate god corresponds to the intermediate god-level materials.

The upper gods correspond to high-level god-level materials.

Then the top god-level materials correspond to...

Lin Hua's thoughts condensed.

Then the top-level divine domain materials can only be used by true gods.

The tower of promotion in front of us is built with top-notch god-level materials.

And its function is to seal something.

Could it be that some true gods exist or are sealed in the Tower of Ascension.

A bold idea arose in Lin Hua's mind.

The number of true gods in the universe is very rare and limited.

Among the hundreds of millions of high-level gods, only one can eventually be successfully promoted to a true god.

It doesn’t have to be a high-level god.

The race of gods living on Lin Hua's god planet is not the only race that can be promoted to true gods.

In the endless void, God knows how many worlds with the same power as the gods' planets will exist.

To put it simply, the mysterious extraterrestrial demon is probably a powerful being of the same level as the gods.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to easily possess the ability to devour and destroy the divine realm.

It is even less possible to invade the god's planet easily.

Seal, is it the place of the true God?

Lin Hua looked at the tower of promotion in front of him, thoughtfully.

Just when Lin Hua was stunned.

The end of the horizon, the far side of the horizon.

More than a dozen terrifying auras flew by at extremely fast speeds.

These are naturally the representatives of the Western Alliance.

The leader is wearing a white papal robe and a religious crown.

It exudes an aura that is even more terrifying than that of a high-level god.

This is how the West uproots the most powerful figure in the Western Alliance - the Pope.

Lin Hua looked at the old man with blond hair and blue eyes who had an extremely stable aura in front of him, and his mind couldn't help but freeze.

Behind him were four red archbishops wearing blood-red robes.

These Archbishops are some of the top ones in the Western Alliance.

All high-level gods.

It was several times stronger than the red archbishops Lin Hua had defeated before.

Long time no see, old friend.

After the Pope of the Western Alliance saw Mr. Zhao, he spoke in a gentle tone.

Like a kind old grandpa next door.

But don't be fooled by his appearance.

The Western Alliance's positive and negative policies were basically inherited and carried forward by this pope.

He was also the same guy back then, secretly backstabbing the Eastern Alliance.

After going back on his word, he originally announced a cessation of fighting.

In an instant, powerful gods were sent to sneak attack on the Eastern Alliance.

A typical representative with a kind face and a cruel heart,

It's been a long time indeed!

Mr. Zhao responded with a professional fake smile.

Too fake!

Both sides are aware of the problem.

Forget it, let’s get straight to the point!

Haha, now that everyone is here, let's start the trial of the Tower of Ascension.

Same as the rules in previous years, it is up to us to use our divine power to open a path, allowing the ten people participating in the trial to enter the inner space of the Tower of Ascension through the passage gaps.

The Pope spoke first.

The rules are the same as in previous years, and there is no objection from the Eastern Alliance.

Okay, we agree.

Mr. Zhao thought for a moment and agreed.

Then, he introduced the people who participated in the Tower of Ascension Trial this year to the Western Alliance.

Although this behavior does not make any sense,

But these are the etiquette and rules before the trial begins, and they are still necessary.

When they were introduced at the beginning, the bishops of the Western Alliance looked kind and could not tell anything.

However, when Mr. Zhao introduced the two names Lin Hua.

The faces of the gods on the Western Alliance side suddenly turned ugly.

They were startled at first, and then focused all their attention on Lin Hua.

This is like a nightmare name to them,

The gods of the Western Alliance know more thoroughly than the gods of the Eastern Alliance.

That was two red archbishops from the Western Alliance who were killed one after another.

It has almost become a shame that the Western Alliance will never be able to erase.

Only Lin Hua's death can restore the face of the Western Alliance to its original state.

After hearing the word Lin Hua,

The four red-clothed archbishops behind the Pope were so powerful that they stared at Lin Hua with vicious eyes, as if they wanted to eat Lin Hua instantly.

However, facing the powerful enemies in the middle, Lin Hua stood there calmly.

There was no panic at all.

Medium gods of the West, pay attention to your attitude!

Mr. Zhao spoke, and the aura from his whole body radiated out, instantly drowning the auras of the other four red archbishops.

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