Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 223 The seal of the Tower of Appreciation is opened!


Oh my god...how long has it been?

All the officials present were completely stunned.

Calculating the time, Lin Hua opened up the divine domain when he was a freshman in high school.

It’s been just over three years now,

In more than three years, he was promoted from a demigod who had just opened up the divine domain to a high-ranking god.

This is completely unreasonable.

No matter what others think, the facts are before these people.

Lin Hua has truly become a high-ranking god!

What, now, you still say that the middle god cannot participate in the promotion trial?

Old General Zhao looked at some officials.

Those who were seen lowered their heads.

They also said before that Lin Hua's participation quota was illegal.

Now he can't say a single bit of nonsense in the ranch.

Okay, everyone, stop arguing. The time is coming. Get ready. Let's set off immediately!

Secretary Zhou stood up and adjusted.

Then, he came to Lin Hua.

Come on, Lin Hua will introduce to you this is your teammate for this competition.

After Secretary-General Zhou’s introduction,

Lin Hua had a preliminary understanding of the other nine participants in the trial.

The remaining nine people are seven intermediate-level superior gods and two junior-level superior gods.

Six of them are from the Eastern Alliance, and the other three are bigwigs from other industries.

Including Lin Hua, there are exactly ten people.

Of course, this does not mean that only these ten people will participate in the trial of the Tower of Ascension.

Mr. Zhao, Secretary-General Zhou and other senior officials of the Eastern Alliance will accompany him.

First, they have to provide divine power to open the Tower of Ascension.

Secondly, it is to form a check and balance with the Western Alliance and prevent those people from taking advantage of the chaos to make a sneak attack.

After briefly getting to know each other.

Mr. Zhao told everyone about the rules of the Tower of Ascension Trial.

The Tower of Ascension will be open for ten days in total.

During this period, a group of high-level gods from the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance will jointly release their divine power and open the seal of the Tower of Ascension.

During this period, you can conduct trials to find the remains of the True God’s battlefield.

But the time flow rate in the Ascension Tower is ten times faster than that of the God Planet.

The planet of gods lasts for ten days, and the tower of ascension only lasts for one day.

You must find enough benefits in the ruins of the True God's Battlefield during this limited trial within one day.

Does time flow slower in worlds with higher levels?

Listening to Mr. Zhao's explanation, Lin Hua frowned and thought deeply.

The rule of the universe is that the lower the world, the faster the flow of time.

The time ratio of a god's planet to an ordinary plane can reach one to one hundred.

The time ratio between the god planet and the tower of ascension is ten to one.

In other words, the world level inside the Tower of Ascension is one level higher than the planet of gods.

Lin Hua remained silent, listening to Mr. Zhao continue to explain.

It turns out that although the history of the Ascension Tower cannot be traced back to its origin.

But both the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance speculate that this Tower of Ascension is the ruins and battlefield of the True God.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a higher god to find an opportunity in it.

Get the opportunity to be promoted to a true god.

Okay, if everyone has no objections to this, we will set off immediately.

Mr. Zhao walked up from the summit and gave instructions to everyone.

Four of the seven high-ranking gods will accompany me.

The remaining three high-ranking gods stayed to guard the capital city.

Including Lin Hua and other ten contestants, there are a total of fourteen people.

In addition, the commander-in-chief also dispatched more than 10,000 elven soldiers from the military region to assist in the battle.

These elite godly soldiers only have the strength of high-level lunches, so it is actually useless if they really want to fight.

But I don’t expect all of them, they are mainly here to support the scene.

In the trial event held every few years, they cannot lose to the Western Alliance in terms of momentum.

After deciding on various matters,

Mr. Zhao decided to lead everyone to leave the capital city.

For higher gods, floating vehicles are no longer necessary.

After all, you can go wherever you want with a thought, and there is no need for such a thing as a floating car.

Originally, Mr. Zhao specially prepared a floating vehicle for Lin Hua.

As a result, Lin Hua has become a high-ranking god.

Naturally, the preparations for this float vehicle came to nothing.

Everyone was walking along the wild wasteland of the god's planet at extremely fast speeds.

It was like a dozen streams of light flying through the air.

For Lin Hua, the teleportation speed of Mr. Zhao and his group was too slow.

Every time, the divine power must be suppressed to keep the teleportation speeds of Mr. Zhao and the others in sync.

If Mr. Zhao and others knew what Lin Hua was thinking,

I'm afraid I'm going to faint.

A god who had just been promoted to a high-ranking god was actually more powerful than Mr. Zhao, a high-ranking high-ranking god.

But this is just the level of divine power.

After all, Lin Hua has so many divine realms. If he doesn't have any divine power to crush him,

Then Lin Hua would die immediately.

The planet of gods, except for the cities of major gods.

The rest of the wilderness is actually a barren land,

Because the number of ordinary flowers and plants simply cannot survive under the strong pressure of the god planet.

Nor can ordinary creatures,

It can be said that on the planet of gods, only the gods live.

That is to say, only the powerful physical ability of the gods can withstand the terrifying pressure of the gods' planet.

For ordinary species, if they want to enter the planet of gods, they must at least have the strength of a demigod.

Only then can he barely withstand the terrifying pressure of the god planet.

But once the demigod species with peak strength and power in the ordinary plane comes to the planet of gods, they will immediately become the lowest level of fighting scum.

Under the rapid leap of a group of superior gods,

Lin Hua and others quickly passed through the endless wilderness and arrived at a wasteland located in the two Eastern Alliances.

Huang Shou floated across the sky, and there were hard clods of soil under his feet.

Soon, at the end of the sky, a huge tower towering into the clouds stood in the distance.

Before Lin Hua and others approached.

I felt a strong sense of oppression from the front.

This sense of oppression, the gods are more powerful than the pressure of the rules of the gods' planet.

Even Lin Hua feels this kind of oppression,

Not to mention Mr. Zhao and his party.

They were breathing heavily and their faces were a little pale.

He had to release the divine power in his body to resist this powerful pressure.

Although Lin Hua was uncomfortable with the pressure released by the Tower of Ascension,

But it’s not to the point where I can’t resist.

However, the people around me used their supernatural power to resist the pressure.

Lin Hua didn’t want to sit on that protruding guy either.

Soon, Lin Hua followed Mr. Zhao and others to the Tower of Ascension.

What hit him was an incomparably powerful aura.

It is unknown what kind of structure this tower is made of.

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